26 research outputs found

    Midlife sexuality in women's words

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    The vaginal microbiome : V. therapeutic modalities of vaginal microbiome engineering and research challenges

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    OBJECTIVE: This series of articles, titled The Vaginal Microbiome (VMB), written on behalf of the International Society for the Study of Vulvovaginal Disease, aims to summarize the recent findings and understanding of the vaginal bacterial microbiota, mainly regarding areas relevant to clinicians specializing in vulvovaginal disorders. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A search of PubMed database was performed, using the search terms “vaginal microbiome” with “treatment,” “diagnosis,” and “research.” Full article texts were reviewed. Reference lists were screened for additional articles. RESULTS: The currently available approaches for treating vaginitis or attempting to modulate the VMB are often insufficient. It has traditionally relied on the use of antibiotics, antiseptics, and antifungals. The fifth and last article of this series discusses the new and/or alternative therapeutic modalities. It addresses the role of probiotics, prebiotics and symbiotics, activated charcoal, biofilm disrupting agents, acidifying agents, phage therapy, and the concept of vaginal microbiome transplant. The challenges facing the research of VMB, including the clinical impact of microbiome manipulation, classification, and new diagnostic approaches are discussed. CONCLUSIONS: Microbiome research has grown dramatically in recent years, motivated by innovations in technology and decrease in analysis costs. This research has yielded huge insight into the nature of microbial communities, their interactions, and effects with their hosts and other microbes. Further understanding of the bacterial, fungal, phage, and viral microbiomes in combination with host genetics, immunologic status, and environmental factors is needed to better understand and provide personalized medical diagnostics and interventions to improve women's health

    The vaginal microbiome : IV. the role of vaginal microbiome in reproduction and in gynecologic cancers

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    OBJECTIVE: This series of articles, titled The Vaginal Microbiome (VMB), written on behalf of the International Society for the Study of Vulvovaginal Disease, aims to summarize the recent findings and understanding of the vaginal bacterial microbiota, mainly regarding areas relevant to clinicians specializing in vulvovaginal disorders. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A search of PubMed database was performed, using the search terms “vaginal microbiome” with “reproduction,” “infertility,” “fertility,” “miscarriages,” “pregnancy” “cervical cancer,” “endometrial cancer,” and “ovarian cancer.” Full article texts were reviewed. Reference lists were screened for additional articles. RESULTS: The fourth article of this series focuses on 2 distinct areas: the role of VMB in various aspects of human reproduction and, in sharp contrast, the association between the VMB and gynecologic malignancies. Several of the negative pregnancy outcomes have been associated with an altered VMB. Dysbiosis is remarkably linked with poor pregnancy outcomes from preconception to delivery. The associations between the microbiome and gynecologic cancers are described. CONCLUSIONS: The development of the microbiome research, enabled by molecular-based techniques, has dramatically increased the detection of microorganisms and the understanding of bacterial communities that are relevant to maternal-fetal medicine in health and disease, as well as in gynecological malignancies. Proving causation in cancer is difficult because of the complex interactive nature of potential causative factors. Certain elements of the microbiota have been shown to provoke inflammatory reactions, whereas others produce anti-inflammatory reactions; this balance might be impaired with a change in microbial variety

    The vaginal microbiome : II. vaginal dysbiotic conditions

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    OBJECTIVE: This series of articles, titled The Vaginal Microbiome (VMB), written on behalf of the International Society for the Study of Vulvovaginal Disease, aims to summarize the recent findings and understanding of the vaginal bacterial microbiota, mainly regarding areas relevant to clinicians specializing in vulvovaginal disorders. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A search of PubMed database was performed, using the search terms “vaginal microbiome” with “dysbiosis,” “bacterial vaginosis,” “cytolytic vaginosis,” “desquamative inflammatory vaginitis,” and “aerobic vaginitis.” Full article texts were reviewed. Reference lists were screened for additional articles. RESULTS: The second article in this series focuses on vaginal dysbiotic conditions. Dysbiosis is a term describing imbalances in bacterial communities. Given that lactobacillus-dominated microbiota are thought to be the most optimal, vaginal dysbiosis is usually considered as lactobacilli-depleted VMB. Bacterial vaginosis (BV), the most common vaginal dysbiotic condition, is a polymicrobial disorder, considered the leading cause for vaginal discharge in women worldwide. In addition, we review the VMB in other vaginal conditions associated with lactobacilli depletion: desquamative inflammatory vaginitis and aerobic vaginitis. We also discuss the controversial diagnosis of cytolytic vaginosis, related with lactobacilli overgrowth. CONCLUSIONS: Bacterial vaginosis displays complex microbiology. The heterogeneity and diversity within the genus Gardnerella may impact the progression of BV. Bacterial biofilms may contribute to the etiology and persistence of BV, and various bacteria may affect its clinical presentation and pathogenicity. Lack of lactobacilli is not always accompanied by an overgrowth of anaerobes

    The vaginal microbiome : I. research development, lexicon, defining 'normal' and the dynamics throughout women's lives

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    OBJECTIVE: This series of articles, titled The Vaginal Microbiome, written on behalf of the International Society for the Study of Vulvovaginal Disease, aims to summarize the current findings and understanding of the vaginal bacterial microbiota, mainly regarding areas relevant to clinicians specializing in vulvovaginal disorders. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A database search of PubMed was performed, using the search terms “vaginal microbiome” (VMB) with “research,” “normal,” “neonate,” “puberty,” “adolescent,” “menopause,” and “ethnicities,” as well as “human microbiome project.” Full article texts were reviewed. Reference lists were screened for additional articles. RESULTS: In the last 2 decades, many studies applying molecular techniques were performed, intending to characterize the vaginal microbiota. These studies advanced our understanding of how vaginal health is defined. The first article in this series focuses on the advancement of VMB research, technical definitions, the definition of “normal” VMB, and the dynamics of VMB throughout women's lives. CONCLUSIONS: Understanding how microorganisms inhabiting the vagina interact with each other and with the host is important for a more complete understanding of vaginal health. The clinical application of microbial community sequencing is in its beginning, and its interpretation regarding practical clinical aspects is yet to be determined

    The vaginal microbiome : III. the vaginal microbiome in various urogenital disorders

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    OBJECTIVE: This series of articles, titled The Vaginal Microbiome (VMB), written on behalf of the International Society for the Study of Vulvovaginal Disease, aims to summarize the recent findings and understanding of the vaginal bacterial microbiota, mainly regarding areas relevant to clinicians specializing in vulvovaginal disorders. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A search of PubMed database was performed, using the search terms “vaginal microbiome” with “Candida,” “vaginitis,” “urinary microbiome,” “recurrent urinary tract infections,” “sexually transmitted infections,” “human immunodeficiency virus,” “human papillomavirus,” “nonspecific vaginitis,” “vulvodynia,” and “vulvovaginal symptoms.” Full article texts were reviewed. Reference lists were screened for additional articles. The third article in this series describes VMB in various urogenital disorders. RESULTS: Variable patterns of the VMB are found in patients with vulvovaginal candidiasis, challenging the idea of a protective role of lactobacilli. Highly similar strains of health-associated commensal bacteria are shared in both the bladder and vagina of the same individual and may provide protection against urinary tract infections. Dysbiotic VMB increases the risk of urinary tract infection. Loss of vaginal lactic acid–producing bacteria combined with elevated pH, increase the risk for sexually transmitted infections, although the exact protective mechanisms of the VMB against sexually transmitted infections are still unknown. CONCLUSIONS: The VMB may constitute a biological barrier to pathogenic microorganisms. When the predominance of lactobacilli community is disrupted, there is an increased risk for the acquisition of various vaginal pathogents. Longitudinal studies are needed to describe the association between the host, bacterial, and fungal components of the VMB

    ISIDOG recommendations concerning COVID-19 and pregnancy

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    Providing guidelines to health care workers during a period of rapidly evolving viral pandemic infections is not an easy task, but it is extremely necessary in order to coordinate appropriate action so that all patients will get the best possible care given the circumstances they are in. With these International Society of Infectious Disease in Obstetrics and Gynecology (ISIDOG) guidelines we aim to provide detailed information on how to diagnose and manage pregnant women living in a pandemic of COVID-19. Pregnant women need to be considered as a high-risk population for COVID-19 infection, and if suspected or proven to be infected with the virus, they require special care in order to improve their survival rate and the well-being of their babies. Both protection of healthcare workers in such specific care situations and maximal protection of mother and child are envisioned