231 research outputs found

    Coded Tissue Superharmonic Imaging: An Analytical Study

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    Superharmonic imaging (SHI) benefits medical ultrasound imaging in achieving higher spatial and contrast resolution but gives poor signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and penetration depth that require careful control on excitation power and frequency. In the present work, coded pulsed excitations (linear frequency modulated and nonlinear frequency modulated signals) are used to evaluate the superharmonic field generation and propagation (coded tissue superharmonic imaging). The evaluation includes the study of parameters such as peak side lobe level, beam width, axial level for analyzing SNR and penetration depth. The results for coded tissue SHI are reported in comparison with conventional SHI and with the performance of coded tissue harmonic imaging and fundamental ultrasound imaging

    Study of the efficacy of Pathadi Ghanavati with Lajamanda in the management of Aamatisara

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    Acute Diarrhoea is an important public health problem worldwide. The World Health Organization estimates that there are more than 1000 million cases of Acute Diarrhoea. Loose motion less than 2 weeks that labelled as Acute Diarrhoea. Diarrhoea is described in Ayurvedic classics with the name of ‘Atisara’. It means passing of excessive flow of watery stool through anus. Most important factor in the pathogenesis of Aamatisara is Mandagni. In present study 50 patients of Aamatisara were selected from OPD and IPD of Kayachikitsa department. For the clinical study Pathadi Ghanavati and Lajamanda was selected as the trial drug which was given for the duration of 7 days in the dose of 1gm twice a day. It was observed that 32% patients were from the age group 51-60 years, 70% were females, 62% were from lower-middle socio economic class. Sama Jivha was found in all the patients. Among results loose motion showed 98.75% relief, 97.82% showed improvement in Udarashoola, 97.43% improvement in Agnimandya and Daurbalya each, 100% relief was seen in Aruchi. All the symptoms showed highly significant results. Hence it can be concluded that Pathadi Ghanavati and Lajamanda is very effective remedy in the patients of Aamatisara

    Study of the efficacy of the Lekhaniya Ghana Vati in the management of Hyperlipidemia in DM-II

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    Hyperlipidemia is emerging big problem in present society, which is now increasing day by day because of sedentary life style of people, consumption of junk food, aerated cold drink and high level of stress are further detoriating the conditin. Hyperlipidemia is a major cause in major illness such as HTN, Obesity, acute MI, IHD, CCF and DM-2. Previous studies of hyperlipidemia shows that reduction of fractions of lipids levels reduce rate of morbidity in individual with DM-2, HTN, CAD. In Ayurveda hyperlipidimia showes close resembalance with Medoroga as per Ayurveda. Lekhaniya Gana is specifically indicated in Ayurveda literature for management of Medoroga. In current case study 54 yrs female K/C/O DM type 2 came with gross elevation of total cholesterol, triglicerides, LDL, VLDL levels. Lekhaniya Ghanavati with proper Pathya Ahara was adviced to patients for 2 months. Highly significant reduction was observed in total cholesterol level, triglyesrides, LDL, VLDL levels

    The Kasaghna effect of Akshawaleha in the management of Rajayakshma w.s.r. to Pulmonary Tuberculosis - A Case Study

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    In modern era Rajayakshma can be correlated to Tuberculosis. Rajayakshma is a Madhyama Rogamarga Vyadhi manifested Shosha. Though there is a difference in the pathogenesis of Rajayakshma and Pulmonary Tuberculosis, the clinical picture of both is quite similar. It is a major public health problem in India due to the environmental changes, changes in behavioural, diet habits, poor quality of life, population explosion, under nutrition and lack of awareness about cause of disease and modern life style. Ayurveda can provide the satisfactory health service due to its comprehensive capacity of attaining all types of Pathological changes. To fulfil the applied aspect of these basic principles the symptoms of Rajayakshma have been under taken for study. Here we done a study on a patient of Rajayakshma to rule out the Kasaghna effect of Akshawaleha in the management

    The effect of Gandharvahasta Sneha with Dashmula Kwatha in the management of hyperamonaemia in alcoholic liver cirrhosis w.s.r. to Dushyodara/Sannipatodara - A Case Study

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    A 45yrs aged male patient presenting with Udarvriddhi (abdominal distention), Kshudhamandya (decreased appetite), Dourbalya (gen. weakness), Ubhaypadshoth (bilateral pedal edema) diagnosed as Udarvyadhi (ascites) was brought to Dr. M. N. Agashe Charitable Hospital, Satara. Patient was treated with an integrated approach of ayurveda. According to Ayurveda, treatment of Udar is Nityavirechana (purgative), Agnideepan (increase appetite), Balaprapti (increase strength), Yakrituttejjak (stimulant for hepatic function and external application of Arkapattbandhan (belt made by leaves of Calotropis procera). In this study we used the Gandharvahasta Sneha with Dashmula Kwatha as purgative. Appreciable results were observed in the form of reduction in abdominal girth, decreased pedal edema, increased appetite, increased strength and significant changes in investigations

    Clinical Study of Chakramardadi Pralepa in the management of Dadru Kushta

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    Background: Skin is the largest organ of human body. Its size and external location makes it susceptible to a wide variety of disorders. In recent years there has been increase in incidence of skin problem due to various reasons like Poverty, Poor sanitation, Unhygienic condition, Pollution etc. Dadru is one among Kushta Roga affecting all the age of population. It is Kapha-Pitta Pradhan Vyadhi and presents clinically with the features of Kandu, Raga, Pidika, Daha, Rookshata, Udgata Mandala etc. and can be correlated with Tinea infection. Management of Dadru includes Shodhana, Shaman and Bahiparimarjan Chikitsa. Chakramarda is a wild crop grows in most part of India and it is known as Ringworm plant. So here in this study Chakramadadi Pralepa was used to evaluate the efficacy in Dadru

    Aspect Based Opinion Mining & Sentiment Analysis

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    Opinion mining is a relatively new field that refers to the practice of collecting feedback in the form of online reviews and ratings left by users on various topics. Researchers are now able to monitor the states of consciousness of individuals in real-time because to this development. Just lately, a number of research papers for sentiment analysis were implemented, each of which was based on a unique categorization and ranking procedure. However, the amount of time necessary for the newline performing class has not decreased in any way. Sentiment Sensitivity newline word list SST was provided as a solution to the problem of function mismatch in the go-domain sentiment class across the source area and the target domain; however, achieving improved accuracy and identifying distributional similarities of words became less effective as time went on. Hidden Markov’s persistent development may be seen at the beginning. Cosine In order to achieve more effective and clean pre-processing, a method that is conceptually quite similar to HM-CPCS has been devised. The HM-CPCS methodology, which has recently been suggested, makes use of the POS tagger, a variant of which is based on the Hidden Markov algorithm. Evaluations are created using data from a wide variety of different domains. Similar to a newline, the tags that come before and after it compute the possibility of transitions and the existence of the term newline among the tags in order to increase capability. This is done in order to improve capability

    Dynamic Classification of Sentiments from Restaurant Reviews Using Novel Fuzzy-Encoded LSTM

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    User reviews on social media have sparked a surge in interest in the application of sentiment analysis to provide feedback to the government, public and commercial sectors. Sentiment analysis, spam identification, sarcasm detection and news classification are just few of the uses of text mining. For many firms, classifying reviews based on user feelings is a significant and collaborative effort. In recent years, machine learning models and handcrafted features have been used to study text classification, however they have failed to produce encouraging results for short text categorization. Deep neural network based Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) and Fuzzy logic model with incremental learning is suggested in this paper. On the basis of F1-score, accuracy, precision and recall, suggested model was tested on a large dataset of hotel reviews. This study is a categorization analysis of hotel review feelings provided by hotel customers. When word embedding is paired with LSTM, findings show that the suggested model outperforms current best-practice methods, with an accuracy 81.04%, precision 77.81%, recall 80.63% and F1-score 75.44%. The efficiency of the proposed model on any sort of review categorization job is demonstrated by these encouraging findings

    Image Forensics for Forgery Detection using Contrast Enhancement and 3D Lighting

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    Nowadays the digital image plays an important role in human life. Due to large growth in the image processing techniques, with the availability of image modification tools any modification in the images can be done. These modifications cannot be recognized by human eyes. So Identification of the image integrity is very important in today’s life. Contrast and brightness of digital images can be adjusted by contrast enhancement. Move and paste type of images are Created by malicious person, in which contrast of one source image is enhanced to match the other source image. Here in this topic contrast enhancement technique is used which aimed at detecting image tampering has grown in different applications area such as law enforcement, surveillance. Also with the contrast enhancement, we propose an improved 3D lighting environment estimation method based on a more general surface reflection model. 3D lighting environment is an important clue in an image that can be used for image forgery detection. We intend to employ fully automatic face morphing and alignment algorithms. Also we intend to use face detection method to detect the face existence and 3D lighting environment estimation to check originality of human faces in the image

    Clinical efficacy of Kasakartari Gutika in the management of Kasa in Tamaka Shwasa w.s.r. to Bronchial Asthma

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    Background: The disease Kasa and Tamaka Shwasa mentioned by Acharya Charaka separately, both the disease are originating from Pranavaha Srotas and can damage Pranavaha Srotas permanently. Especially in Tamaka Shwasa Vyadhi, Kasa is very common as a prominent symptom. In fact patient gets more detoriated after onset of Kasa Vega and fills better when it gets subside. Though Tamaka Shwasa Vyadhi is Pitta Samudbhava, Kapha and Vata are always predominant factors. The Strotorodha made by Styana Kapha provocate Vayu excessively and result into Kasa Vega as symptom. According to Ayurveda the contain of Kasakartari Gutika is act as Kasa-shwashar property and hence for present study Kasakartari Gutika was selected as trial drug for treating the patient of Kasa in Tamaka Shwasa. Aim: To study the efficacy of ‘Kasakartari Gutika’ in the management of Kasa in Tamaka Shwasa w.s.r. to Bronchial Asthma. Material and Methods: Total 30 paients of Kasa in Tamaka Shwasa from OPD and IPD unit of Dr. M. N. Agashe Hospital, Satara, were selected and treated with Kasakartari Gutika 1gm B.D. for the duration of 2 month. Result: Maximum 81.81% relief was observed in Kshudhamandya and 80.64% relief was observed in Ayasenshwasa and 77.5% relief was observed in Kasa. Conclusion: The compound formulation ‘Kasakartari Gutika’ was found as an effective remedy for Kasa in Tamaka Shwasa. The parameters like Kasa, Ayasenshwasa and Kshudhamandya shows that they are highly significant result
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