6 research outputs found

    Steganography of vector graphics and typography in infrared security printing

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    The paper elaborates on linear graphics and typographic elements in the function of hiding information in security printing. Hidden information is introduced with the goal to protect the originality of the produced graphic designs so their counterfeiting would be impossible. Those graphic designs are made with programmed linear and typographical elements that have different response in the part of the spectrum visible to the human eye, and in the near infrared part of the spectrum observed with instruments. In order to have different response in the said spectrum parts, in each of the two designs colors are separated in two different ways. In order to achieve unique results, complex algorithms and random numbers are used for color separation. Unique graphic designs have been obtained by merging design and security against counterfeiting

    Infrared steganography with individual screening shapes applied to postage stamps with security features

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    Dizajn poštanske marke zahtijeva smještanje grafičkih i zaštitnih elemenata u ograničen mali format pri čemu ni jedan od elemenata ne smije biti zapostavljen. Uvode se individualni rasterski oblici kao element zaštite u steganografiji dvostrukih slika u proširenom vizualnom i infracrvenom spektru od 700 do 1000 nm. Proširuje se CMYKIR teorija skrivanja infracrvene poruke u slici miješanjem procesnih bojila uz kontrolu spot blizanaca tonova u stanju X0 te X40. U sigurnosnom otisku su integrirane dvije slike, višebojna slika vidljiva golim okom, te druga skrivena slika vidljiva aparaturom za infracrveni spektar. CMYKIR metodi pridružuje se algoritam novog rasterskog elementa, koji služi za raspršivanje rubova skrivene slike nazvane "Z slika". Ovaj način steganografije primijenjen je u dizajnu i tisku poštanskih maraka u svrhu njihove zaštite na nov način.Designing a postage stamp requires positioning of graphic security elements in a limited small format, so the design is made for two states: for the visible spectrum and the infrared spectrum. Individual screening elements are introduced as security elements in the steganography of invisible pictures in the 700 to 1000 nm spectrum. The CMYKIR theory of hiding the infrared message in the picture is extended by mixing process inks with the control of spot twins of the same colour tone in the X0 and X40 states. Two pictures are integrated in the security print; a multicolour picture visible to the naked eye, and another hidden picture visible when illuminated with an IR detecting instrument. The CMYKIR method is joined with the new element’s algorithm used for dispersing of the hidden picture’s ("Z picture’s") fringes. This kind of steganography is applied in the design of postage stamps and it is a new way of securing them

    Company for management of poorly-performing assets of banks

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    Bančni sistem in njegovo brezhibno delovanje sta ključnega pomena za državo in njene ljudi, saj bančni sistem in dogajanje na njegovem trgu neposredno posegata v realni sektor in življenje ljudi. Ko je leta 2008 prišlo do svetovne finančne krize, so se tega zavedale vse države, saj zaradi prepletenosti finančnih trgov različnih držav med sabo praktično ni bilo države, ki se je takratna finančna kriza ne bi dotikala. Finančno krizo so povzročila deviantna ravnanja finančnega sektorja in finančnih institucij z namenom stremljenja k višjemu dobičku, zato so se odločali za bolj tvegane posle in odobravali bolj tvegane kredite. V diplomskem delu smo raziskali, kdo so krivci za nastanek takratne finančne krize, kaj so slabe terjatve in kateri so načini, kako reševati finančno krizo. Večina držav se je ob prejšnji finančni krizi odločila za urejanje problema slabih sredstev bank in tveganih postavk na način, da so uporabile mehanizem t. i. slabe banke. Pri nas je leta 2013 v okviru mehanizma slabe banke nastala Družba za upravljanje terjatev bank, ki je v slovenskem prostoru nase prevzela slabe terjatve bank. V diplomskem delu smo predstavili ozadje nastanka finančne krize, slabe banke in naše DUTB. Ker verjamemo, da rešitev za izogib nadaljnjih takšnih kriz v nadzoru in ustrezni regulaciji finančnega trga obstaja, smo pregledali, kaj o poslovanju DUTB pravijo na Računskem sodišču. Pregledali smo tudi, kakšen sistem imajo in kako so uporabljali model slabe banke v tujini.The banking system and its immaculate working have a significant meaning for the country and her people because the banking sistem and the things that are going on in the market have an inpact on life and the people in the country. When the last financial crisis began in 2008 this was known to all the countries, because the financial markets of different countries were (and are) so intertwined that there were practically no countries that were not affected. The financial crisis was caused by deviant behaviors of the financial sector and financial institutions because they wished for more profit, that is why they were engaging in more risky businesses and approved more risky loans and mortgage loans. In this bachelor thesis, we explored who are the perpetrators and main culprits for the financial crisis, what are bad debt claims, and ways of battling the financial crisis. Most states had decided to use the mechanism of »the bad bank« to combat the problem of bad debt claims in the last financial crisis. In our country the company that was dealing with our bad debt claims was and is The company for managing poorly performing assets of banks or in Slovene (DUTB), it was established in 2013. In this bachelor thesis, we demonstrated the background of the financial crisis, the mechanism of bad banks, and our company DUTB. Because we believe that the way to avoid any further financial crisis is by regulating and supervising the financial sector, we also looked at what our Court of Audit has to say about our DUTB. Besides that, we also looked at what systems of bad banks they have in other countries and how they are used

    Corruption in Slovenian healthcare system - reports of Court of Audit

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    V osrčju vsake družbe, vključno s slovensko, je njen zdravstveni sistem, ki je ključen za ohranjanje zdravja prebivalcev. Zdravstveno stanje prebivalstva vpliva na blagostanje celotne družbe, to pa posledično vpliva tudi na gospodarski razvoj države. Slovenski zdravstveni sistem temelji na načelih univerzalnosti, solidarnosti in dostopnosti. Zaradi vsega naštetega sta ključnega pomena razumevanje in analiziranje morebitne korupcije v tem vitalnem sektorju. Pomembno je, da se ohranja zaupanje javnosti v zdravstvo, še bolj pa sta pomembni kakovostna oskrba in obravnava pacientov. Za kakovostno zdravstveno oskrbo so potrebna visoka finančna sredstva, zato je toliko bolj pomembno zagotoviti transparentnost celotnega zdravstvenega sektorja. Korupcija je velik problem sodobne družbe, ki zavira, če ne celo onemogoča razvoj. Sredstva, ki bi morala biti namenjena širši družbi, so namreč uporabljena kot sredstva za dosego zasebnih ciljev posameznikov in skupin. Cilja zaključnega dela sta bila spoznavanje pojma korupcije v zdravstvu in analiza Računskega sodišča Republike Slovenije. S pomočjo analize literature in člankov so bili predstavljeni ključni pojmi, kot so korupcija, oblike korupcije (v zdravstvu), integriteta itd. Predstavljeni so bili tudi Računsko sodišče, njegovo delovanje, revizijski proces in pomen Računskega sodišča. Pregled in analize izbranih devetih revizij Računskega sodišča (in porevizijska poročila) od leta 2019 naprej so pokazale, da se v slovenskem zdravstvenem sistemu pojavljajo in ponavljajo problemi pomanjkanja podatkov in problemi s sistemom javnih naročil. Predstavljene so bile tudi možnosti za izboljšanje stanja, kot sta uvedba tehnologije veriženja podatkovnih blokov (angl. Blockchain) ter povečanje integritete in rabe etičnih kodeksov. Predstavljena so bila še priporočila Računskega sodišča, kot izhajajo iz izbranih revizijskih poročil, med drugim dosledno spremljanje, izdelava in pridobivanje podatkov ter evidenc in nadgradnje izobraževanj in usposabljanj za odločevalce.At the heart of every society, including Slovenia\u27s, lies its healthcare system, which is crucial for maintaining the health of its population, impacting the well-being of the entire society, and subsequently influencing economic development of the country. The Slovenian healthcare system is based on the principles of universality, solidarity, and accessibility. Understanding and analysing potential corruption in this vital sector is of utmost importance. Maintaining public trust in healthcare is crucial, as is providing quality patient care and treatment, which requires significant financial resources, thus ensuring transparency in the entire healthcare sector is essential. Corruption, a significant problem in modern society, hinders or even inhibit development as funds meant for the wider society are used for private goals of individuals and groups. The goal of this final work is to understand the concept of corruption in healthcare and analyse it through the eyes of the Court of Audit of the Republic of Slovenia. Using literature and articles, key concepts such as corruption, forms of corruption (in healthcare), integrity, etc., are presented. The Court of Audit, its operations, the audit process, and its significance are also described. The review and analysis of selected nine audits (and post-audit reports) from 2019 onwards have shown problems in the Slovenian healthcare system, such as lack of data and issues with the public procurement system. Possibilities for improvement are presented, such as the introduction of blockchain technologies, increasing integrity, and the use of ethical codes. Recommendations of the Court of Audit, derived from selected audit reports, including consistent monitoring, data collection and record-keeping, and enhancing training and education for decision-makers, are also presented

    Coruption and (Slovenian) Healthcare

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    Korupcijska tveganja in korupcija v zdravstvu ostajajo globalni problem, na katerega Slovenija ni imuna. Pregled literature, virov in izvedba pilotske študije, ki je vključevala polstrukturirane intervjuje z zdravniki, strokovnjakom s področja omejevanja korupcije in dobaviteljem/zastopnikom, proizvajalci/distributerji zdravil in medicinskih pripomočkov, je nakazal, da v Sloveniji prevladujejo štiri pojavne oblike korupcije in korupcijskih tveganj v zdravstvu. Te so korupcija in korupcijska tveganja, izhajajoča iz sodelovanja s proizvajalci/distributerji zdravil in medicinskih pripomočkov, korupcija in korupcijska tveganja na področju javnih naročil, korupcija in korupcijska tveganja pri prepletu med javnimi in zasebnimi praksami ter korupcija in korupcijska tveganja v povezavi s čakalnimi vrstami. Močno je izražena tudi verjetnost, da je v slovenskem zdravstvenem sistemu prisotna sistemska korupcija. Za omejevanje korupcije in koruptivnih tveganj se kažejo kot najbolj efektivni pristopi k večanju transparentnega delovanja zdravstvenega sistema in terjanju odgovornosti ključnih akterjev, centraliziran sistem javnih naročil ter ureditev čakalnih vrst.Corruption and (Slovenian)Healthcare: Corruption risks and corruption in healthcare remain a global problem to which Slovenia is not immune. Desk research and a pilot study, which included semi-structural interviews with physicians, anti-corruption experts and manufacturers/distributor of manufacturers and distributors of medicines and medical devices, indicated that four forms of corruption and corruption risks prevail in Slovenian healthcare. These are corruption and corruption risks arising from cooperation with manufacturers/distributors of medicines and medical devices, corruption and corruption risks in the field of public procurement, corruption and corruption risks in the intertwining of public and private practices and corruption, and corruption risks relating to waiting lists. There is a high probability that systemic corruption is present in the Slovenian health care system. To limit corruption and corruption risks, the most effective approaches are to increase the transparency of the health system and hold key actors accountable, a centralized public procurement system must be implemented as well as proper waiting lines management

    Manipulating Pixels in Computer Graphics by Converting Raster Elements to Vector Shapes as a Function of Hue

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    This paper proposes a method for changing pixel shape by converting a CMYK raster image (pixel) to an HSB vector image, replacing the square cells of the CMYK pixels with different vector shapes. The replacement of a pixel by the selected vector shape is done depending on the detected color values for each pixel. The CMYK values are first converted to the corresponding RGB values and then to the HSB system, and the vector shape is selected based on the obtained hue values. The vector shape is drawn in the defined space, according to the row and column matrix of the pixels of the original CMYK image. Twenty-one vector shapes are introduced to replace the pixels depending on the hue. The pixels of each hue are replaced by a different shape. The application of this conversion has its greatest value in the creation of security graphics for printed documents and the individualization of digital artwork by creating structured patterns based on the hue