Study of the efficacy of the Lekhaniya Ghana Vati in the management of Hyperlipidemia in DM-II


Hyperlipidemia is emerging big problem in present society, which is now increasing day by day because of sedentary life style of people, consumption of junk food, aerated cold drink and high level of stress are further detoriating the conditin. Hyperlipidemia is a major cause in major illness such as HTN, Obesity, acute MI, IHD, CCF and DM-2. Previous studies of hyperlipidemia shows that reduction of fractions of lipids levels reduce rate of morbidity in individual with DM-2, HTN, CAD. In Ayurveda hyperlipidimia showes close resembalance with Medoroga as per Ayurveda. Lekhaniya Gana is specifically indicated in Ayurveda literature for management of Medoroga. In current case study 54 yrs female K/C/O DM type 2 came with gross elevation of total cholesterol, triglicerides, LDL, VLDL levels. Lekhaniya Ghanavati with proper Pathya Ahara was adviced to patients for 2 months. Highly significant reduction was observed in total cholesterol level, triglyesrides, LDL, VLDL levels

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