26 research outputs found

    Clave ilustrada para la identificaci贸n de g茅neros de escarabajos copr贸fagos (coleoptera: scarabaeinae) de Colombia

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    En Colombia los escarabajos copr贸fagos de la subfamilia Scarabaeinae est谩n representados por aproximadamente 34 g茅neros y 380 especies. A pesar de que este grupo de insectos est谩 siendo objeto de m煤ltiples estudios ecol贸gicos en el pa铆s, no se cuenta con literatura apropiada para la identificaci贸n de los taxones incluidos. Este trabajo presenta una clave ilustrada para la identificaci贸n de los g茅neros de escarabajos copr贸fagos presentes en Colombia.In Colombia the dung beetles of the subfamily Scarabaeinae are represented by approximately 34 genera and 380 species. Although this group of insects is the subject of numerous ecological studies in Colombia, there is no appropriate literature for the identification of the included taxa. An illustrated key for the identification of the genera of dung beetles known from Colombia is presented

    Escarabajos copr贸fagos (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) de los p谩ramos del departamento de Nari帽o, Colombia

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    We report the presence of several dung beetle species (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) in the Paramos located in Nari帽o, Colombia, based on the revision of museums specimens, field work and available literature. 210 specimens from three national museums and 362 individuals from collecting trips done by the Nari帽o University, GAICA Association and the authors were studied. A total of eight species from seven genera and 21 localities were listed. Uroxys elongatus Harold, 1868 is the species with most individuals collected or found in collections. Only one individual of Ontherus brevicollis Kirsch, 1871 and Oruscatus opalescens Bates, 1870 was found. The altitudinal range under study goes from 2800 to 3700 meters, corresponding to the highest altitude reported for U. elongatus, additionally we report the localities for two species, O. opalescens and Dichotomius monstrosus (Harold, 1875), with few or no confirmed data, increasing the knowledge for these species for Colombia.Se presenta informaci贸n sobre las especies de escarabajos copr贸fagos (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) que habitan los p谩ramos del departamento de Nari帽o, Colombia, basados en revisi贸n de colecciones, recopilaci贸n de trabajos de campo y literatura disponible para el 谩rea de estudio. Se revisaron 210 ejemplares depositados en tres colecciones entomol贸gicas nacionales y se reportaron en total 362 individuos colectados en caracterizaciones biol贸gicas realizadas por la Universidad de Nari帽o, la Asociaci贸n GAICA y muestreos particulares de los autores, registr谩ndose un total de ocho especies y siete g茅neros de escarabajos copr贸fagos en 21 localidades del departamento. Uroxys elongatus Harold, 1868 es la especie con mayor n煤mero de individuos colectados y ejemplares en colecciones, mientras que Ontherus brevicollis Kirsch, 1871 y Oruscatus opalescens Bates, 1870 estuvieron representados por un solo ejemplar. El listado incluye localidades desde los 2800 hasta los 3700 m s.n.m. correspondiente a los registros con mayor altura para U. elongatus, adem谩s se presentan las localidades para dos especies con registros escasos o inespec铆ficos en Colombia, O. opalescens y Dichotomius monstrosus (Harold, 1875), actualizando la informaci贸n de estas especies para Colombia

    Escarabajos copr贸fagos (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) de los p谩ramos del departamento de Nari帽o, Colombia

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    We report the presence of several dung beetle species (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) in the Paramos located in Nari帽o, Colombia, based on the revision of museums specimens, field work and available literature. 210 specimens from three national museums and 362 individuals from collecting trips done by the Nari帽o University, GAICA Association and the authors were studied. A total of eight species from seven genera and 21 localities were listed. Uroxys elongatus Harold, 1868 is the species with most individuals collected or found in collections. Only one individual of Ontherus brevicollis Kirsch, 1871 and Oruscatus opalescens Bates, 1870 was found. The altitudinal range under study goes from 2800 to 3700 meters, corresponding to the highest altitude reported for U. elongatus, additionally we report the localities for two species, O. opalescens and Dichotomius monstrosus (Harold, 1875), with few or no confirmed data, increasing the knowledge for these species for Colombia

    Escarabajos copr贸fagos (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) de Colombia

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    Los escarabajos copr贸fagos son un gremio bien definido de la familia Scarabaeidae, subfamilia Scarabaeinae, que comparten caracter铆sticas morfol贸gicas, ecol贸gicas y de comportamiento particulares (Halffter 1991). Sus principales distintivos biol贸gicos son la asociaci贸n con el excremento y/o carro帽a de mam铆feros y otros vertebrados, su especial modo de reproducci贸n, as铆 como las m煤ltiples estrategias de aprovechamiento del excremento para su alimentaci贸n y reproducci贸n (Halffter & Matthews 1966; Halffter & Edmonds 1982

    First record of phoresy on the genus Oreodera Audinet-Serville, 1835 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) by the pseudoscorpion Cordylochernes scorpioides (Linnaeus, 1758) (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones)

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    The phoretic association of the pseudoscorpion Cordylochernes scorpioides (Linnaeus, 1758) (Chernetidae) on the long-horn beetle Oreodera rufofasciata Bates, 1861 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) is reported for the first time

    Taxonomic reassessment of the genus Dichotomius (Coleoptera: Scarabaeinae) through integrative taxonomy

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    Dung beetles of the subfamily Scarabaeinae are widely recognised as important providers of multiple ecosystem services and are currently experiencing revisions that have improved our understanding of higher-level relationships in the subfamily. However, the study of phylogenetic relationships at the level of genus or species is still lagging behind. In this study we investigated the New World beetle genus Dichotomius, one of the richest within the New World Scarabaeinae, using the most comprehensive molecular and morphological dataset for the genus to date (in terms of number of species and individuals). Besides evaluating phylogenetic relationships, we also assessed species delimitation through a novel Bayesian approach (iBPP) that enables morphological and molecular data to be combined. Our findings support the monophyly of the genus Dichotomius but not that of the subgenera Selenocopris and Dichotomius sensu stricto (s.s). Also, our results do not support the recent synonymy of Selenocopris with Luederwaldtinia. Some species-groups within the genus were recovered, and seem associated with elevational distribution. Our species delimitation analyses were largely congruent irrespective of the set of parameters applied, but the most robust results were obtained when molecular and morphological data were combined. Although our current sampling and analyses were not powerful enough to make definite interpretations on the validity of all species evaluated, we can confidently recognise D. nisus, D. belus and D. mamillatus as valid and well differentiated species. Overall, our study provides new insights into the phylogenetic relationships and classification of dung beetles and has broad implications for their systematics and evolutionary analyses. Copyright 漏 2019 Pardo-Diaz et al

    Caracterizaci贸n de la flora y fauna de la ventana Beltr谩n (Corregimiento Paquil贸, Municipio de Beltr谩n, Cundinamarca)

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    En las caracterizaciones de biodiversidad, Ecotr贸pico centra los esfuerzos de muestreo en mosaicos de coberturas naturales, semi-naturales y productivas, considerando la heterogeneidad y configuraci贸n espacial de las mismas en el paisaje que involucra el territorio de estudio.Bogot谩Planeaci贸n ambiental para la conservaci贸n de la biodiversidad en las 谩reas operativas de Ecopetro

    Dichotomius (Selenocopris) fortepunctatus

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    <i>Dichotomius</i> (<i>Selenocopris</i>) <i>fortepunctatus</i> (Luederwaldt, 1923) <p>(Figs. 4E, 5)</p> <p> <i>Pinotus fortepunctatus</i> Luederwaldt, 1923: 4 (original description). Type locality: Bucay, west-Ecuador 300 m.</p> <p> <i>Pinotus fortepunctatus</i>: Blackwelder 1944: 207 (checklist); Pereira 1953: 387 (synonym of <i>Dichotomius globulus</i> (Felsche, 1901), comment).</p> <p> <i>Dichotomius</i> (<i>Dichotomius</i>) <i>fortepunctatus</i>: Chamorro <i>et al.</i> 2019a: 127–129 (designation of lectotype, revalidated name, records for Ecuador).</p> <p> <b>Type series.</b> The lectotype (male) is deposited at the MZUSP (Chamorro <i>et al.</i> 2019a: 127).</p> <p> <b>Records examined.</b> <b>COLOMBIA</b>: NARIÑO: Tumaco, La Espriella 50 m, human feces, F. Escobar. VIII.1994 (1 specimen IAvH).</p> <p> <b>Literature records.</b> <b>ECUADOR</b>: CARCHI: Tobar Donoso, 300 m. COTOPAXI: Guasaganda km 4, 500 m. ESMERALDAS: Colón del Onzole, Charco Vicente, Gualpi, El Pajonal, El Progreso, Salto del Bravo, GUAYAS: Bucay. IMBABURA: El Chontal, El Cauchero, 900 m. LOS RÍOS: 47 km S Santo Domingo, Río Palenque Station, 250 m, Río Palenque Station. PICHINCHA: Bosque Protector Milpe-Río Pachijal, 1200 m, El Encuentro, 620 m, San Miguel de los Bancos, La Florida, Guayabilla 520 m, Río Guayllabamba Manduriacus, Mindo, Pedro Vicente Maldonado 600 m, Llurimaguas 290 m, Río Guayllabamba Pedro Vicente Maldonado, Tortugo (450 m), Río Guayllabamba Pedro Vicente Maldonado; San Roque (580 m), Río Guayllabamba Pedro Vicente Maldonado. SANTO DOMINGO DE LOS TSÁCHILAS: Hacienda Pupusa, Río Silanche, Santo Domingo, Puerto Limón, 395 m. (see distribution data in Luederwaldt 1923: 4; Chamorro <i>et al</i>. 2019: 128).</p> <p> <b>Remarks.</b> Medina <i>et al.</i> (2001) reported 36 <i>Dichotomius</i> species from Colombia. Subsequently, Sarmiento-Garcés &Amat-García (2014), in their monograph on Colombian <i>Dichotomius</i>, provided some updates on the genus and reduced the species number to 32. Recently, Nunez & Vaz-de-Mello (2019) recorded <i>Dichotomius</i> (<i>Cephagonus</i>) <i>fonsecae</i> (Luederwaldt, 1926) from the Chiribiquete National Park, in southern Colombia. This species was cited by Sarmiento-Garcés & Amat-García (2014) as “ <i>D</i>. (<i>Selenocopris</i>) sp.”, which until then was only known from foothill evergreen forests of the Amazon region of Ecuador. Finally, Montoya & Vaz-de-Mello (2019) described the male of <i>Dichotomous foveicollis</i> (Kirsch, 1871), whose type locality is Bogotá.</p> <p> <i>Dichotomius</i> (<i>Selenocopris</i>) <i>fortepunctatus</i> (Luederwaldt, 1923) is recorded for the first time from Colombia. With this new distributional record, its geographical range now includes the biogeographical provinces of western Ecuador and Cauca (<i>sensu</i> Morrone 2014) (Fig. 5).</p>Published as part of <i>Chamorro, William, Lopera-Toro, Alejandro & Rossini, Michele, 2021, A new species and distribution records of Dichotomius Hope, 1838 (Coleoptera Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) in Colombia, pp. 193-206 in Zootaxa 4942 (2)</i> on page 203, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4942.2.3, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/4600445">http://zenodo.org/record/4600445</a&gt

    Primer registro de Eurysternus foedus Gu茅rin-M茅neville, 1830 para la provincia del macizo de la sierra nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia/First record for Eurystenus foedus Gu茅rin-M茅neville, 1830 in the macizo de la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta province, Colombia

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    Here we present the first distribution record for Eurysternus foedus in the Macizo de la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta province (Magdalena, Colombia) as the result of species inventory in the RNN El Congo, Municipio of Cienaga. Even though this specie is widely distributed it had not been previously collected in any of the recent studies developed in the region. This adds to the species richness of theSierra and highlights the overall lack of information on this provincebiodiversity