22 research outputs found

    Genetic variation effects growth inhibition by glyphosate.

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    <p><b>A</b>. Shikimate pathway produces the precursor for phenylalanine, tyrosine, tryptophan, <i>para</i>-Aminobenzoic acid (PABA), folic acid and Coenzyme Q10. The canonical target of glyphosate is EPSPS in plants and Aro1 is the yeast homolog of EPSPS. PABA and 4-hydroxylbenzoate can be converted to Coenzyme Q10. <b>B</b>. Serial dilution of genetically diverse yeast on rich media (YPD) with dilutions of glyphosate as indicated (1% vol/ vol is equivalent to 78 mM). <b>C</b>. Serial dilution of genetically diverse yeast on minimal media with glyphosate. Aromatic amino acids, tryptophan (W), tyrosine (Y) and phenylalanine (F) were added to YM plates to make WYF.</p

    Genetic linkage analysis of glyphosate sensitivity in glyphosate on rich media.

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    <p><b>A</b>. Genetic linkage of sensitivity of YJM789 to 1% glyphosate in YPD. LOD score (y-axis) was mapped across the yeast genome (x-axis) with chromosomes numbered left to right. The LOD significant levels (alpha = 0.05) was 3.82 and was marked by a red dashed line. <b>B</b>. The genomic loci under the peak located on chromosome 15 contains 10 genes. Genes encoded on the top strand are in yellow and genes encoded on the bottom strand are blue. <b>C</b>. Serial dilution of S288c (GSY147) x YJM789 hybrids in which the entire <i>PDR5</i> coding region in either parent was deleted (Δ), crossed, and the resulting hemizygotes were grown on rich media with and without 1% of glyphosate.</p

    Regulation of <i>DIP5</i> by glyphosate and aspartic acid.

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    <p><b>A</b>. RNA expression levels of <i>DIP5</i> mRNA in AWRI1631, RM11, YJM789 and S288c grown in YM with and without 0.25% glyphosate (RU). Q RT-PCR of <i>DIP5</i> mRNA levels are normalized to <i>ACT1</i> mRNA. <b>B</b>. Serial dilution of genetically diverse yeast on minimal media with glyphosate supplemented with aspartic acid. <b>C</b>. Different responses of <i>dip5Δ</i> yeast in liquid media supplemented with different aromatic metabolites and amino acids on exposure to glyphosate. BY4741 and GSY147 were grown in the presence of glyphosate (0.1% in HULM, WYF and D and 1% in YPD) and the optical density was measured in log phase (10 hr).</p

    Genetic variation effects growth inhibition by glyphosate.

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    <p><b>A</b>. Shikimate pathway produces the precursor for phenylalanine, tyrosine, tryptophan, <i>para</i>-Aminobenzoic acid (PABA), folic acid and Coenzyme Q10. The canonical target of glyphosate is EPSPS in plants and Aro1 is the yeast homolog of EPSPS. PABA and 4-hydroxylbenzoate can be converted to Coenzyme Q10. <b>B</b>. Serial dilution of genetically diverse yeast on rich media (YPD) with dilutions of glyphosate as indicated (1% vol/ vol is equivalent to 78 mM). <b>C</b>. Serial dilution of genetically diverse yeast on minimal media with glyphosate. Aromatic amino acids, tryptophan (W), tyrosine (Y) and phenylalanine (F) were added to YM plates to make WYF.</p

    Genetic Linkage analysis of glyphosate sensitivity in glyphosate on minimal media with and without aromatic amino acids.

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    <p><b>A</b>. Genetic linkage of sensitivity of YJM789 to 0.15% glyphosate in yeast minimal media supplemented with aromatic amino acids (WYF). LOD score (y-axis) was mapped across the yeast genome (x-axis). The LOD significant levels (alpha = 0.05) was 3.65 and was marked by a red dashed line. <b>B</b>. Genetic linkage of sensitivity of YJM789 to 0.15% glyphosate in yeast minimal media (YM). LOD score (y-axis) was mapped across the yeast genome (x-axis). The LOD significant levels (alpha = 0.05) was 3.47 and was marked by a red dashed line. <b>C</b>. The genomic loci under the peak located on chromosome 16 contains 14 genes. Genes encoded on the top strand are in yellow and genes encoded on the bottom strand are blue. <b>D</b>. Serial dilutions of S288c (GSY147), YJM789 and BY4741 with <i>DIP5</i> knocked out grown on YM (HULM), WYF, aspartic acid (D) with glyphosate at the concentrations indicated. Histidine, uracil, leucine and methionine (HULM) were supplemented for growth of BY4741. <b>E</b>. Serial dilutions of S288c (GSY147) x YJM789 hybrids. The entire <i>DIP5</i> coding region in either parent was deleted (Δ), crossed, and the resulting hemizygotes were grown on solid media YM, WYF, aspartic acid (D) with glyphosate at the indicated concentrations and supplemented.</p

    Contribution of the genetic variation within Aro1 to glyphosate resistance.

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    <p><b>A</b>. Protein alignment of Aro1 from genetically diverse yeast strains. <b>B</b>. Serial dilutions of haploid <i>aro1Δ</i> in RM11, <b>C</b>. S288c, and <b>D</b>. YJM789, expressing different alleles of plasmid encoded <i>ARO1</i> were grown on YPD and YM with and without glyphosate. Rows labeled empty have pGS36 plasmid with no <i>ARO1</i>. Parental strains with the endogenous <i>ARO1</i> expressed from the chromosome labeled WT carry an empty plasmid (pGS36).</p

    Genetic variation in Dip5, an amino acid permease, and Pdr5, a multiple drug transporter, regulates glyphosate resistance in <i>S</i>. <i>cerevisiae</i> - Fig 3

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    <p><b>A. Different responses of <i>aro1</i></b><i>Δ</i><b>yeast on media supplemented with different aromatic metabolites</b>. Wild-type RM11 was compared to S288c (GSY147) and YJM789 with and without <i>ARO1</i>, three days in minimal media supplemented with aromatic amino acids (+WYF) or <i>para</i>-aminobenzoic acid (+PABA) or without these metabolites (-WYF or -PABA). <b>B</b>. Different responses of <i>aro1Δ</i> yeast on glyphosate. Wild-type RM11 was compared to S288c (GSY147) and YJM789 with and without <i>ARO1</i> on 0.15% glyphosate three days in minimal media supplemented with +WYF or +PABA or without these metabolites (-WYF or -PABA).</p