38 research outputs found

    Habilidades sociales y autoconcepto en estudiantes del nivel secundario de una institución educativa estatal del distrito de la esperanza en Trujillo

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    Se ha realizado un estudio correlacional entre las habilidades sociales y autoconcepto en estudiantes del nivel secundario de una institución educativa estatal del distrito de la Esperanza en Trujillo. Para ello se trabajó con una muestra de 153 estudiantes, varones y mujeres, con edades entre 14 y 16 años, de la institución educativa en mención, empleando para su evaluación la Escala de Habilidades Sociales (E.H.S.) de Gismero (1997) y el Cuestionario de Autoconcepto Garley, propuesta por García (2001). Los resultados muestran, que predomina en los sujetos de estudio, un nivel medio de Habilidades Sociales y un nivel medio de Autoconcepto. Asimismo, existe una correlación muy significativa (p<.01), positiva y en grado medio, entre ambas variables.A correlational study has been made between social skills and self-concept in secondary school students of a state educational institution of the district of Esperanza in Trujillo. To this end, we worked with a sample of 153 students, male and female, aged between 14 and 16 years, from the educational institution in question, using the Social Skills Scale (EHS) of Gismero (1997) and the Questionnaire for their evaluation. Self-concept Garley, proposed by García (2001). The results show that a medium level of social skills and a medium level of self- concept predominate in the study subjects. Likewise, there is a very significant correlation (p <.01), positive and in medium degree, between both variables

    Exploring Low Internal Reorganization Energies for Silicene Nanoclusters

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    High-performance materials rely on small reorganization energies to facilitate both charge separation and charge transport. Here, we performed DFT calculations to predict small reorganization energies of rectangular silicene nanoclusters with hydrogen-passivated edges denoted by H-SiNC. We observe that across all geometries, H-SiNCs feature large electron affinities and highly stabilized anionic states, indicating their potential as n-type materials. Our findings suggest that fine-tuning the size of H-SiNCs along the zigzag and armchair directions may permit the design of novel n-type electronic materials and spinctronics devices that incorporate both high electron affinities and very low internal reorganization energies.Comment: 25 pages, 6 figure

    Technology Inclusion as an Alternative Strategy for the Teaching of Anatomy

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    The teaching of medicine has historically been linked to the use of cadaveric models to understand the anatomy of the human body; however, as awareness of the ethical dimension of using cadaveric models for teaching purposes has increased, the creation of alternative teaching strategies has been encouraged. The incorporation of educational technology for medical education also represents a cost-efficient alternative that allows for the expansion of the experience so that a more significant number of students can benefit from it, also to successfully replicate the practice to reach the competencies. This study reports the implementation experience in a Mexican university using SECTRA Workstation IDS7 technology for the teaching of the Human Anatomy course. In this project, the sample consisted of 450 undergraduate students participating in the medical program, 50% of the participants had an internship with educational technology, and the remaining 50% received a course in traditional anatomy. The results show a significant difference (9.3%) since the approval percentage of the groups that participated in the experience was higher

    Inclusive Business: A Theoretical Review From Colombian Dynamics

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    This article presents a theoretical and empirical review of inclusive business, which is achieved in specialized databases and websites institutional documents related to the subject addressed, with the aim of describing the contributions from the different studies about the dynamics of inclusive business in Colombia. The review includes publications in English and Spanish about the subject, using the hermeneutics to analyze the concept, strategy, origin, development, structure, approaches, inclusive business model and the discussion about it.Este artículo presenta una revisión teórica y empírica de negocios inclusivos, realizada en bases de datos especializadas y documentos de páginas web de instituciones relacionadas al tema abordado, con el objetivo de describir los aportes desde los diferentes estudios sobre la dinámica de los negocios inclusivos en Colombia. La revisión incluye publicaciones en inglés y español respecto al tema, utilizando la hermenéutica para el análisis del concepto, estrategia, origen, desarrollo, estructura, enfoques, modelos negocios inclusivos y la discusión al respect

    Repair and Reconstruction of a Resected Tumor Defect Using a Composite of Tissue Flap–Nanotherapeutic–Silk Fibroin and Chitosan Scaffold

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    A multifaceted strategy using a composite of anti-cancer nanotherapeutic and natural biomaterials silk fibroin (SF) and chitosan (CS) blend scaffolds was investigated for the treatment of a tissue defect post-tumor resection by providing local release of the therapeutic and filling of the defect site with the regenerative bioscaffolds. The scaffold-emodin nanoparticle composites were fabricated and characterized for drug entrapment and release, mechanical strength, and efficacy against GILM2 breast cancer cells in vitro and in vivo in a rat tumor model. Emodin nanoparticles were embedded in SF and SFCS scaffolds and the amount of emodin entrapment was a function of the scaffold composition and emodin loading concentration. In vitro, there was a burst release of emodin from all scaffolds during the first 2 days though it was detected even after 24 days. Increase in emodin concentration in the scaffolds decreased the overall elastic modulus and ultimate tensile strength of the scaffolds. After 6 weeks of in vivo implantation, the cell density (p < 0.05) and percent degradation (p < 0.01) within the remodeled no emodin SFCS scaffold was significantly higher than the emodin loaded SFCS scaffolds, although there was no significant difference in the amount of collagen deposition in the regenerated SFCS scaffold. The presence and release of emodin from the SFCS scaffolds inhibited the integration of SFCS into the adjacent tumor due to the formation of an interfacial barrier of connective tissue that was lacking in emodin-free SFCS scaffolds. While no significant difference in tumor size was observed between the in vivo tested groups, tumors treated with emodin loaded SFCS scaffolds had decreased presence and size and similar regeneration of new tissue as compared to no emodin SFCS scaffolds

    DEA - Directeurs d'études associés | 2ème Appel 2017

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    Date limite de soumission des candidatures : 12 décembre 2016 Appel à candidature Directeurs d'Études Associés 2e Appel 2017, programme de mobilité internationale invitant des personnalités scientifiques étrangères originaires de tous les continents. Créé en 1975, à l'initiative de Fernand Braudel en accord avec le Secrétariat d’État aux universités, Direction des enseignements supérieurs et de la recherche, le programme «Directeurs d’Études Associés» (DEA) est le plus ancien programme de mob..

    What AI prompt is the best for…? That is the question

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    Factors influencing the retention and academic achievement of Hispanic women in a community college

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    This study explored seven factors related to retention and academic achievement for a group of Hispanic females attending a community college in New York City. The factors examined were: level of acculturation, self-esteem, goals, locus of control, influence of significant others, knowledge of college resources, and prior educational history. The study of these factors was based on the factors proposed by Bean and Metzner in their conceptual model of attrition for nontraditional students. A stepwise multiple regression analysis was conducted with the 11 analytically derived factors obtained by SPSSX. These 11 factors measured ability to complete tasks, likeability, clarity of vocational goals, knowledge of support services, competing family responsibilities, support for one\u27s educational efforts, academic locus of control, academic self-concept, belief in external controls, self-denial, and use of counseling services. Interviews with 20 students were conducted to corroborate or add information to the findings of the questionnaires. The results of the regression analysis with the analytically derived factors indicated that academic self-concept was statistically significant as a predictor of GPA but not retention. Retention and GPA were predicted by Factor 1, which measured self-perceived task completion ability in the Retention Questionnaire. None of the remaining variables were statistically significant in predicting GPA or retention. The results of the interviews indicated that outside encouragement, self-interest and self-gratification, clear and specific goals, and use of college resources have a positive impact on retention and GPA. The factors identified during the interviews and from the regression analysis seemed to corroborate some of the factors in the Bean and Metzner model. The interviews seemed to agree with Bean and Metzner areas of goal commitment and outside encouragement. One important area identified by this research study which is not included in Bean and Metzner model is ability to complete tasks. It is recommended for future retention research studies with Hispanic females that the variables of academic self-concept and task completion ability be taken into consideration. Given the results obtained in this study, the use of qualitative data collection with this specific population is highly recommended

    Ageist No More: Interprofessional Training for Undergraduate Healthcare Students

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    Ageism seeps deep into our society, whether in law, policies, or healthcare practices it segregates individuals based on their age. The aim of this work was to evaluate the impact of an educational strategy in ageist attitudes against older adults in healthcare undergraduate students. A five-week intervention: Healthy environments and self-care for the older adults was implemented. To assess the impact of this strategy in ageist attitudes in participants, a simulated consultation with an older adult was conducted. Participants&rsquo; perspectives on the experience were collected using an online survey. One hundred and thirty-eight undergraduate students from health programs were included. They highlighted growth in the understanding of the normal aging process and the prejudices that surround aging. During the role-play activity, participants identified communication, empathy, and professionalism as the abilities developed with this strategy and the need to show empathy and avoid prejudice against older adults in their clinical interactions. Educational interventions are a great tool to promote cultural changes, diminish prejudices and misconceptions of ageism in future healthcare professionals

    Comportamientos de vida saludable en jóvenes: un estudio comparativo en Brasil, Colombia y México

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    12 páginasThe physical, mental and social well being, refers to a new concept of health, far from a conceptualisations of absence of disease Additional challenges emerge as individuals face deep social inequities depending on their ethnicity, rural residence or low educational level, as these translate to poor access to health services and more difficulties to adhere to healthy living behaviors. The objective of this study was to assess the perception that adolescents and young adults in Latinamerica have of the importance of healthy living behaviors (HLB) in the physical, emotional and lifestyle spheres. The approach is considered quantitative and descriptive with a cross sectional design. The sampling consisted of 192 young adults in Brazil, Colombia and Mexico. The results show that participants prioritize higher emotional wellbeing. They state that the health crisis changed the perception, as now the value more the emotional side of health, and understand the status of a combination of the different aspects of wellness. The Latinamerican context poses a challenge in designing strategies with a holistic health perspective, with complexities in the economic and sociocultural domains.The physical, mental and social well being, refers to a new concept of health, far from a conceptualisations of absence of disease Additional challenges emerge as individuals face deep social inequities depending on their ethnicity, rural residence or low educational level, as these translate to poor access to health services and more difficulties to adhere to healthy living behaviors. The objective of this study was to assess the perception that adolescents and young adults in Latinamerica have of the importance of healthy living behaviors (HLB) in the physical, emotional and lifestyle spheres. The approach is considered quantitative and descriptive with a cross sectional design. The sampling consisted of 192 young adults in Brazil, Colombia and Mexico. The results show that participants prioritize higher emotional wellbeing. They state that the health crisis changed the perception, as now the value more the emotional side of health, and understand the status of a combination of the different aspects of wellness. The Latinamerican context poses a challenge in designing strategies with a holistic health perspective, with complexities in the economic and sociocultural domains