2 research outputs found

    Caractérisation de l’alimentation des jeunes enfants âgés de 6 à 36 mois en milieu rural et urbain du Sud– Bénin

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    Objectif: La période d’alimentation complémentaire est une période critique pour la croissance de l’enfant. Cette étude vise à décrire l’alimentation des jeunes enfants âgés de 6 à 36 mois en milieu rural et urbain du Sud-Bénin.Méthodologie et Résultats: Une enquête transversale a été menée sur 600 mères ayant des enfants âgés de 6 à 36 mois dans les zones rurales et urbaines du sud-Bénin, où la prévalence de la malnutrition chronique est élevée (prévalence variant de 40 % à 43 %). Les caractéristiques socio-économiques de la population, les connaissances (définition correcte de l'alimentation complémentaire) et les pratiques (âge d'introduction de l'aliment de complément, les caractéristiques des aliments de complément) ont été documentées. L'analyse en composante principale a été utilisée pour identifier les associations entre les caractéristiques socioéconomiques de la population et les pratiques d’alimentation des jeunes enfants de 6 à 36 mois. Dans l’ensemble, 65% des mères méconnaissent la notion d’alimentation complémentaire. L’introduction précoce des aliments de complément est observée dans 48.5% des cas. La bouillie dans 99.16% des cas est le premier aliment de complément donné aux enfants. Globalement, 67% des mères utilisent des bouillies locales, peu enrichies avec des matières protéiques. La consommation de bouillie issue des farines infantiles vendues dans le commerce est associée au milieu urbain alors que la bouillie locale est associée au milieu rural.Conclusion et application des résultats: Les bouillies locales sont peu enrichies avec des matières protéiques et les fréquences de consommation journalière sont faibles. Ces résultats révèlent l’importance d’améliorer les procédés et formulations traditionnelles des bouillies, stratégies endogènes durables qui méritent d’être encouragées par l’éducation nutritionnelle pour la production de bouillies enrichies à haute valeur nutritionnelle avec des matières premières locales accessibles pour couvrir les besoins nutritionnels et énergétiques des jeunes enfants, gage d’une croissance optimale.Mots clés: Alimentation, enfants de 6 à 36 mois, bouillies, BéninEnglish Title: Characterization of the feeding of young children aged 6 to 36 months in rural and urban areas of the South BeninEnglish AbstractObjective: The period of complementary feeding is a critical period for the growth of the child. This study aims to describe the feeding of young children aged 6 to 36 months in rural and urban areas of the South Benin.Methodology and Results: A cross sectional survey was conducted on 600 mothers having children aged 6 to 36 months in rural and urban areas of the South Benin, where the prevalence of chronic malnutrition is high (prevalence between 40% to 43%). The socio economics data, knowledge (correct definition of complementary feeding) and practices (age of introduction of Complementary Foods, characteristics of Complementary Foods) were collected. Analysis of principal component was used to identify the associations between the socio economics data and feeding practices for 6 to 36 months’ young children. About, 65% of mothers ignore the concept of complementary feeding. The early introduction of complementary foods was observed in 48.5% of cases. Porridge in 99.16% of cases is the first complementary food given to children. Overall, 67% of mothers use local porridges slightly enriched with protein feeds. Porridge based on commercial infant flour consumption is associated with the urban area while local porridge is associated with rural areas.Conclusion and application and results: Local porridge is poorly enriched with protein feeds in rural areas and the frequencies of daily consumption are low. These results reveal the importance of improving the processes and traditional formulations of local porridges. Sustainable strategies that need to be encouraged by mothers ‘nutritional education for the production of enriched porridges with high nutritional value and local raw materials accessible in order to cover the nutritional requirements and energy need of young children, pledge of an optimal growth.Keywords: feeding, children of 6 to 36 months, porridges, Beni

    Weight Loss and Nutritional Status of 6-59 Months Children after Positive Deviance/Hearth Approach in Southern Benin Rural Area: Associated Factors to Later Underweight

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    Aims: To appreciate the evolution of weight gain by malnourished children and factors associated to children underweight after the Positive Deviance/Hearth sessions. Study Design: Longitudinal study. Place and Duration of Study: Districts Ze and Lalo (Southern Benin), from May to August 2014 Methodology: This study was conducted on 98 children aged of 6-59 months who fully participated in Positive Deviance/Hearth (PD/H). During one month, four measurements of weight have been taken on the 77th, 84th, 91th, and 98th day after the beginning of PD/H. Questionnaire was administered to mother on environmental, hygiene practices, and food accessibility of household. Relation among factors of food accessibility, household hygiene, and child nutritional status was sought by an Analysis of Factorial Components. Results: The children who participated in 12 days of PD/H gained significantly 0.63 kg and 1.13 kg of weight in Lalo and Ze respectively (P<.001). From the 12th to 77th day after the end of PD/H, we noticed a significant weight loss from 10.54 to 10.09 kg in Ze and from 9.75 to 9.19 Kg in Lalo (P=.003). Prevalence of underweight children on the 77th day was 45.8% with 12.5% of severe case and 63.5% with 18.9% of severe case in Lalo and Ze, respectively. The severe underweight children were characterized by households where i) it rarely arrived to be without food ii) one member rarely have a day without eaten but iii) the drinking water is from well. Conclusion: On the 77th day after the PD/H, the children of our study had weight loss. Food accessibility and household hygiene are mainly the limited factors that could explain the degradation of the nutritional status of children and high prevalence of underweight. This first study conducted in Benin on PD/H approach is more exploratory and helps to appreciate this approach efficacy and sustainability