4,856 research outputs found

    Interfacial strength development in thermoplastic resins and fiber-reinforced thermoplastic composites

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    An experimental program to develop test methods to be used to characterize interfacial (autohesive) strength development in polysulfone thermoplastic resin and graphite-polysulfone prepreg during processing is reported. Two test methods were used to examine interfacial strength development in neat resin samples. These included an interfacial tension test and a compact tension (CT) fracture toughness test. The interfacial tensile test proved to be very difficult to perform with a considerable amount of data scatter. Thus, the interfacial test was discarded in favor of the fracture toughness test. Interfacial strength development was observed by measuring the refracture toughness of precracked compact tension specimens that were rehealed at a given temperature and contact time. The measured refracture toughness was correlated with temperature and contact time. Interfacial strength development in graphite-polysulfone unidirectional composites was measured using a double cantilever beam (DCB) interlaminar fracture toughness test. The critical strain energy release rate of refractured composite specimens was measured as a function of healing temperature and contact time

    RTM user's guide

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    RTM is a FORTRAN '77 computer code which simulates the infiltration of textile reinforcements and the kinetics of thermosetting polymer resin systems. The computer code is based on the process simulation model developed by the author. The compaction of dry, woven textile composites is simulated to describe the increase in fiber volume fraction with increasing compaction pressure. Infiltration is assumed to follow D'Arcy's law for Newtonian viscous fluids. The chemical changes which occur in the resin during processing are simulated with a thermo-kinetics model. The computer code is discussed on the basis of the required input data, output files and some comments on how to interpret the results. An example problem is solved and a complete listing is included

    Thermoplastic matrix composite processing model

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    The effects the processing parameters pressure, temperature, and time have on the quality of continuous graphite fiber reinforced thermoplastic matrix composites were quantitatively accessed by defining the extent to which intimate contact and bond formation has occurred at successive ply interfaces. Two models are presented predicting the extents to which the ply interfaces have achieved intimate contact and cohesive strength. The models are based on experimental observation of compression molded laminates and neat resin conditions, respectively. Identified as the mechanism explaining the phenomenon by which the plies bond to themselves is the theory of autohesion (or self diffusion). Theoretical predictions from the Reptation Theory between autohesive strength and contact time are used to explain the effects of the processing parameters on the observed experimental strengths. The application of a time-temperature relationship for autohesive strength predictions is evaluated. A viscoelastic compression molding model of a tow was developed to explain the phenomenon by which the prepreg ply interfaces develop intimate contact

    Lysimachia thyrsiflora L.

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    Viola pubescens var. pubescens Aiton

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    Acer saccharinum L.

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    Verbena hastata L.

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    Lysimachia ciliata L.

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    Verbena urticifolia L.

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    Acer saccharinum L.

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