112 research outputs found

    Thermodynamics of Thermoplastic Polymers and their Solutions

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    Glassy organic polymers are technologically important across the gamut of materials applications from structural (hyperbaric windows) to electronic (ionic conductors, surface coatings for printed circuit boards) to environmental (membranes for industrial gas separation). A formal description and understanding of the glass transition temperature is necessary in order to determine the configurational state and hence physical properties of the glass. Moreover, the non-equilibrium glassy state appears to be unstable: volume-relaxation studies of glassy materials have revealed that they undergo slow processes, which attempt to establish equilibrium. These types of retardation/ relaxation phenomena are called physical ageing. As well as pressure and temperature, sorption of a plasticizer may affect in several ways the membrane physical properties. Generally speaking structural rearrangement of the chains is enhanced and, consequently, the glass transition temperature decreases, physical ageing is usually speed up, the membrane is affected by swelling and/or plasticization and even crystallization can be activated. The research work focuses on the investigation of industrial polymers’ glassy – rubbery behaviour due to thermodynamic state variables change (e.g. temperature T, mechanical pressure P and solvent content ) within the polymer matrix. The goal is to obtain a fundamental insight of the sorption process on both macroscopic and microscopic levels. As a result several polymer—penetrant systems have been studied. Different techniques have been implemented to achieve this goal: dilatometry, MTDSC, gravimetry, manometry and in situ FTIR. The instruments used are: a PVT apparatus from GNOMIX®; a MDSC from TA Instruments®; four different handmade systems consisting of a CAHN microbalance from Thermo Fisher Scientific®, a QSM from RUSKA Co.®, a pressure decay system from MKS® and finally a FTIR from Perkin-Elmer®. All data have been modelled with statistical thermodynamic theories and empirical approaches . The study is divided as follows: the first chapter introduces the research goal and fields of application along with the theoretical background for membrane science; the second chapter reports the study conducted on the system PEI—CO2; the third chapter describes the results obtained on the PS—Toluene system; finally in the fourth chapter the results for the PPO—benzene system are given. The order in which these systems are presented is related to the increase of structural modifications as a result of polymer— penetrant interactions

    Bearing-only formation control with auxiliary distance measurements, leaders, and collision avoidance

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    We address the controller synthesis problem for distributed formation control. Our solution requires only relative bearing measurements (as opposed to full translations), and is based on the exact gradient of a Lyapunov function with only global minimizers (independently from the formation topology). These properties allow a simple proof of global asymptotic convergence, and extensions for including distance measurements, leaders and collision avoidance. We validate our approach through simulations and comparison with other stateof-the-art algorithms.ARL grant W911NF-08-2-0004, ARO grant W911NF-13-1-0350, ONR grants N00014-07-1-0829, N00014-14-1-0510, N00014-15-1-2115, NSF grant IIS-1426840, CNS-1521617 and United Technologies

    A distributed optimization framework for localization and formation control: applications to vision-based measurements

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    Multiagent systems have been a major area of research for the last 15 years. This interest has been motivated by tasks that can be executed more rapidly in a collaborative manner or that are nearly impossible to carry out otherwise. To be effective, the agents need to have the notion of a common goal shared by the entire network (for instance, a desired formation) and individual control laws to realize the goal. The common goal is typically centralized, in the sense that it involves the state of all the agents at the same time. On the other hand, it is often desirable to have individual control laws that are distributed, in the sense that the desired action of an agent depends only on the measurements and states available at the node and at a small number of neighbors. This is an attractive quality because it implies an overall system that is modular and intrinsically more robust to communication delays and node failures

    Geometric Fault-Tolerant Control of Quadrotors in Case of Rotor Failures: An Attitude Based Comparative Study

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    The ability of aerial robots to operate in the presence of failures is crucial in various applications that demand continuous operations, such as surveillance, monitoring, and inspection. In this paper, we propose a fault-tolerant control strategy for quadrotors that can adapt to single and dual complete rotor failures. Our approach augments a classic geometric tracking controller on SO(3)Ă—R3SO(3)\times\mathbb{R}^3 to accommodate the effects of rotor failures. We provide an in-depth analysis of several attitude error metrics to identify the most appropriate design choice for fault-tolerant control strategies. To assess the effectiveness of these metrics, we evaluate trajectory tracking accuracies. Simulation results demonstrate the performance of the proposed approach.Comment: Accepted for publication in IROS 202

    Visual Geo-localization with Self-supervised Representation Learning

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    Visual Geo-localization (VG) has emerged as a significant research area, aiming to identify geolocation based on visual features. Most VG approaches use learnable feature extractors for representation learning. Recently, Self-Supervised Learning (SSL) methods have also demonstrated comparable performance to supervised methods by using numerous unlabeled images for representation learning. In this work, we present a novel unified VG-SSL framework with the goal to enhance performance and training efficiency on a large VG dataset by SSL methods. Our work incorporates multiple SSL methods tailored for VG: SimCLR, MoCov2, BYOL, SimSiam, Barlow Twins, and VICReg. We systematically analyze the performance of different training strategies and study the optimal parameter settings for the adaptation of SSL methods for the VG task. The results demonstrate that our method, without the significant computation and memory usage associated with Hard Negative Mining (HNM), can match or even surpass the VG performance of the baseline that employs HNM. The code is available at https://github.com/arplaboratory/VG_SSL.Comment: 15 pages (including appendix, references), 2 figures, 9 tables (5 tables in appendix

    BackpropTools: A Fast, Portable Deep Reinforcement Learning Library for Continuous Control

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    Deep Reinforcement Learning (RL) has been demonstrated to yield capable agents and control policies in several domains but is commonly plagued by prohibitively long training times. Additionally, in the case of continuous control problems, the applicability of learned policies on real-world embedded devices is limited due to the lack of real-time guarantees and portability of existing deep learning libraries. To address these challenges, we present BackpropTools, a dependency-free, header-only, pure C++ library for deep supervised and reinforcement learning. Leveraging the template meta-programming capabilities of recent C++ standards, we provide composable components that can be tightly integrated by the compiler. Its novel architecture allows BackpropTools to be used seamlessly on a heterogeneous set of platforms, from HPC clusters over workstations and laptops to smartphones, smartwatches, and microcontrollers. Specifically, due to the tight integration of the RL algorithms with simulation environments, BackpropTools can solve popular RL problems like the Pendulum-v1 swing-up about 7 to 15 times faster in terms of wall-clock training time compared to other popular RL frameworks when using TD3. We also provide a low-overhead and parallelized interface to the MuJoCo simulator, showing that our PPO implementation achieves state of the art returns in the Ant-v4 environment while achieving a 25 to 30 percent faster wall-clock training time. Finally, we also benchmark the policy inference on a diverse set of microcontrollers and show that in most cases our optimized inference implementation is much faster than even the manufacturer's DSP libraries. To the best of our knowledge, BackpropTools enables the first-ever demonstration of training a deep RL algorithm directly on a microcontroller, giving rise to the field of Tiny Reinforcement Learning (TinyRL). Project page: https://backprop.toolsComment: Project page: https://backprop.tool

    Physics-Inspired Temporal Learning of Quadrotor Dynamics for Accurate Model Predictive Trajectory Tracking

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    Accurately modeling quadrotor's system dynamics is critical for guaranteeing agile, safe, and stable navigation. The model needs to capture the system behavior in multiple flight regimes and operating conditions, including those producing highly nonlinear effects such as aerodynamic forces and torques, rotor interactions, or possible system configuration modifications. Classical approaches rely on handcrafted models and struggle to generalize and scale to capture these effects. In this paper, we present a novel Physics-Inspired Temporal Convolutional Network (PI-TCN) approach to learning quadrotor's system dynamics purely from robot experience. Our approach combines the expressive power of sparse temporal convolutions and dense feed-forward connections to make accurate system predictions. In addition, physics constraints are embedded in the training process to facilitate the network's generalization capabilities to data outside the training distribution. Finally, we design a model predictive control approach that incorporates the learned dynamics for accurate closed-loop trajectory tracking fully exploiting the learned model predictions in a receding horizon fashion. Experimental results demonstrate that our approach accurately extracts the structure of the quadrotor's dynamics from data, capturing effects that would remain hidden to classical approaches. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time physics-inspired deep learning is successfully applied to temporal convolutional networks and to the system identification task, while concurrently enabling predictive control.Comment: Video: https://youtu.be/dsOtKfuRjE

    Safety-Aware Human-Robot Collaborative Transportation and Manipulation with Multiple MAVs

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    Human-robot interaction will play an essential role in various industries and daily tasks, enabling robots to effectively collaborate with humans and reduce their physical workload. Most of the existing approaches for physical human-robot interaction focus on collaboration between a human and a single ground robot. In recent years, very little progress has been made in this research area when considering aerial robots, which offer increased versatility and mobility compared to their grounded counterparts. This paper proposes a novel approach for safe human-robot collaborative transportation and manipulation of a cable-suspended payload with multiple aerial robots. We leverage the proposed method to enable smooth and intuitive interaction between the transported objects and a human worker while considering safety constraints during operations by exploiting the redundancy of the internal transportation system. The key elements of our system are (a) a distributed payload external wrench estimator that does not rely on any force sensor; (b) a 6D admittance controller for human-aerial-robot collaborative transportation and manipulation; (c) a safety-aware controller that exploits the internal system redundancy to guarantee the execution of additional tasks devoted to preserving the human or robot safety without affecting the payload trajectory tracking or quality of interaction. We validate the approach through extensive simulation and real-world experiments. These include as well the robot team assisting the human in transporting and manipulating a load or the human helping the robot team navigate the environment. To the best of our knowledge, this work is the first to create an interactive and safety-aware approach for quadrotor teams that physically collaborate with a human operator during transportation and manipulation tasks.Comment: Guanrui Li and Xinyang Liu contributed equally to this pape

    The Role of Vision Algorithms for Micro Aerial Vehicles

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    This work investigates the research topics related to visual aerial navigation in loosely structured and cluttered environments. During the inspection of the desired infrastructure the robot is required to fly in an environment which is uncertain and only partially structured because, usually, no reliable layouts and drawings of the surroundings are available. To support these features, advanced cognitive capabilities are required, and in particular the role played by vision is of paramount importance. The use of vision and other onboard sensors such as IMU and GPS play a fundamental to provide high level degree of autonomy to flying vehicles. In detail, the outline of this thesis is organized as follows • Chapter 1 is a general introduction of the aerial robotic field, the quadrotor platform, the use of onboard sensors like cameras and IMU for autonomous navigation. A discussion about camera modeling, current state of art on vision based control, navigation, environment reconstruction and sensor fusion is presented. • Chapter 2 presents vision based control algorithms useful for reactive control like collision avoidance, perching and grasping tasks. Two main contributions are presented based on relative depth map and image based visual servoing respectively. • Chapter 3 discusses the use of vision algorithms for localization and mapping. Compared to the previous chapter, the vision algorithm is more complex involving vehicle’s poses estimation and environment reconstruction. An algorithm based on RGB-D sensors for localization, extendable to localization of multiple vehicles, is presented. Moreover, an environment representation for planning purposes, applied to industrial environments, is introduced. • Chapter 4 introduces the possibility to combine vision measurements and IMU to estimate the motion of the vehicle. A new contribution based on Pareto Optimization, which overcome classical Kalman filtering techniques, is presented. • Chapter 5 contains conclusion, remarks and proposals for possible developments

    Visual Servoing of Quadrotors for Perching by Hanging From Cylindrical Objects

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    This paper addresses vision-based localization and servoing for quadrotors to enable autonomous perching by hanging from cylindrical structures using only a monocular camera. We focus on the problems of relative pose estimation, control, and trajectory planning for maneuvering a robot relative to cylinders with unknown orientations. We first develop a geometric model that describes the pose of the robot relative to a cylinder. Then, we derive the dynamics of the system, expressed in terms of the image features. Based on the dynamics, we present a controller which guarantees asymptotic convergence to the desired image space coordinates. Finally, we develop an effective method to plan dynamically-feasible trajectories in the image space, and we provide experimental results to demonstrate the proposed method under different operating conditions such as hovering, trajectory tracking, and perching
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