15 research outputs found

    Male urine signals social rank in the Mozambique tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The urine of freshwater fish species investigated so far acts as a vehicle for reproductive pheromones affecting the behaviour and physiology of the opposite sex. However, the role of urinary pheromones in intra-sexual competition has received less attention. This is particularly relevant in lek-breeding species, such as the Mozambique tilapia (<it>Oreochromis mossambicus</it>), where males establish dominance hierarchies and there is the possibility for chemical communication in the modulation of aggression among males. To investigate whether males use urine during aggressive interactions, we measured urination frequency of dye-injected males during paired interactions between size-matched males. Furthermore, we assessed urinary volume stored in the bladder of males in a stable social hierarchy and the olfactory potency of their urine by recording of the electro-olfactogram.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Males released urine in pulses of short duration (about one second) and markedly increased urination frequency during aggressive behaviour, but did not release urine whilst submissive. In the stable hierarchy, subordinate males stored less urine than males of higher social rank; the olfactory potency of the urine was positively correlated with the rank of the male donor.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Dominant males store urine and use it as a vehicle for odorants actively released during aggressive disputes. The olfactory potency of the urine is positively correlated with the social status of the male. We suggest that males actively advertise their dominant status through urinary odorants which may act as a 'dominance' pheromone to modulate aggression in rivals, thereby contributing to social stability within the lek.</p

    Short Note: Preliminary fish survey of Lac Tseny in north- western Madagascar

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    We surveyed the fish fauna of Lac Tseny, in the Sofia Region of northwestern Madagascar, during October 2010 by observing commercial catches and targeted netting of areas used by endemic species. We recorded seven native fish species at the lake, including three endemic cichlids, a herring and a catfish. We confirmed the continued survival of the Critically Endangered Paretroplus menarambo, as well as the presence of a Paretroplus taxon that may be new to science. The commercial fishery in the lake is sustained by introduced tilapiines and the native Sauvagella robusta. The three endemic cichlids (Paretroplus spp.) were not targeted by commercial fishermen, but when caught in small numbers were retained for domestic consumption. Submerged trees in the west of the lake restrict fishing with nets and probably provide important habitat for P. menarambo. Priority next steps at the lake include (i) additional surveys and biological studies of the endemic fish species and the Critically Endangered Madagascar big - headed turtle, Erymnochelys madagascariensis, (ii) clarification of the taxonomic status of Paretroplus cf. kieneri and, should it prove a new taxon, its formal scientific description, and (iii) continued engagement with fishing communities and authorities to promote practices that benefit livelihoods and the survival of threatened fish species.R&Eacute;SUM&Eacute;La composition sp&eacute;cifique de l&rsquo;ichtyofaune du lac Tseny, dans l&rsquo;ouest de Madagascar (r&eacute;gion de Sofia) a &eacute;t&eacute; inventori&eacute;e au cours du mois d&rsquo;octobre 2010, en observant les prises des p&ecirc;cheurs et des p&ecirc;ches cibl&eacute;es sur les esp&egrave;ces end&eacute;miques. Sept esp&egrave;ces de poissons indig&egrave;nes ont &eacute;t&eacute; observ&eacute;es, dont trois cichlid&eacute;s end&eacute;miques (Paretroplus menarambo, Paretroplus lamenabe et Paretroplus cf. kieneri), un hareng indig&egrave;ne (Sauvagella robusta) et un poisson-chat (Arius madagascariensis). Deux de ces esp&egrave;ces sont class&eacute;es comme Menac&eacute;es dans la Liste Rouge de l&rsquo;UICN&nbsp;: P. menarambo est une esp&egrave;ce en Danger Critique d&rsquo;Extinction qui n&rsquo;est connue que du lac Tseny et A. madagascariensis est une esp&egrave;ce en Danger d&rsquo;Extinction et end&eacute;mique de la r&eacute;gion de Sofia. Un des poissons que nous avons inventori&eacute; dans le genre Paretroplus semble &ecirc;tre une forme non d&eacute;crite. Les p&ecirc;cheurs ont indiqu&eacute; que P. menarambo est associ&eacute; &agrave; des arbres immerg&eacute;s le long de la rive occidentale du lac qui offrent un habitat propice &agrave; la reproduction et &agrave; l&rsquo;alimentation. Ces arbres immerg&eacute;s emp&ecirc;chent l&rsquo;utilisation des filets pour la p&ecirc;che et limitent ainsi la pression de p&ecirc;che qui s&rsquo;exerce sur cette esp&egrave;ce. Les trois esp&egrave;ces end&eacute;miques de Paretroplus sont pris&eacute;es par les p&ecirc;cheurs qui les gardent pour leur consommation personnelle plut&ocirc;t que de les vendre. La p&ecirc;che commerciale pratiqu&eacute;e dans le lac semble p&eacute;renne gr&acirc;ce &agrave; la pr&eacute;sence de tilapias allog&egrave;nes et du hareng indig&egrave;ne (Sauvagella robusta) qui approvisionnent les march&eacute;s de poisson local (Tsaratanana), r&eacute;gionaux (Boriziny et Mandritsara) et national (Antananarivo). Les populations locales ont rapport&eacute; que la surp&ecirc;che, l&rsquo;immigration, l&rsquo;utilisation ill&eacute;gale de filets &agrave; petit maillage et le non respect de la saison de fermeture de la p&ecirc;che &eacute;taient les principales menaces pesant sur l&rsquo;ichtyofaune du lac Tseny. Une baisse de la p&ecirc;che commerciale pourrait entra&icirc;ner une ru&eacute;e vers les esp&egrave;ces end&eacute;miques et l&rsquo;ouverture des zones d&rsquo;arbres immerg&eacute;s pour la p&ecirc;che. Le lac Tseny abrite un assemblage unique de poissons qui doivent &ecirc;tre prot&eacute;g&eacute;s dans leur habitat qui est essentiel aux cichlid&eacute;s end&eacute;miques par le maintien d&rsquo;une p&ecirc;che commerciale p&eacute;renne. Les prochaines &eacute;tapes &agrave; mener en priorit&eacute; pour le lac incluent&nbsp;: (i) des &eacute;tudes suppl&eacute;mentaires sur la biologie des poissons end&eacute;miques et de la Podocn&eacute;mide de Madagascar (Erymnochelys madagascariensis), une tortue en Danger Critique d&rsquo;Extinction, (ii) la clarification du statut taxinomique de Paretroplus cf. kieneri qui pourrait &ecirc;tre une nouvelle esp&egrave;ce et sa description, le cas &eacute;ch&eacute;ant, et (iii) l&rsquo;engagement continu avec les communaut&eacute;s de p&ecirc;cheurs et les autorit&eacute;s locales pour promouvoir des pratiques &eacute;quitables en faveur des populations riveraines et pour la survie des esp&egrave;ces de poissons menac&eacute;es