20 research outputs found

    Release of MicroRNAs into body fluids from ten organs of mice exposed to cigarette smoke

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    Purpose: MicroRNAs are small non-coding RNAs that regulate gene expression, thereby playing a role in a variety of physiological and pathophysiological states. Exposure to cigarette smoke extensively downregulates microRNA expression in pulmonary cells of mice, rats, and humans. Cellular microRNAs are released into body fluids, but a poor parallelism was previously observed between lung microRNAs and circulating microRNAs. The purpose of the present study was to validate the application of this epigenetic biomarker by using less invasive collection procedures. Experimental design: Using microarray analyses, we measured 1135 microRNAs in 10 organs and 3 body fluids of mice that were either unexposed or exposed to mainstream cigarette smoke for up to 8 weeks. The results obtained with selected miRNAs were validated by qPCR. Results: The lung was the main target affected by smoke (190 dysregulated miRNAs), followed by skeletal muscle (180), liver (138), blood serum (109), kidney (96), spleen (89), stomach (36), heart (33), bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (32), urine (27), urinary bladder (12), colon (5), and brain (0). Skeletal muscle, kidney, and lung were the most important sources of smoke-altered microRNAs in blood serum, urine, and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid, respectively. Conclusions: microRNA expression analysis was able to identify target organs after just 8 weeks of exposure to smoke, well before the occurrence of any detectable histopathological alteration. The present translational study validates the use of body fluid microRNAs as biomarkers applicable to human biomonitoring for mechanistic studies, diagnostic purposes, preventive medicine, and therapeutic strategies

    Mitochondrial Damage in the Trabecular Meshwork Occurs Only in Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma and in Pseudoexfoliative Glaucoma

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    Open-angle glaucoma appears to be induced by the malfunction of the trabecular meshwork cells due to injury induced by oxidative damage and mitochondrial impairment. Here, we report that, in fact, we have detected mitochondrial damage only in primary open-angle glaucoma and pseudo-exfoliation glaucoma, among several glaucoma types compared.Mitochondrial damage was evaluated by analyzing the common mitochondrial DNA deletion by real-time PCR in trabecular meshwork specimens collected at surgery from glaucomatous patients and controls. Glaucomatous patients included 38 patients affected by various glaucoma types: primary open-angle, pigmented, juvenile, congenital, pseudoexfoliative, acute, neovascular, and chronic closed-angle glaucoma. As control samples, we used 16 specimens collected from glaucoma-free corneal donors. Only primary open-angle glaucoma (3.0-fold) and pseudoexfoliative glaucoma (6.3-fold) showed significant increases in the amount of mitochondrial DNA deletion. In all other cases, deletion was similar to controls.despite the fact that the trabecular meshwork is the most important tissue in the physiopathology of aqueous humor outflow in all glaucoma types, the present study provides new information regarding basic physiopathology of this tissue: only in primary open-angle and pseudoexfoliative glaucomas oxidative damage arising from mitochondrial failure play a role in the functional decay of trabecular meshwork

    Trabecular Meshwork Gene Expression after Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty

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    BACKGROUND: Trabecular meshwork and Schlemm's canal are the tissues appointed to modulate the aqueous humour outflow from the anterior chamber. The impairment of their functions drives to an intraocular pressure increase. The selective laser trabeculoplasty is a laser therapy of the trabecular meshwork able to decrease intraocular pressure. The exact response mechanism to this treatment has not been clearly delineated yet. The herein presented study is aimed at studying the gene expression changes induced in trabecular meshwork cells by selective laser trabeculoplasty (SLT) in order to better understand the mechanisms subtending its efficacy. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Primary human trabecular meshwork cells cultured in fibroblast medium underwent selective laser trabeculoplasty treatment. RNA was extracted from a pool of cells 30 minutes after treatment while the remaining cells were further cultured and RNA was extracted respectively 2 and 6 hours after treatment. Control cells stored in incubator in absence of SLT treatment were used as reference samples. Gene expression was evaluated by hybridization on miRNA-microarray and laser scanner analysis. Scanning electron microscopic examination was performed on 2 Trabecular meshwork samples after SLT at 4(th) and 6(th) hour from treatment. On the whole, selective laser trabeculoplasty modulates in trabecular meshwork the expression of genes involved in cell motility, intercellular connections, extracellular matrix production, protein repair, DNA repair, membrane repair, reactive oxygen species production, glutamate toxicity, antioxidant activities, and inflammation. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: SLT did not induce any phenotypic alteration in TM samples. TM is a complex tissue possessing a great variety of function pivotal for the active regulation of aqueous humour outflow from the anterior chamber. SLT is able to modulate these functions at the postgenomic molecular level without inducing damage either at molecular or phenotypic levels

    Proceedings of Ischia Group Theory 2014

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    Proceedings of Ischia Group Theory 2012

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    Genomic and post-genomic effects of anti-glaucoma drugs preservatives in trabecular meshwork

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    Oxidative stress plays an important role in glaucoma. Some preservatives of anti-glaucoma drugs, commonly used in glaucoma therapy, can prevent or induce oxidative stress in the trabecular meshwork. The aim of this study is to evaluate cellular and molecular damage induced in trabecular meshwork by preservatives contained in anti-glaucoma drugs. Cell viability (MTT test), DNA fragmentation (Comet test), oxidative DNA damage (8-oxo-dG), and gene expression (cDNA microarray) have been evaluated in trabecular meshwork specimens and in human trabecular meshwork cells treated with benzalkonium chloride, polyQuad, purite, and sofzia-like mixture. Moreover, antimicrobial effectiveness and safety of preservative contents in drugs was tested. In ex vivo experiments, benzalkonium chloride and polyQuad induced high level of DNA damage in trabecular meshwork specimens, while the effect of purite and sofzia were more attenuated. The level of DNA fragmentation induced by benzalkonium chloride was 2.4-fold higher in subjects older than 50 years than in younger subjects. Benzalkonium chloride, and polyQuad significantly increased oxidative DNA damage as compared to sham-treated specimens. Gene expression was altered by benzalkonium chloride, polyQuad, and purite but not by sofzia. In in vitro experiments, benzalkonium chloride and polyQuad dramatically decreased trabecular meshwork cell viability, increased DNA fragmentation, and altered gene expression. A lesser effect was also exerted by purite and sofzia. Genes targeted by these alterations included Fas and effector caspase-3. The efficacy of the preservatives in inhibiting bacterial growth increased the adverse effects in trabecular meshwork in terms of DNA damage and alteration of gene expression. Presented data indicates the delicate balance between efficacy and safety of drug preservatives as not yet optimized

    Normalized QPCR evaluation of the common 4977-bp mtDNA deletion in TM of patients with different glaucoma types.

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    <p>The horizontal axis shows the number of QPCR cycles, the vertical axis the amount of amplified DNA as inferred from the intensity of the fluorescence signal. The continuous curve indicates the normalized quantity of total mtDNA, the dashed curve indicates the relative amount of 4977 bp–deleted mtDNA. Samples in which the dashed curve intercepts the threshold horizontal line at lower QPCR cycles (left side) have a greater amount of 4977 bp–deleted mtDNA. For each sample, the box on the left shows oxidative nuclear DNA damage (8-oxo-dG) as detected by <sup>32</sup>P-postlabeling.</p