56 research outputs found

    Employing an open-source tool to assess astrocyte tridimensional structure

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    Astrocytes display important features that allow them to maintain a close dialog with neurons, ultimately impacting brain function. The complex morphological structure of astrocytes is crucial to the role of astrocytes in brain networks. Therefore, assessing morphologic features of astrocytes will help provide insights into their physiological relevance in healthy and pathological conditions. Currently available tools that allow the tridimensional reconstruction of astrocytes present a number of disadvantages, including the need for advanced computational skills and powerful hardware, and are either time-consuming or costly. In this study, we optimized and validated the FIJI-ImageJ, Simple Neurite Tracer (SNT) plugin, an open-source software that aids in the reconstruction of GFAP-stained structure of astrocytes. We describe (1) the loading of confocal microscopy Z-stacks, (2) the selection criteria, (3) the reconstruction process, and (4) the post-reconstruction analysis of morphological features (process length, number, thickness, and arbor complexity). SNT allows the quantification of astrocyte morphometric parameters in a simple, efficient, and semi-automated manner. While SNT is simple to learn, and does not require advanced computational skills, it provides reproducible results, in different brain regions or pathophysiological states.The authors acknowledge funding from national funds through the FCT—Foundation for Science and Technology—project (PTDC/SAU-NSC/118194/2010) to G.T., V.M.S., S.G.G. and J.F.O., and fellowships (SFRH/BD/89714/2012 to V.M.S., SFRH/BPD/97281/2013 to J.F.O., SFRH/BD/101298/2014 to S.G.G., PD/BD/114120/2015 to S.P.N, and PD/BD/127822/2016 to G.T.); Marie Curie Fellowship FP7-PEOPLE-2010-IEF 273936 and BIAL Foundation Grants and 207/14 to J.F.O.; QREN and FEDER funds through Operational program for competitiveness factors—COMPETE, “ON.2 SR&TD Integrated Program—NORTE-07-0124-FEDER-000021”; National and European funds through FCT, and FEDER through COMPETE (PEst-C/SAU/LA0026/2011 and FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-022724; PEst-C/SAU/LA0026/2013 and FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-037298, respectively)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Type-specific dendritic integration in mouse retinal ganglion cells

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    Neural computation relies on the integration of synaptic inputs across a neuron’s dendritic arbour. However, it is far from understood how different cell types tune this process to establish cell-type specific computations. Here, using two-photon imaging of dendritic Ca2+ signals, electrical recordings of somatic voltage and biophysical modelling, we demonstrate that four morphologically distinct types of mouse retinal ganglion cells with overlapping excitatory synaptic input (transient Off alpha, transient Off mini, sustained Off, and F-mini Off) exhibit type-specific dendritic integration profiles: in contrast to the other types, dendrites of transient Off alpha cells were spatially independent, with little receptive field overlap. The temporal correlation of dendritic signals varied also extensively, with the highest and lowest correlation in transient Off mini and transient Off alpha cells, respectively. We show that differences between cell types can likely be explained by differences in backpropagation efficiency, arising from the specific combinations of dendritic morphology and ion channel densities

    Accelerating root system phenotyping of seedlings through a computer-assisted processing pipeline

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    Background: There are numerous systems and techniques to measure the growth of plant roots. However, phenotyping large numbers of plant roots for breeding and genetic analyses remains challenging. One major difficulty is to achieve high throughput and resolution at a reasonable cost per plant sample. Here we describe a cost-effective root phenotyping pipeline, on which we perform time and accuracy benchmarking to identify bottlenecks in such pipelines and strategies for their acceleration. Results: Our root phenotyping pipeline was assembled with custom software and low cost material and equipment. Results show that sample preparation and handling of samples during screening are the most time consuming task in root phenotyping. Algorithms can be used to speed up the extraction of root traits from image data, but when applied to large numbers of images, there is a trade-off between time of processing the data and errors contained in the database. Conclusions: Scaling-up root phenotyping to large numbers of genotypes will require not only automation of sample preparation and sample handling, but also efficient algorithms for error detection for more reliable replacement of manual interventions

    STIM2 regulates PKA-dependent phosphorylation and trafficking of AMPARs

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    STIMs (STIM1 and STIM2 in mammals) are transmembrane proteins that reside in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and regulate store-operated Ca2+ entry (SOCE). The function of STIMs in the brain is only beginning to be explored, and the relevance of SOCE in nerve cells is being debated. Here we identify STIM2 as a central organizer of excitatory synapses. STIM2, but not its paralogue STIM1, influences the formation of dendritic spines and shapes basal synaptic transmission in excitatory neurons. We further demonstrate that STIM2 is essential for cAMP/PKA-dependent phosphorylation of the AMPA receptor (AMPAR) subunit GluA1. cAMP triggers rapid migration of STIM2 to ER–plasma membrane (PM) contact sites, enhances recruitment of GluA1 to these ER-PM junctions, and promotes localization of STIM2 in dendritic spines. Both biochemical and imaging data suggest that STIM2 regulates GluA1 phosphorylation by coupling PKA to the AMPAR in a SOCE-independent manner. Consistent with a central role of STIM2 in regulating AMPAR phosphorylation, STIM2 promotes cAMP-dependent surface delivery of GluA1 through combined effects on exocytosis and endocytosis. Collectively our results point to a unique mechanism of synaptic plasticity driven by dynamic assembly of a STIM2 signaling complex at ER-PM contact sites

    Whole-body tissue stabilization and selective extractions via tissue-hydrogel hybrids for high-resolution intact circuit mapping and phenotyping

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    To facilitate fine-scale phenotyping of whole specimens, we describe here a set of tissue fixation-embedding, detergent-clearing and staining protocols that can be used to transform excised organs and whole organisms into optically transparent samples within 1–2 weeks without compromising their cellular architecture or endogenous fluorescence. PACT (passive CLARITY technique) and PARS (perfusion-assisted agent release in situ) use tissue-hydrogel hybrids to stabilize tissue biomolecules during selective lipid extraction, resulting in enhanced clearing efficiency and sample integrity. Furthermore, the macromolecule permeability of PACT- and PARS-processed tissue hybrids supports the diffusion of immunolabels throughout intact tissue, whereas RIMS (refractive index matching solution) grants high-resolution imaging at depth by further reducing light scattering in cleared and uncleared samples alike. These methods are adaptable to difficult-to-image tissues, such as bone (PACT-deCAL), and to magnified single-cell visualization (ePACT). Together, these protocols and solutions enable phenotyping of subcellular components and tracing cellular connectivity in intact biological networks

    Automatic Segmentation of Neurons from Fluorescent Microscopy Imaging

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    Automatic detection and segmentation of neurons from microscopy acquisition is essential for statistically characterizing neuron morphology that can be related to their functional role. In this paper, we propose a combined pipeline that starts from the automatic detection of the soma through a new multiscale blob enhancement filtering. Then, a precise segmentation of the detected cell body is obtained by an active contour approach. The resulted segmentation is used as initial seed for the second part of the approach that proposes a dendrite arborization tracing method