16 research outputs found

    Nonexistence of steady waves with negative vorticity

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    We prove that no two-dimensional Stokes and solitary waves exist when the vorticity function is negative and the Bernoulli constant is greater than a certain critical value given explicitly. In particular, we obtain an upper bound F2F \lesssim \sqrt{2} for the Froude number of solitary waves with a negative constant vorticity, sufficiently large in absolute value

    N-modal steady water waves with vorticity

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    The problem for two-dimensional steady gravity driven water waves with vorticity is investigated. Using a multidimensional bifurcation argument, we prove the existence of small-amplitude periodic steady waves with an arbitrary number of crests per period. The role of bifurcation parameters is played by the roots of the dispersion equation

    An existence theory for small-amplitude doubly periodic water waves with vorticity

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    We prove the existence of three-dimensional steady gravity-capillary waves with vorticity on water of finite depth. The waves are periodic with respect to a given two-dimensional lattice and the relative velocity field is a Beltrami field, meaning that the vorticity is collinear to the velocity. The existence theory is based on multi-parameter bifurcation theory.Comment: Arch Rational Mech Anal (2020), Online Firs

    Nonexistence of subcritical solitary waves

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    We prove the nonexistence of two-dimensional solitary gravity water waves with subcritical wave speeds and an arbitrary distribution of vorticity. This is a longstanding open problem, and even in the irrotational case there are only partial results relying on sign conditions or smallness assumptions. As a corollary, we obtain a relatively complete classification of solitary waves: they must be supercritical, symmetric, and monotonically decreasing on either side of a central crest. The proof introduces a new function which is related to the so-called flow force and has several surprising properties. In addition to solitary waves, our nonexistence result applies to "half-solitary" waves (e.g. bores) which decay in only one direction.Funding Agencies|Swedish Research Council (VR)Swedish Research Council [2017-03837]</p

    On the amplitude and the flow force constant of steady water waves

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    We prove a new explicit inequality for the non-dimensional flow force constant, significantly improving the Benjamin and Lighthill conjecture about irrotational steady water waves. As a corollary, we prove a bound for the wave amplitude in terms of the Bernoulli constant. We show that the amplitude decays as when , where is the non-dimensional Bernoulli constant. We explain that the latter limit corresponds to deep water waves and the bound for the amplitude is sharp. In terms of physical parameters the result states that the amplitude of an arbitrary Stokes wave is bounded by , where is the relative mass flux, is the gravitational constant, is the total head and is an absolute constant given explicitly. In particular, this implies that , where is the wave speed. The latter inequality is valid for all Stokes waves, irrespective of wavelength or amplitude, including extreme waves

    Small-amplitude steady water waves with vorticity

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    The problem of describing two-dimensional traveling water waves is considered. The water region is of finite depth and the interface between the region and the air is given by the graph of a function. We assume the flow to be incompressible and neglect the effects of surface tension. However we assume the flow to be rotational so that the vorticity distribution is a given function depending on the values of the stream function of the flow. The presence of vorticity increases the complexity of the problem and also leads to a wider class of solutions. First we study unidirectional waves with vorticity and verify the Benjamin-Lighthill conjecture for flows whose Bernoulli constant is close to the critical one. For this purpose it is shown that every wave, whose slope is bounded by a fixed constant, is either a Stokes or a solitary wave. It is proved that the whole set of these waves is uniquely parametrised (up to translation) by the flow force which varies between its values for the supercritical and subcritical shear flows of constant depth. We also study large-amplitude unidirectional waves for which we prove bounds for the free-surface profile and for Bernoulli’s constant. Second, we consider small-amplitude waves over flows with counter currents. Such flows admit layers, where the fluid flows in different directions. In this case we prove that the initial nonlinear free-boundary problem can be reduced to a finite-dimensional Hamiltonian system with a stable equilibrium point corresponding to a uniform stream. As an application of this result, we prove the existence of non-symmetric wave profiles. Furthermore, using a different method, we prove the existence of periodic waves with an arbitrary number of crests per period