3 research outputs found

    The Inhibitory Power Extract Of Balsamica Plant (Impatiens balsamica L) on Aeromonas hydrophila Bacteria Growth

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    This research aimed to assess the potential use of extracts of leaves, flowers, and stems of the balsamica plant increase inhibitory effect on the growth of Aeromonas hydrophila. The content of the plant contains a compound balsamica naphthoquinone, coumarin derivatives, tannins, flavonoids, and steroids. The active compounds have the ability as an antimicrobial. A hidrophyla bacteria, including opportunistic pathogens are almost always found in water and often cause disease when the fish in adverse conditions. Antibacterial activity test in this research using the spread plate method. Data obtained in the form of the extract, the results of bacterial inoculation, and the inhibition test results, will be analyzed, displayed with pictures and described descriptively. The result of the process of maceration extraction using ethanol 70% was obtained three extracts are concentrated leaf extract: 28.75 g, flower: 12.82 g, and rods: 29.48 g. The result of antibacterial extracts of leaves, stems, and flowers balsamica plant showed inhibitory activity on the A hydrophila bacteria that seems to be indicated by a clear zone around the paper disc. Based on the classification of leaf extract and extract of the stem can be classified in the class of strong, because the inhibition zone formed by the leaf extract is equal to 11.2 mm, and extract stem with 13.7 mm inhibition zone. Ability flower extract in inhibiting the growth of A hidrophila bacteria with 21.4 mm inhibition zone showed that the extract was included in a very strong class. Keywords: The ethanol extract balsamica, Impatiens balsamica L, Aeromonas hydrophila, antibacterial activity test

    Application of probiotic bacteria isolated from catfish (Clarias batrachus) intestine to enhance growth performance and resistance of carp (Cyprinus carpio) against Aeromonas hydrophila

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    The objective of research was to isolate probiotic bacteria from catfish intestine and to examine its effects on the growth and resistance of carp against Aeromonas hydrophila.  The probiotic isolated from intestine was grown on MRS agar.  Fish used in this research was juvenile of carp with an average weight of 5.5 g obtained from Freshwater Aquaculture Board at Tatelu Village, North Sulawesi Province.  Before running the experiment, the juveniles were adapted for one weeks in 15 glass aquaria at a density of 15 individuals each.  After acclimatization, the fish were fed diet supplemented with probiotic at different concentrations namely 1x109 , 1x108 , 1x107,  1x106 cfu/mL for three weeks. The fish were fed two times a dayat 08.00 am and 17.00 pm with a dose of 5% of body weight per day. At the end of feeding, the fish were challenged with A. hydrophila.  Data collected included average growth rate, absolute growth, feed efficiency, and food conversion ratio.  Research results found that the addition of probiotic into feed was  able to increase growth and feed efficiency and reduce food conversion ratio as well (p<0.01). The best growth, feed efficiency and food conversion ratio were obtained in fish fed diet added with probiotic bacteria at 1x108 cfu/mL.  The highest survival rate was also observed in fish probiotic diet containing 1x108 cfu/mL.  As conclusion, probiotic bacteria isolated from catfish intestine was potential to improve growth, feed efficiency, reduce food conversion ratio and increase resistance of fish against bacterial pathogen.Keywords: probiotic, carp, Aeromonas hydrophila, feed efficiency, food conversion ratioABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengisolasi bakteri probiotik dari usus ikan lele dan menguji pengaruh pemberian probiotik dari usus ikan lele terhadap pertumbuhan dan resistensi ikan mas terhadap infeksi Aeromonas hydrophilla. Sumber probiotik diisolasi dari usus ikan lele menggunakan media MRS (de Man Rogosa Sharpe) dan bakteri Aeromonas hydrophilla ditumbuhkan pada media TSA (Tryptic Soy Agar). ikan uji diambil dari Balai Budidaya Air Tawar Tatelu , Provinsi Sulawesi Utara . ikan diaklimatisasi selama seminggu dalam 15 akuarium dengan kepadatan 15 ekor/akuarium dan berat awal rata-rata 5,5 g. Setelah diaklimatisasi ikan diberi pakan yang ditambahkan bakteri probiotik sebagai perlakuan dengan konsentrasi berbeda yaitu 1x109 , 1x108 , 1x107,  1x106 cfu/mL selama empat minggu sebanyak 5% /berat tubuh/hari dengan frekuensi pemberian pakan dua kali sehari yaitu jam 08.00 pagi dan jam 17.00 sore. Setelah diberi perlakuan maka diuji tantang dengan bakteri Aeromonas hydrophilla.  Data yang dikumpulkan terdiri dari laju pertumbuhan harian, pertumbuhan mutlak, efesiensi pakan, konversi pakan dan uji tantang terhadap bakteri patogen. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan bahwa penambahan bakteri probiotik dalam pakan mampu meningkatkan pertumbuhan, efesiensi pakan dan menurunkan konversi pakan (p<0.01). Pertumbuhan, efesiensi pakan dan konversi pakan yang terbaik dicapai pada ikan yang diberi pakan dengan penambahan bakteri probiotik 1x108 cfu/mL.  Kelangsungan hidup ikan mas yang diuji tantang dengan bakteri patogen yang paling tinggi dicapai pada ikan yang diberi pakan 1x108 cfu/mL. Sebagai kesimpulan bahwa bakteri probiotik yang diisolasi dari usus ikan lele berpotensi meningkatkan pertumbuhan, efesiensi pakan, menurunkan konversi pakan serta meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh pada ikan mas.Kata Kunci : Probiotik, Ikan Mas, Aeromonas hydrophilla, Pertumbuhan, Efesiensi Pakan, Konversi Paka


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    Nudibranchs are marine invetebrates belongs to the class of Gastropoda that are able to camouflage and develop a self-defense systems. Marine bacteria contain chemicals compunds that have potentials on marine drugs discovery through the secondary metabolism. The purpose of this study was to isolate the symbiotic bacteria from nudibranches Phylidiella pustulosa and Thuridilla lineolate and to screen the antibacterial activity of these bacterial isolates against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. Isolation and culture of the symbiotic bacteria was made on B1 (solid) media. The results of the antibacterial assay showed that the symbiotic bacterial isolates from Phylidiella pustulosa and Thuridilla lineolate were able to inhibit the growth of the Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli test. Keywords: nudibranch, Phyllidiella pustulosa, Thuridilla lineolate, bacteria, antibacterialAbstrakNudibranch adalah avetebrata laut dalam kelas Gastropoda yang mampu melakukan kamuflase dan mengembangkan sistem pertahanan diri. Bakteri laut mengandung senyawa kimia yang berpotensi sebagai bahan obat-obatan yang dihasilkan melalui metabolit sekunder. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengisolasi bakteri yang bersimbion dengan nudibranch Phylidiella pustulosa dan Thuridilla lineolate, kemudian mengamati aktivitas antibakteri dari isolat bakteri tersebut terhadap Escherichia coli danStaphylococcus aureus. Isolasi dan kultur bakteri yang bersimbion dibuat pada media B1 (padat). Skrining aktivitas antibakteri menunjukkan isolat bakteri yang bersimbion dengan nudibranch Phylidiella pustulosa dan Thuridilla lineolate mampu menghambat pertumbuhan organisme uji Staphylococcus aureus dan Escherichia coli. Kata kunci: nudibranch, Phyllidiella pustulosa, Thuridilla lineolate, bakteri, antibakter