26 research outputs found

    Motif Berperilaku Kepala Desa Pada Penyelenggaraan Pemerintahan Desa di Kabupaten Minahasa Selatan

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    The behavior of the village chief is expected to build the image quality public services, but in reality the implementation of public services have not been able to walk properly due to the unavailability of the service personnel are professional, dedicated, accountable and responsive and loyal to his duties as civil servants and public servants. By using a qualitative approach was found that social status (achievement, prestige / status position and power / power, and needs (income and appreciation) are two underlying motives in the village head behaves In Governance in South Minahasa Regency Village. Loyalty and professional as media which can bridge the social status and the need to make quality services. Keywords: Motive behavior, social status, Supplies, Service

    Pelaksanaan Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Desa ( Apbdesa) dalam Menunjang Pembangunan Desa di Desa Betelen Kecamatan Tombatu Kabupaten Minahasa Tenggara

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    APBDesa ( Income Expenditure Budgeting of Village ) is an explanation needsin building the village as defined in Ministry of Home Affairs Regulation No. 37 Year 2007on Guidelines for village financial management. The aim of this study is to determine theimplementation of village income expenditure to support the rural development in betelenvillage so that the data and information about constraints to the implementation of villageincome expenditure budgeting to supplort the rural development in Betelen village contained.This study uses qualitative research, the simple of informants selected by purposive sampling,sampling technique with particular data source (sugiono 2008). The key informants areselected from five jaga (5 areas) in Betelen village which is consist of village headmen,village secretary, village consultative body chairman, traditional leaders, religious leaders,youth leaders and four communities. A total 15 informants were selected and interviewed..The research results show, that the managerial capacity in financial management of thevillage officials is still lacking, transparency in financial management have not been fullyvisible, there is still confusing in budget management, participation or communityinvolvement in the process of overseeing and providing constructive feedback on theimprovement of financial management has not been fully maximized

    Peran Kepala Desa dalam Pengelolaan Dana Desa di Kecamatan Essang Selatan Kabupaten Kepulauan Talaud

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    The phenomenon in the management of village funds, the Village Head as the holder of the power of financialmanagement and village assets, in determining the budget of village income and expenditure does not involve the componentsof society other than that the obligation to submit reports on the implementation of APBDes to the community is notimplemented. Based on the background of the problem, the purpose of this research is to know / explain the role of villagehead in managing the village fund in South Essang Subdistrict The type of research used in this study is qualitative research.The focus of this research is the role of village head in the management of village fund in South Essang sub-district.Reviewed on budget planning, implementation, and evaluation. Determination of informants is based on the criteriaaccording to the research objectives. The result of the research shows that the Village Fund Program Planning in SouthEssang Subdistrict has not gradually implemented the concept of village community participation development which isproven by participative, responsive, transparency principle, in order to realize every priority program of society needs.Villages that are held through Musrembangdes, the implementation of the Village Fund program, in the physicaldevelopment, community empowerment has been running in accordance with the planning in musyawarah kan, but theproblem is the lack of supervision by the village government to the people who cheat so that inhibition of village fundmanagement in the field of development and Empowerment. Evaluation for village funds in 2016 already underway but, insuccessful development can not be separated from obstacles in its wor

    The Effectiveness of the Regional Regulation Formation Agency in Producing Initiative Regional Regulations

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    This research aims to analyze the effectiveness of the Regional Regulation Formation Agency in Producing Initiative Regional Regulations in the DPRD of North Sulawesi. This research uses the theory of Richard M. Steers with measures of effectiveness, namely goal achievement, integration and adaptation. This research used a qualitative descriptive method with 4 informants consisting of the deputy chairman of the DPRD of North Sulawesi, the chairman of BAPEMPERDA (Regional Regulation Establishment Agency), members of BAPEMPERDA, and BAPEMPERDA staff. The results of this research show that the performance of BAPEMPERDA is still not optimal, seen from the lack of effectiveness in making regional regulations, to the point that they do not reach directly to the community. Based on research findings, several things that need to be suggested to the DPRD (Regional People's Representative Council), especially BAPEMPERDA North Sulawesi, are the need for commitment from DPRD members so that a regional regulation can be effective, not only in terms of quality, but can be felt by the constituents, namely the community

    Pengaruh Penerapan Otonomi Desa terhadap Partisipasi Masyarakat dalam Pembangunan (suatu Studi di Distrik Saifi Kabupaten Sorong Selatan)

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    This research moved from the initial observation that the application by the amah VillageAutonomy Law. No. 6 Year 2015 About the Village is not optimal so that the impact on the low participation ofrural communities, especially in the district of South Sorong Regency Saifi. Thus, this study aimed to analyzethe effect of implementation of village autonomy to public participation in the development of Saifi village inthe district of South Sorong regency. Denagn applying the method of descriptive and quantitative approachesand applying imntrumen questionnaire, distributed to 46 people selamnjutnya government officials Kampungdistributed into five villages. After the data and information collected, then processed and analyzed by usingfrequency tables and analysis product moment correlation analysis and simple linear regression to test thehypothesis.The results of data analysis menunkkan that (1). The implementation of village autonomy is in thecategory "medium" tend to be "low", while the level of community participation in rural development are inthe category of "moderate" tend to be "high". (2). The implementation of village autonomy as one of the factorsthat influence people's participation in rural development. The implementation of village autonomy contributepositively and significantly on the level of participation of rural communities, especially in the district of SouthSorong Regency Saifi. Thus, it can be concluded that the hypothesis can be tested by empirical validity as wellas to justify the underlying theories.It is necessary to give some suggestions, among others: (1). Not optimal application of Village Autonomy,it is expected that the government (district / city and province) is committed to delegate authority under thelegislation in force regarding some matters that are directly handled by the village government so as toencourage an increase in the intensity of the implementation of village autonomy. (2). It is recommended thatthe local government encourages well as streamline the functions of village institutions as a partner with thevillage government through education and functional training

    Profesionalisme Kerja Kelompok Tani Pengelola Bunga Potong Krisan di Kota Tomohon

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    Farmer groups as a forum for organizations and cooperate among members has a very important role in the life of a farm community, because of all the activities and problems in trying farmer carried out by the group simultaneously. One of the work done by the farmer groups in Tomohon is in the management of cut flowers such as roses, carnations, gladiolus, chrysanthemum, antherium, daisies, Hébras, tuberose, orchid, lily, Alstromeria, and molucella.This study was conducted to elucidate the cause of professionalism farmers group manager Chrysanthemum cut flower in Tomohon has not been achieved as a development resource management of scientific development, especially in the study of resource management. Through the use of qualitative methods found that professionalism farmer groups in pengelolah Krista cut flowers in Tomohon has not been achieved yet terbuntuknya caused by the commitment, creativity, innovation and responsiveness

    Persepsi Masyarakat Tentang Kualitas Pelayanan Kesehatan di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Kota Kotamobagu Provinsi Sulawesi Utara

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    Liquid health services every effort held alone or together in an organizationto maintain and promote health, prevent and cure disease and restore the health ofindividuals, families, groups or communities. Looked at that hospital patientsshould be more capable in providing health services in the quest of healing andrestoration of quality, fast on the outside top of the complaints as well as theprovision of health services.This research uses qualitative research methods, descriptive, the number ofinformants will be interviewed in this study amounted to 8 (eight) theinformant; 1 person head of sub-division of The HOSPITALS of thecity of Kotamobagu, 1 Staff Officer, 6 people of the communitywho are receiving services (patient). Data collection techniques are in use;interview techniques, techniques of observation, and data collection techniques,with documents. The data analysis techniques in use; reduction of data,data presentation, and conclusion / verification of withdrawal