39 research outputs found


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    The meaning of the concepts "criterion" and "indicator" is disclosed in the article; clear requirements are set for the determination of the indicators that characterize the quality of the investigated phenomeno. The criteria of the formation of professional reflection of future air traffic control controllers in the professional training during the training in flight schools, allowing to investigate the dynamics of mastering the basics of professional self-development of a person. Their indicators are determined and substantiated in order to achieve high results in raising the level of research сoncept is based on the meaning of the structural components of professional reflection.Key words: professional reflection, interest, knowledge, skills, analysis and correction, self-knowledge and self-diagnostics.Лопатюк О. В. Критерії та показники сформованості професійної рефлексії майбутніх диспетчерів управління повітряним рухом / Льотна академія Національного університету, Україна, КропивницькийУ статті розкрито сутність понять «критерій» та «показник», виділено чіткі вимоги до визначення показників, які характеризують виявлення якості досліджуваного явища. Розглянуто критерії сформованості професійної рефлексії майбутніх диспетчерів управління повітряним рухом у фаховій підготовці під час навчання у льотних навчальних закладах, що дозволяють досліджувати динаміку освоєння основ професійного саморозвитку особистості. Визначено та обґрунтовано їх показники задля досягнення високих результатів у підвищенні рівня досліджуваного поняття на основі сутності структурних компонентів професійної рефлексії.Ключові слова: професійна рефлексія, інтерес, знання, вміння, навички, аналіз та корекція, самопізнання та самодіагностик

    The impact of digital communications on tourism marketing

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    The influence of digital communications on marketing in the field of tourism is investigated. The need to develop strategies for the formation of business communications in the field of tourism and indicators that allow to evaluate their effectiveness and risks is emphasized. Attention is paid to the feasibility in applying strategies of differentiated, differentiated and concentrated marketing. The relevant indicators were proposed to assess the economic effectiveness of business communication strategies: income multipliers, breakeviate level assessment formula, methodology for checking the stability of the performance indicator to change factors, and Hurwitz criterion. The considered formulas and strategies for the formation of business communications in tourism create the necessary basis for scientifically justified strategic planning of the travel company's relations with counterparties

    Use of information support for marketing in tourist enterprises

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    Every year Ukraine integrates more and more into the world economic economy. Tourist services are one of the most important socio-economic sectors of the world economy. However, Ukraine, having a variety of tourism resources, has little experience in this area. For these reasons, the relevance of the article on the promotion of tourist services is determined. The article investigates the means of promoting tourist services, determining the theoretical and methodological principles of building an effective process of marketing communications at the enterprises of the tourist sphere. It is proved that in order to achieve the effect of synergy, the main principle when deciding on the use of several means of communication is the choice of one means as the main and several - auxiliary. The main thing is to be able to independently and effectively influence consumers. Auxiliary - should fill possible gaps in the reach of the target audience, supporting the main means of communication

    Optical transmission properties of C-shaped subwavelength waveguides on silicon

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    Optical properties of C-shaped subwavelength waveguides in metallic (silver) films on silicon substrates are studied in the range of 0.6-6 mu m. Power throughput and resonant wavelengths of several transmission modes are studied by varying the waveguide length (or metal thickness). Among three types of transmission modes, the fundamental order of the Fabry-Perot-type mode was shown to attain remarkably high power throughputs (as high as 12). With optimized design of the aperture, the resonant wavelength of this mode occurs in the 1-2 mu m wavelength range, suggesting that such apertures can be utilized to achieve plasmonic-enhanced silicon photonic devices at telecommunication wavelengths

    MgZnO/AlGaN heterostructure light-emitting diodes

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    We report on p-n junction light-emitting diodes fabricated from MgZnO/ZnO/AlGaN/GaN triple heterostructures. Energy band diagrams of the light-emitting diode structure incorporating piezoelectric and spontaneous polarization fields were simulated, revealing a strong hole confinement near the n-ZnO/p-AlGaN interface with a hole sheet density as large as 1.82x10(13) cm(-2) for strained structures. The measured current-voltage (IV) characteristics of the triple heterostructure p-n junctions have rectifying characteristics with a turn-on voltage of similar to3.2 V. Electron-beam-induced current measurements confirmed the presence of a p-n junction located at the n-ZnO/p-AlGaN interface. Strong optical emission was observed at similar to390 nm as expected for excitonic optical transitions in these structures. Experimental spectral dependence of the photocurrent confirmed the excitonic origin of the optical transition at 390 nm. Light emission was measured up to 650 K, providing additional confirmation of the excitonic nature of the optical transitions in the devices

    Studies of minority carrier diffusion length increase in p-type ZnO : Sb

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    Minority electron diffusion length was measured in p-type, Sb-doped ZnO as a function of temperature using the electron beam induced current technique. A thermally induced increase of electron diffusion length was determined to have an activation energy of 184 +/- 10 meV. Irradiation with a low energy (5 kV) electron beam also resulted in an increase of diffusion length with a similar activation energy (219 +/- 8 meV). Both phenomena are suggested to involve a Sb-Zn-2V(Zn) acceptor complex. Saturation and relaxation dynamics of minority carrier diffusion length are explored. Details of a possible mechanism for diffusion length increase are presented

    Minority Carrier Transport In Zno And Related Materials

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    This chapter discusses the minority carrier transport in zinc oxide (ZnO) and related materials. Transport properties of minority carriers in ZnO and related compounds are of critical importance for the functionality of bipolar devices. The chapter summarizes the available information on the subject of minority carrier transport in ZnO-based semiconductors, focusing on its temperature dependence and the dynamics of non-equilibrium carrier recombination. The influence of deep traps on minority carrier diffusion length and lifetime is discussed. A brief summary of the role of minority carrier transport in the performance of bipolar photovoltaic devices, as well as a discussion of techniques used for measurements of the minority carrier diffusion length and lifetime are also provided in the chapter. Issues affecting minority carrier transport in ZnO are discussed, with special attention given to the temperature dependence of minority carrier diffusion length and lifetime, as well as to the recombination dynamics of non-equilibrium minority carriers. © 2006 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved

    The Optical Signature Of Electron Injection In P-(Al)Gan

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    Electron injection into p-type (Al)GaN leads to a considerable (several-fold) decrease of the cathodoluminescence intensity at room and elevated temperatures. Cathodoluminescence measurements revealed a slower intensity decrease with increasing sample temperature and allowed an estimate of the activation energy for the effect to be obtained (192-232 meV), which is consistent with the values for Mg-acceptor thermal ionization in (Al)GaN. The electron injection-induced decay of the sample\u27s luminescence which persists for at least several days at ∼300 K is, therefore, attributed to an injected electron trapping on a Mg level in the (Al)GaN forbidden gap. © 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Lithium-related states as deep electron traps in ZnO

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    Carrier trapping in Li-doped ZnO was studied using Electron Beam Induced Current technique, as well as cathodoluminescence spectroscopy and persistent photoconductivity measurements. Under electron beam excitation, the minority carrier diffusion length underwent a significant increase, which was correlated with growing carrier lifetime, as demonstrated by the irradiation-induced decay of CL intensity of the near-band-edge transition. Variable-temperature cathodoluminescence and photoconductivity experiments showed evidence of carrier trapping and yielded activation energies of 280 and 245 meV, respectively. These observations are attributed to the presence of a deep, Li-related acceptor state