92 research outputs found

    Potential of the TikTok to Promote the Festival Ural Music Night

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    В условиях перехода общества в онлайн-среду продвижение в социальных сетях становится необходимым элементом стратегии каждой организации. За последний год пользователи и компании резко увеличили интерес к онлайн-платформе TikTok, так что она постепенно перестает быть местом для подростков и наполняется состоятельной аудиторией, основными потребителями большинства продуктов. Однако категория контента, связанная с культурными мероприятиями, в этой социальной сети остается практически не заполненной. В статье будут рассмотрены возможности продвижения фестиваля в TikTok на примере Ural Music Night.The context of the transition of society to an online environment, promotion in social networks becomes a necessary element of the strategy of each organization. Over the past year, users and businesses have increased their interest in the online platform TikTok. It gradually ceases to be a place for teenagers and is filled with a wealthy audience, the main consumers of most products. However, the category of content related to cultural events in this social network remains almost empty. The article will consider the possibilities of promoting the festival in TikTok on the example of Ural Music Night

    Educational Policy of Kazakhstan in the Context of Youth Migration

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    Educational migration largely determines the dynamics and nature of the country’s economic development and is viewed as a factor in increasing the country’s competitiveness and building up human capital. In this context, an increasing problem for Kazakhstan is the regulation of educational migration in the context of fierce competition in the international market of educational services.A review of publications showed that the issues of regulating educational migration from Kazakhstan are not widely covered in scientific discourse. There are practically no scientific works on the political and legal aspects of youth migration. But even if there are such publications, then, as a rule, they are devoted to the analysis of youth migration in Central Asia in general. The relevance of the study is determined by the gradual expansion of educational contacts of Kazakhstan with other countries and the need to identify the competitive advantages of foreign educational systems over the national higher education system of Kazakhstan.The purpose of the article is to consider the main motives, causes and consequences of educational migration from Kazakhstan, to analyze the activities of the authorities and ways of regulating youth migration, develop new effective methods for regulating external migration processes and provide recommendations on minimizing the risks associated with the outflow of young people from the country.In order to identify the main trends and development of educational migration from Kazakhstan, the study was carried out on the basis of collecting information through a questionnaire, as well as its detailed processing and content analysis. Kazakhstani students studying in Russia took part in the survey. The sample consisted of 183 people.As a result of the study, the main reasons for the dynamic growth of educational migration from Kazakhstan were identified, such as the high quality of education abroad, the availability of education in Russian universities, comfortable learning and living conditions for Kazakhstanis, etc. Recommendations for authorities on regulating educational migration that can be used by other countries facing the problem of the outflow of youth abroad in order to receive education. The results of this work can be useful to scientists and teachers engaged in research on various aspects of educational migration in Kazakhstan

    Religious and Theological Concepts of Islam in Bashkir, Uzbek and Tajik Proverbs: A Perspective from the Theory of Cultural and Linguistic Transfer

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    Introduction. The article shows how Bashkir, Uzbek and Tajik proverbs reflect religious ideas of the Islamic peoples. Goals. The study examines a certain thematic group of Bashkir, Tajik and Uzbek proverbs containing religious and theological concepts to illustrate how the Muslim profession of faith yielded somewhat linguistic and cultural transfer. Materials and methods. The paper analyzes patterns contained in the authors’ proverbial database compiled via continuous sampling from a variety of dictionaries (75 publications) and survey results of different aged Bashkir, Tajik and Uzbek native speakers (20 individuals). The employed techniques rest on value criteria when it comes to select value constants, highlight some semantic condensate, and conduct comparative analyses. Results. The contrastive insights into proverbial collections of the three languages that form a sort of a triangle of interconnections (Bashkir and Uzbek — cognate languages, Tajik and Uzbek — contacting ones) are indicative of which religious and theological ideas of Islam did prove most required by the latter’s speakers, stable in relation to external influences, and would receive further axiological comprehension as ‘their own’. Conclusions. The identification of semantic dominants shows a commonality of the languages under consideration. The partial coincidence of the three paremiological clusters is explained by the cultural and linguistic transfer, when Muslim ideas penetrated into the Turkic language environment through Iran and its cultural mediation, while it is through Central Asia that the former arrived in the South Urals. All this attests to a complicated and multi-stage cultural and linguistic transfer ignited by Islam


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    A hardened gelatin gel deposited on a transparent polymeric matrix is of interest for the development of highly sensitive methods which combine concentration and subsequent determination of the analyte in the solid phase.For visual test for determination of lead (II) commercial photographic film with immobilized indikator bromopyrogallol red is proposed to use. The optimal conditions for the immobilization of the reagent and the metal complex in the film are determined. The composition and stability of the indicator reaction products are evaluated in solution and heterogeneous water / gelatin film. On the basis of  these studies the technique of visual test determination of lead, based on the formation of complex compounds of Pb (II) c bromopyrogallol red in the medium hardened gelatin gel are found. Metrological characteristics of the proposed method of visual test determination of Pb (II) with the use of the indicator film are developed. Correctness of the methodology for determination of lead was tested on model solutions and real objects.Keywords: bromopyrogallol red, lead (II), the indicator gelatin film, immobilization, visual colorimetry.(Russian)DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2014.18.3.009 P.V Anisimovich1,  Z.A Temerdashev1,  T.B Pochinok1, E.A. Reshetniak2, T.S. Smolenskaya1,  O.Iu. Lomakina1  1Federal state budget educational institution of higher professional education "Kuban State University", Krasnodar, Russian Federation2V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Kharkiv, UkraineСреди прозрачных полимерных сорбентов, используемых  для концентрирования и последующего определения аналита непосредственно в твердой фазе, особый интерес представляет желатиновый отвержденный гель, нанесенный на прозрачную полимерную матрицу.Для визуально-тестового определения свинца(II) предложено использовать коммерческую фотопленку с иммобилизованным металлоиндикатором бромпирогаллоловым красным. Найдены оптимальные условия иммобилизации реагента и металлокомплекса в пленке. Установлен состав и оценена устойчивость продуктов индикаторной реакции в растворе и в гетерогенной системе вода/желатиновая пленка. На основе проведенных исследований разработана методика визуального тест-определения свинца, основанная на образовании комплексного соединения Pb(II) c  бромпирогаллоловым красным в среде  отвержденного желатинового геля. Оценены метрологические характеристики предложенной методики визуального тест-определения Pb(II) с использованием индикаторной пленки: интервал ненадежности обнаружения Pb(II) (1.9-3.7 мкМ), предел обнаружения (3.2 мкМ) и предел определения (3.9 мкМ) металла по цветовой шкале. Правильность определения в модельных растворах и реальных объектах доказана методом «введено-найдено» и независимым методом.Ключевые слова: бромпирогаллоловый красный, свинец(II), индикаторная желатиновая пленка, иммобилизация, визуальная колориметрия.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2014.18.3.009

    Experience of the successful treatment with canakinumab of a patient with NLPC4-associated autoinflammatory syndrome with enterocolitis

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    The article shows the observation of rare NLPC4-associated autoinflammatory syndrome with enterocolitis and familial cold urticaria. Diagnosis is confirmed molecularly-genetically: previously not described mutation c.928C>T in the heterozygous state in NLRC4 gene is discovered by a method of the new generation sequencing. The use of a monoclonal antibody to the interleukin 1 canakinumab provided complete relief of fever and skin and intestinal symptoms in just 1 week of treatment. Later the signs of inflammation have disappeared completely; the patient’s quality of life improved and life-threatening complications were prevented. The above example demonstrates the high clinical efficacy of canakinumab in the patient with NLRC4-associated autoinflammatory syndrome and suggests promising therapeutic use of interleukin 1 blockers in such patients. There were no adverse events during canakinumab therapy

    High Efficiency of Kanakinumabum for a Patient with a Late Diagnosed Chronic Infantile Neurological Cutaneous Articular Syndrome (CINCA)

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    The article presents the monitoring of a severe course of CINCA/NOMID syndrome diagnosed at late stages. The use of monoclonal antibodies to IL 1 — kanakinumabum — in a patient with chronic neurological cutaneous and articular syndrome was successful: fever, cutaneous and pain syndromes were completely stopped, joint contractures decreased after one week of therapy. Laboratory parameters of the child’s disease activity (ESR and CRP) became normal after 8 weeks of treatment. Movements in the affected joints recovered completely after 24 weeks; the audiologist noted an improvement in hearing. The above clinical example demonstrates the high efficiency of kanakinumabum for a patient with chronic neurological cutaneous and articular syndrome, and shows the perspective of therapeutic application of IL 1 blocker for patients with CINCA syndrome including advanced stages of the disease. No adverse effects were noted during kanakinumabum therapy

    Клинический случай применения тоцилизумаба у пациента с системным ювенильным идиопатическим артритом

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    This article describes a case of successfully used tocilizumab (interleukin 6 receptors monoclonal antibodies) in a two-year patient with severe systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis resistant to oral and parenteral glucocorticoids, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and methotrexate. Just after the first injection of tocilizumab, fever and pain ceased, morning stiffness decreased significantly; laboratory disease activity indices normalized by the 4th week of drug use; by the 16th week inflammatory changes in the joints regressed completely, the disease entered its inactive phase. After using tocilizumab, remission duration was 20 months for articular syndrome and systemic manifestations. No adverse reactions have been registered.В статье описан случай успешного применения моноклональных антител к рецепторам интерлейкина 6 тоцилизумаба у двухлетнего пациента с тяжелым течением системного ювенильного идиопатического артрита, резистентного к пероральным и парентеральным глюкокортикостероидам, нестероидным противовоспалительным препаратам, метотрексату. Уже после первого введения тоцилизумаба купировались лихорадка и болевой синдром, значительно уменьшилась утренняя скованность, к 4-й нед введения препарата нормализовались лабораторные показатели активности болезни, к 16-й нед полностью регрессировали воспалительные изменения в суставах, была констатирована фаза неактивной болезни. Длительность ремиссии суставного синдрома и системных проявлений после применения тоцилизумаба составила 20 мес. Нежелательных реакций на фоне проводимой терапии не зарегистрировано


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    The article presents a case of late diagnosis of cutaneomucosal lymphonodular syndrome (Kawasaki syndrome). The child featured fever, mucosal lesion (conjunctivitis, stomatitis), rash, thick edemas on arms and feet, arthritis and coronaritis. Initial therapy proved ineffective. Pathogenetic therapy, which proved to be rather effective, was prescribed after diagnosis was confirmed. The authors present a case of successful use of normal human immunoglobulin for intravenous injections in the dose of 2 g/kg of body weight per course in combination with acetylsalicylic acid in the dose of 80 mg/kg per day. Body temperature decreased down to subfebrile figures and foot pain attenuated as early as after 1 day of treatment. Fever, rash, stomatitis and conjunctivitis terminated, edemas of limbs and arthritic manifestations attenuated considerably and laboratory parameters of disease activity normalized after 1 week (ESR and CRP). Inflammation of coronary arteries terminated after 3 weeks. No adverse events in the setting of immunoglobulin therapy were observed.  В статье представлен случай поздней диагностики слизисто-кожного лимфонодулярного синдрома (синдрома Кавасаки). У ребенка отмечались лихорадка, поражение слизистых оболочек (конъюнктивит, стоматит), сыпь, плотные отеки кистей и стоп, артрит, коронарит. Инициальная терапия оказалась неэффективна. При подтверждении диагноза назначена патогенетическая терапия с хорошим эффектом. Авторы представляют успешное применение иммуноглобулина нормального человеческого для внутривенного введения в дозе 2 г/кг массы тела на курс в сочетании с ацетилсалициловой кислотой в дозе 80 мг/кг в сут. Уже через 1 сут лечения температура у ребенка снизилась до субфебрильных цифр, уменьшились боли в стопах. Через 1 нед купировались лихорадка, сыпь, стоматит, конъюнктивит; значительно уменьшились отеки конечностей и явления артрита, нормализовались лабораторные показатели активности болезни (СОЭ и СРБ). Через 3 нед купировалось воспаление в коронарных артериях. Нежелательных явлений на фоне терапии иммуноглобулином у ребенка не отмечалось.