2,015 research outputs found

    The Professionalization of the Supreme Court

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    The professional and personal backgrounds of Supreme Court Justices are becoming increasingly similar. Nearly all sitting justices hold degrees from an Ivy league law school and have experience as federal circuit judges. In earlier periods this was not the case. The Stone Court of the 1940’s had six Ivy League alumni and one judge with federal circuit experience. This begs the question, when and why did this shift take place? This study will provide an overview of the occupational and educational backgrounds of every justice from 1910 to the present, in addition to Supreme Court nominees of the same period that failed to reach the high court. The process of Supreme Court justices gradually becoming more homogenized in terms of qualifications is what this study classifies as the professionalization of the court. This study hypothesizes that as the Supreme Court nomination process became more politicized over time, presidents feared their nomination being rejected on the grounds of professional inexperience or lackluster education. Hence, justice qualifications become professionalized in a uniform manner. This paper will argue that the trend of professionalization of the Supreme Court began in the 1970’s. Academics and non-academic alike will find this study interesting as it will provide context to the current court and possibly their partisan jurisprudence. In addition, it may predict what we expect to see moving forward with the court in terms of justices’ education and employment qualifications. Lastly, we may be able to correlate court professionalization and the polarization of the Supreme Court Justice nomination process

    Cosmological constraints for a two brane-world system with single equation of state

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    We present the study of two 3-brane system embedded in a 5-dimensional space-time in which the fifth dimension is compactified on a S1/Z2S^{1}/Z_{2} orbifold. Assuming isotropic, homogeneous, and static branes, it can be shown that the dynamics of one brane is dominated by the other one when the metric coefficients have a particular form. We study the resulting cosmologies when one brane is dominated by a given single-fluid component.Comment: This work was presented at the VIII Taller of the DGFM, Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas, Mexico noviembre 22-26, 201

    Isolation and characterization of a new keratinolytic Fervidobacterium pennivorans strain from a hot spring in Tajikistan

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    Thermophiles are organisms found among the Archaea and Eubacteria domains which are adapted to live at high temperature, the optimal growth temperature being between 50 °C and 79 °C. Phylum Thermotogae includes anaerobic and thermophilic members, and represents one of the deepest branching groups among the eubacterial line of descent, suggesting that the first eubacteria on Earth was thermophilic. Fervidobacteriaceae is a family within the Thermotogae phylum, some of which members can disintegrate chicken feathers, degrading the keratin, which is one of the most abundant proteins on Earth and often accumulates, causing a serious waste problem. Keratinases and keratinolytic microorganisms have biotechnological potential as they can convert this substrate into peptides and uncommon amino acids. This work includes the isolation, biochemical characterization and genomic analysis of a new strain of Fervidobacterium pennivorans, named strain T, isolated from a terrestrial hot-spring in Tajikistan. This strain is an anaerobic and thermophilic bacterium, with an optimal growth temperature of 65 °C. It can degrade feathers and tolerates up to 40 g/L NaCl concentration. It is a neutrophilic microbe, optimally growing at pH 6.5. Its draft genome consisted of 28 contigs with a total size near 2 Mega bases. The genomic analyses carried out include a Fervidobacteriaceae phylogenetic tree reconstruction and genomic comparisons of the studied strain with other Fervidobacterium pennivorans strains. These comparisons showed an 81 % overall sequence identity with the species type strain, isolated from the Azores, meaning that this new isolate, termed strain T, represents a new Fervidobacterium pennivorans strain. Peptidases of this bacterium were investigated using bioinformatic approaches. A putative keratinase was identified, and its 3D structure predicted by homology modelling. Furthermore, the peptidase catalytic triad was found by aligning its sequence with other homologue proteins. Finally, this enzyme was cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli and its activity investigated, showing promising results and new insight into this thermophilic group.Master's Thesis in BiologyMAMN-BIOBIO39


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    This thesis presents numerical simulations aimed at improving the aerodynamic performance of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) wing through minor modifications. On most aircraft, the bulk of the lift and a large portion of the drag are produced by the wing; therefore, optimization of the wing is likely to have the most significant impact on aircraft performance, including critical parameters like range and endurance. When minor changes are required, there are prominent options to explore for improving the wing's aerodynamic efficiency. Three different configurations were analyzed; wing extension, raked wingtip, and blended winglet, to find which affects in a more positive way the performance of the UAV wing. Taking advantage of the short processing time delivered for low-fidelity numerical tools like Flow5, the exploration of the main parameters for the three configurations were explored and optimized to reach the best lift to drag ratio (L/D). Finally, the optimized configurations were analyzed using Ansys-CFX software to capture the viscous effects and boundary layer behavior more accurately, which are known limitations of the low-fidelity tools. The study found that incorporating raked wingtips into the UAV wing design is the most effective way to improve the aircraft's range and endurance. This modification only slightly increases the wing bending moment and has practically no impact on the pitching moment.Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited.Outstanding ThesisCapitan de Corbeta, Mexican Nav

    Two-brane system in a vacuum bulk with a single equation of state

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    We study the cosmology of a two-brane model in a five-dimensional spacetime, where the extra spatial coordinate is compactifed on an orbifold. Additionally, we consider the existence on each brane of matter fields that evolve in time. Solving the Einstein equations in a vacuum bulk, we can show how the matter fields in both branes are connected and they do not evolve independentlyComment: This work was presented at the IX Taller de la Division de Gravitacion y Fisica Matematica, Colima 201

    Training a Convolutional Neural Network for Appearance-Invariant Place Recognition

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    Place recognition is one of the most challenging problems in computer vision, and has become a key part in mobile robotics and autonomous driving applications for performing loop closure in visual SLAM systems. Moreover, the difficulty of recognizing a revisited location increases with appearance changes caused, for instance, by weather or illumination variations, which hinders the long-term application of such algorithms in real environments. In this paper we present a convolutional neural network (CNN), trained for the first time with the purpose of recognizing revisited locations under severe appearance changes, which maps images to a low dimensional space where Euclidean distances represent place dissimilarity. In order for the network to learn the desired invariances, we train it with triplets of images selected from datasets which present a challenging variability in visual appearance. The triplets are selected in such way that two samples are from the same location and the third one is taken from a different place. We validate our system through extensive experimentation, where we demonstrate better performance than state-of-art algorithms in a number of popular datasets

    Desarrollo a Escala Humana y resiliencia en las comunidades El Zapote y El Corozo asociadas a la Unión de Campesinos Organizados de San Dionisio (UCOSD)

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    El presente trabajo titulado Desarrollo a Escala Humana y Resiliencia de parcelas en las comunidades El Zapote y El Corozo asociadas a la Unión de Campesinos Organizados de San Dionisio (UCOSD), analiza el Desarrollo a Escala Humana y Resiliencia en dichas comunidades, en las cuales la mayoría de sus habitantes están asociados a la UCOSD. De acuerdo a la teoría de Desarrollo a Escala Humana propuesta por Max-Neef, Elizalde y Hopenhayn en 1986, esta se basa en la identificación y clasificación de factores y las respectivas necesidades cuya satisfacción estimula. En ambas comunidades se encontraron una serie de satisfactores sinérgicos los que según la teoría, son los que más peso tienen, ya que contribuyen a la satisfacción de varias necesidades a la vez como la organización, amistad, compañerismo entre otros; no obstante, existen una serie de carencias las cuales impiden que estas comunidades logren su completo desarrollo tales como: libertad masculina, preferencia, entre otros. En lo que refiere a resiliencia, ambas comunidades presentan niveles de alta vulnerabilidad en lo que respecta a la parte ambiental y económica; no obstante, la UCOSD dentro del marco de la transformación productiva, ambiental y social planteado en el plan estratégico 2012-2016 pretende aumentar los niveles de resiliencia y que esto incida directamente en el desarrollo de los socios y de sus respectivas familias al igual que esto contribuya a la vez al desarrollo de las comunidades en estudio. Palabras Claves: UCOSD, Desarrollo a Escala Humana, Aprendizajes familiares, Resilienci

    Introducción al Cloud Computing y comparativa de plataformas

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    This project contains an introduction and comparisons about the 3 companies that lead the cloud services available. Here you can take their information and compare between these companies, about specific services, costs and learning ways. It also could help new customers to decide which way to choose.En el presente documento se presenta una comparativa, a grandes rasgos y con carácter introductorio, de los tres proveedores que más controlan el mercado del Cloud Computing hoy en día. Se pretende empezar con los aspectos puramente objetivos de cada empresa, donde s e r ecopila toda la información publicada en cada uno de sus sitios web tales como sus Acuerdos de Niveles de Servicio, precios y planes de aprendizaje para los diferentes servicios específicos estudiados, a fin de que un consumidor de estas tecnologías pueda comparar y comprobar cuál es la opción que le resulte más atractiva. Más allá de los detalles teóricos , se presentan demostraciones de uso de diferentes servicios ofrecidos por estos proveedores de cloud que no supongan coste alguno acerca de su utilizaci ón para este trabajo (servicios y productos gratuitos o que otorguen un periodo de prueba) donde la idea se basa en compartir con los lectores nuestras percepciones y experiencias personales acerca de su facilidad de uso y rendimiento. El carácter del an álisis ofrecido aquí pretende ser un punto de partida a aquel personal de perfil técnico con intención de dar el salto a la tecnología de infraestructuras en cloud. Asimismo, puede ayudar a aquellos futuro s potencial es consumidor es de estas tecnologías a d ecidir sobre qué infraestructura en la nube desearía n montar su s nuevo s entorno s , gracias a la comparativa tanto teóricas como experimentales que se exponen aquí, además de las conclusiones personales, que podrían terminar por inclinar la balanza a la hora de decidir su s preferencias
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