16 research outputs found

    Exploring the mechanisms underlying the effectiveness of psychosocial aftercare in pediatric chronic pain treatment: a qualitative approach

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    A newly developed specialized psychosocial aftercare program (PAC) for pediatric patients with chronic pain following an intensive interdisciplinary pain treatment (IIPT) was found to be significantly more effective than IIPT alone. This qualitative study aimed to gain further insight into the mechanisms and prerequisites for the effectiveness of this specialized aftercare program. We conducted structured telephone interviews with patients, parents, and health care professionals conducting PAC. A total of 16 interviews were conducted—seven interviews with parents, six interviews with patients, and three interviews with health care professionals—and transcribed verbatim. Data were analyzed using reflexive thematic analysis. Four major themes consisting of 20 subcategories were identified, namely (1) frame conditions, (2) person factors, (3) stabilization and (4) catalyst. The foundations of treatment success are frame conditions, such as flexibility or constancy, and person factors, such as respect or expertise. Based on these foundations, stabilization is achieved through security, mediation, orientation and support. Altogether, these components of PAC reveal their potential as catalysts for further improvement even after discharge from IIPT. Overall, patients and their families emphasized widespread personal relevance and acceptance of the PAC program. The findings of this study may be employed in the development of other aftercare programs or interventions involving families in the context of psychotherapeutic and psychosocial health care

    Der Umgang mit Wasser im Zeichen der SDGs

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    Hornberg C, Salomon M, Lopez Lumbi S. Der Umgang mit Wasser im Zeichen der SDGs. Public Health Forum. 2022;30(4):228-231.Wassersysteme geraten weltweit immer mehr unter Druck. Dies kann zu gesundheitlichen Gefahren fĂŒhren. Wasser als Ressource ist Grundlage verschiedener Ziele fĂŒr nachhaltige Entwicklung (SDG). Anstrengungen, um einzelne Ziele zu erreichen, unterstĂŒtzen auch die Erreichung anderer Ziele. Diese Synergieeffekte mĂŒssen genutzt werden, um eine faire und effiziente Allokation von sauberem Wasser zu ermöglichen

    3 Monate ohne Auto : Quantitative Projektevaluation - Kurzdarstellung

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    Lopez Lumbi S, Nowak AC, McCall T. 3 Monate ohne Auto : Quantitative Projektevaluation - Kurzdarstellung. Bielefeld: Med. Fak. OWL, AG 1 Sustainable Environmental Health Sciences / Fak. fĂŒr Gesundheitswiss., AG 3 Epidemiologie & International Public Health; 2023

    3 Months without the car in Bielefeld, Germany– a mixed-method study exploring individual motivation to participate in a municipal intervention

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    Nowak AC, Lopez Lumbi S, McCall T. 3 Months without the car in Bielefeld, Germany– a mixed-method study exploring individual motivation to participate in a municipal intervention. BMC Public Health. 2024;24(1): 759.**Background** Climate change is a major public health issue worldwide. To achieve climate targets and reduce morbidity, a paradigm shift in individual behavior e.g., in mobility, is needed. Municipal interventions can motivate individuals to engage in climate-friendly behavior through different psychological mechanisms. In order for successful interventions, it is necessary to gain better insight from study participants and their reasons for participating in mobility projects (e.g., motivational aspects). **Materials and methods** A mixed-methods design was used to evaluate reasons and characteristics of people for participating in an municipal mobility intervention. The quantitative sub-study assesses socioeconomic characteristics, environmental awareness and perceived stress. The qualitative sub-study explores motivation for participation and change, perspectives on car replacement and reasons for car use. **Results** Results show that participants (n = 42) are rather high educated and show medium environmental awareness. Participants of the qualitative study part (n = 15) were motiviated to reduce car use already before the intervention and used the intervention as starting point or trial phase. **Conclusions** Urban intervention projects with fitted recruitment strategies and better insights from study participants with the aim to motivate individuals to engage in climate-friendly behavior can help to strengthen sustainability and public health. </p

    Die Bedeutung von Umwelt und Nachhaltigkeit fĂŒr die Gesundheit

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    Nowak AC, Lopez Lumbi S, McCall T. Die Bedeutung von Umwelt und Nachhaltigkeit fĂŒr die Gesundheit. essentials. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg; 2024

    Climate change and health equity: A public health perspective on climate justice

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    Bolte G, Dandolo L, Gepp S, Hornberg C, Lopez Lumbi S. Climate change and health equity: A public health perspective on climate justice. Journal of Health Monitoring . 2023;8(Suppl. 6):3-35.Background: The discourse on climate justice has developed from the theoretical approaches and discussions on environmental justice. A central tenet of the concept of environmental and climate justice is that environmental and climate issues cannot be seen in isolation from issues of social justice.; Methods: A conceptual model was developed on the relationship between climate change impacts, social dimensions, adaptive capacities, biological sensitivity, and health equity in order to systematically analyse climate justice. Based on an exploratory literature review and the evaluation of the individual contributions of the status report on climate change and health, the evidence in Germany on social inequalities in exposure to climate change impacts and vulnerability to their direct and indirect health effects was summarised.; Results: This paper provides an overview of the international debate and examples of evidence on climate justice in Germany. Climate justice in the sense of avoidable, unjust social inequalities in exposure, vulnerability, and the effects of climate mitigation and adaptation measures on health inequalities is still insufficiently addressed in Germany.; Conclusions: A consistent integration of equity issues into climate policy is necessary. With reference to the international literature, options for action and research needs are identified. © Robert Koch Institute. All rights reserved unless explicitly granted

    Economic long‐term effects of intensive interdisciplinary pain treatment in paediatric patients with severe chronic pain: Analysis of claims data

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    Lopez Lumbi S, Ruhe A-K, Pfenning I, Wager J, Zernikow B. Economic long‐term effects of intensive interdisciplinary pain treatment in paediatric patients with severe chronic pain: Analysis of claims data. European Journal of Pain. 2021;25(10):2129-2139

    Klimawandel und gesundheitliche Chancengerechtigkeit: Eine Public-Health-Perspektive auf Klimagerechtigkeit

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    Bolte G, Dandolo L, Gepp S, Hornberg C, Lopez Lumbi S. Klimawandel und gesundheitliche Chancengerechtigkeit: Eine Public-Health-Perspektive auf Klimagerechtigkeit. Journal of Health Monitoring . 2023;8(S6).Hintergrund: Der Diskurs zu Klimagerechtigkeit hat sich aus den theoretischen AnsĂ€tzen und Diskussionen zu Umweltgerechtigkeit entwickelt. FĂŒr das Konzept von Umwelt- und Klimagerechtigkeit ist zentral, dass Umwelt- und Klimafragen nicht losgelöst von Fragen der sozialen Gerechtigkeit gesehen werden können. Methode: FĂŒr die systematische Analyse von Klimagerechtigkeit wurde ein konzeptionelles Modell zum Zusammenhang zwischen Klimawandelfolgen, sozialen Dimensionen, AnpassungskapazitĂ€ten, biologischer Empfindlichkeit und gesundheitlicher Chancengerechtigkeit entwickelt. Auf Basis einer explorativen Literaturrecherche und der Auswertung der EinzelbeitrĂ€ge des Sachstandsberichts Klimawandel und Gesundheit wurde die Evidenz in Deutschland zu sozialen Ungleichheiten in der Exposition gegenĂŒber Klimawandelfolgen und der VulnerabilitĂ€t fĂŒr deren direkte und indirekte gesundheitliche Wirkungen zusammengefasst. Ergebnisse: Dieser Beitrag gibt einen Überblick ĂŒber die internationale Debatte und Beispiele fĂŒr die Evidenz zu Klimagerechtigkeit in Deutschland. Klimagerechtigkeit im Sinne vermeidbarer, ungerechter sozialer Ungleichheiten in der Exposition, VulnerabilitĂ€t sowie in den Effekten von Klimaschutz- und Klimaanpassungsmaßnahmen auf gesundheitliche Ungleichheiten wird in Deutschland noch wenig thematisiert. Schlussfolgerungen: Eine konsequente Integration von Gerechtigkeitsfragen in die Klimapolitik ist notwendig. Mit Bezug auf die internationale Literatur werden Handlungsoptionen und Forschungsbedarfe aufgezeigt