386 research outputs found

    Formosa 1140 for Habitat Group Los Angeles, LLC in West Hollywood, California

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    Material of interest: metal. Material used: Corrugated metal. Properties of material: The careful placement of outer skin panels and inner skin fenestration creates a choreographed effect, both revealing and concealing, while achieving a unique expression of form and materials. The exterior skin also keeps west facing units cooler by acting as a screen and shading device.https://openscholarship.wustl.edu/bcs/1129/thumbnail.jp

    Determinants of Youth Unemployment: The Case of Areka Town, Wolaita Zone, Ethiopia

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    Presently days, the development of youth unemployment is one of the basic financial issues confronting Ethiopia by and large and the study area specifically. Nonetheless, this isn’t thought about the elements fueling youth unemployment in the examination zone. Considering this issue, this investigation is directed with destinations of distinguishing factors influencing youth unemployment, in Areka town of Wolaita Zone, Ethiopia. The research focused on the quantitative data collection through household survey. The Multi-stage sampling design was used. In the 1st stage, Areka town was chosen purposively and in the 2nd stage 120 rural youths (18-34 age groups) were selected from Four Kebeles by using simple random sampling method. The primary data were collected from the 120 youths with the help of the constructed Interview schedule. The descriptive and inferential statistics along with Binary logit model were used to analyze the data.  Among all the respondents, 20.83 percent were employed, while 79.17 percent were unemployed at the hour of the examination. The econometric model investigation showed that Household Income, Job preference, Access to credit, Access to training and Cooperative membership have significant impact on Youth unemployment. Among this Job preference at 1% significant level, and the Household Income, Access to Credit, Access to training and Cooperative Membership  were at 5% significant level. Based on the discoveries of the examination: Provide accommodative credit access, improve wages of individual families and certain regions ought to be utilized specifically. Keywords: Unemployment status, Youth, Binary Logit Model, Inferential statistics, Job opportunities, Household Income, Credit, Training DOI: 10.7176/JESD/11-17-05 Publication date:September 30th 202

    Evaluation of Maize (Zea mays L.) Varieties for Moisture Stress Areas

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    Maize is priority crop to farmers because it is a stable food in many rural communities of southern region. It is widely grown in the various parts of southern region from lowland to mid-highlands. On other hand, moisture stress is one the most critical production constraints of maize in low to intermediate agro-ecology. Thus, developing maize varieties tolerant to moisture is of paramount important in order to sustain maize production in moisture areas. In this content, field experiments were conducted during 201617 cropping at Kindo Koyisha and Humbo with objective to select adaptable maize varieties for moisture stress with reasonable grain yield. Treatments used in this study were eight maize varieties (BH546, BH547, Gibe II, MH130, Melkasa IV, MH140, Melkasa II and Melkasa 6Q) and three local cultivars (Local red, Local mixed and Local white) of total of eleven maize genotypes were evaluated at two moisture prone areas in southern Ethiopia. Treatments were laid out in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. Maize varieties exhibited difference performance at two tested locations. Varieties had relatively superiority of performance Kindo Koyisha as compared to Humbo. At Humbo varieties MH140, MH130 BH546 and Melkasa IV gave relatively higher grain yield. At Kindo Koyisha maize varieties expressed relatively better performance with respect to grain yield. At this location varieties with superior performance with sounding grain yield were BH546, MH140, BH547 and MH130. Based on this result BH546, MH140 and MH130 could be used at both locations. Moreover, BH547 at Bale and Melkasa IV at Humbo also could used to respective locations for production. Keywords: Maize varieties and moisture stress DOI: 10.7176/JBAH/11-17-03 Publication date:September 30th 202

    Effect of Spatial Arrangements of Row Spacing and Plant Density on Water Use and Water Use Efficiency of Maize Under Irrigation

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    To optimize crop water use and water use efficiency, more of the initial water resource should be routed into transpiration by reducing unproductive water losses such evaporation, drainage and runoff. In this context, a field experiment was conducted for two successive cropping seasons 2008/2009 to 2009/2010 at Kenilworth experimental station to evaluate the effect spatial arrangement of row spacings and plant density on yield and water use efficiency of maize. Three row spacing (0.225, 0.45 and 0.90 m) and five plant densities (50 000, 75 000, 100 000, 125 000 and 150 000 plants ha-1) were used. Treatments were combined in a factorial combination and laid out in a completely randomized design with replications. Spatial arrangement of row spacing and plant density had a profound impact on biomass, grain yield, water use and WUE of maize. The current investigation revealed that highest water use and mean daily ET occurred at the plant density of 125 000 plants ha-1. The interaction effect of row spacing by plant density was significant. The significantly highest biomass WUE was gained by the row spacing of 0.45 m with the plant density of 125 000 plants ha-1. Correspondingly the highest grain yield WUE was obtained from a row spacing of 0.45 m and a plant density of 100 000 plants ha-1. This was followed by a row spacing of 0.90 m at the same plant density and did not differ significantly from aforementioned. Based on this finding it could be concluded that a row spacing of 0.45 or 0.90 m with a plant density of 100 000 plants ha-1 is the optimum to be adopted for the ultra-fast maize hybrid under consideration. Keywords: Spatial arrangement, maize, water use, water use efficienc

    Assessment of client satisfaction on emergency department services in Hawassa University Referral Hospital, Hawassa, Southern Ethiopia.

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    BACKGROUND: Satisfaction refers to a state of pleasure or contentment with an action, event or service, especially one that was previously desired. Regarding to client, satisfaction is the level of happiness that clients experience having used a service. It therefore reflects the gap between the expected service and the experience of the service, from the client's point of view. Information was unavailable regarding the level of satisfaction of patients towards emergency health care servicesat Hawassa University Referral Hospital thatserve a huge catchment area; and this study addressed this gap. METHOD: Cross-sectional study was conducted from March 13 to May 15/2014. Systematic sampling method was used to enroll study participants. The data was collected by trained data collectors using pre-structured questionnaire. RESULTS: A total 407 clients were enrolled under this study with respondent rate of 96.9%. Nearly two third of study participants were male, 270 (66.3%). 86.7% of study participants were satisfied by services provided in Emergency Out Patient Department (OPD). The percentage of study satisfaction with physical examination by Doctor, nursing, laboratory and pharmacy services were 95.6%, 89.9%, 84.7% and 67.6%, respectively. Only 31.9% were satisfied with availability of drugs in the pharmacy. Regarding to staff courtesy, 91.7% of study participants were satisfied by the manner shown by the staffs working in Emergency OPD. The vast majority of the participants (97%) were satisfied with the courtesy of Medical laboratory personnel and the least satisfaction (79.4%) was recorded for security guards. CONCLUSION: This study showed low level of patient satisfaction in pharmacy services specifically due to unavailability of drugs due to lack of sustained supply of drugs

    The Current Status and Factors Associated With Implanon Service Provision by the Health Extension Workers at the Health Post Level, Wolaita Zone, Southern Ethiopia: A Cross-Sectional Study.

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    Objective: Family Planning is often taken as one of the "Magic Bullet" interventions owing to its high impact and wide reaching nature in achieving multiple goals. This study aimed to assess the current status and the factors associated with health post level Implanon service provision through trained health extension workers in Wolaita zone, southern Ethiopia. Materials and methods: A cross sectional study was conducted among trained health extension workers in Wolaita zone in February 2013. A simple random sampling technique was used to identify a total of 285 trained HEWs. First bivariate, then multivariate logistic regression model along with 95% confidence interval was used to see the independent effect of factors associated with current Implanon service provision by the health extension workers. Results: Currently, the number of Implaon providing trained health extension workers in Wolaita was 264(45.8%). Distance of health post from district health offices and health center, turnover of trained health extension workers in the health post, interest of trained health extension workers in providing Implanon and their job satisfaction to serve as a health extension workers and availability of service delivery guidelines and teaching aids were associated with the current provision of Implanon by health extension workers. Conclusion: Implanon provision among trained health extension workers was affected by different factors. Hence, improving the working conditions of trained health extension workers, regular and periodic facilitative supervision, availing service delivery guidelines and improvement of health management information system are recommended

    Potentially inappropriate medication prescribing patterns in geriatric patients in a health facility in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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    Purpose: To assess potentially inappropriate medication (PIMs) prescribing pattern in geriatric patients attending the outpatient department (OPD) of the General Hospital in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.Methods: The study was conducted retrospectively for geriatric patients sixty years of age and above, who visited an Outpatient Department of Tirunesh Beijing General Hospital. Data were gathered for a duration of one month from prescriptions/encounters at the Outpatient Pharmacy, and analysis was carried out using SPSS (Statistical Packages for Social Sciences) version 20, while and drug prescribing indicators, and potentially inappropriate medications were calculated based on WHO prescribed indicators and Beer’s criteria.Results: Of the 400 encounters assessed, 218 (55 %) were male and 182 (45 %) were female. Four hundred prescriptions contained 1,003 drugs. Out of the mean drug per prescription of 2.51, drugs prescribed by generic names were 91.62 %, those prescribed from NLEM (national list of essential medicine) were 91.53 %; prescriptions with an antibiotic injection were 27.75 % and 16.25% respectively, and more than 5 drugs were prescribed only for 10.8 % of geriatrics patients. Cardiovascular drugs constituted about a quarter of the  prescribed medications with 271 (27.02 %); others were analgesics, anti-inflammatory, anti-infective, endocrine drugs, gastrointestinal drugs, and other drugs, accounting for 116 (11.6%), 112 (11.2%), 96 (9.6%), 94 (9.4%) and 187 (18.6%), respectively. Potentially inappropriate drugs occurred in 46.9 % of the cases.Conclusion: Potentially inappropriate medication (PIMs) prescribing in geriatric is highest in percentage. Proper interventions are needed from all concerned bodies to avoid drug-related complications

    Evaluation of food barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) varieties on yield and yield components at different rates of blended nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur and boron fertilizer rates at Kechi, Southern Ethiopia

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    Barley is an important cereal crop in Ethiopia, accounting for nearly 25% of the total production. However, the trend of food barley production in the area has been declining for the past few years. The major production constraints for food barley production in Ethiopia, including the study area, are soil acidity and soil fertility. As a result, a field experiment was carried out during the 2019/20 cropping season at Wolaita Sodo University's Kechi testing site with the objective of evaluating the response of food barley varieties to NPSB fertiliser rates. Three food barley varieties (HB 1307, EH 1493, and local cultivar) and five NPSB fertiliser rates (0, 50, 100, 150, and 200 kg/ha) were used in the treatments. The treatments were combined in a factorial design and laid out in a randomised complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. Data for yield and yield related parameters were recorded during the specific phenological stage of the crop. The results revealed that days to heading and maturity were prolonged for all varieties as NPSB rates increased, with the longest days to heading and maturity recorded for variety BH 1307 at a NPSB rate of 200 kg/ha. At a NPSB fertiliser rate of 200 kg/ha, variety EH 1493 had the tallest plant heights and the longest spike length. The highest number of seeds per spike was observed for variety EH1493 at an NPSB rate of 150 kg/ha, whereas the highest TSW was seen for variety EH1493 at an NPSB rate of 100 kg/ha. The greatest biomass yield was obtained from variety BH 1307 at an NPSB fertiliser rate of 200 kg/ha, and the highest grain yield was observed for variety EH 1493 at an NPSB rate of 100 kg/ha. This result revealed that varieties EH 1493 and BH 1309 showed superior performance with better grain over local cultivars at NPSB fertiliser rates of 100 kg/ha. Based on the results of this study, it could be concluded that this blended NPSB application rate is superior for the production of food barley in the study area

    Effect of barley (Hordeum vulgare L) / faba bean (Vicia fabae L) intercropping on productivity and land use efficiency in highlands of Southern Ethiopia

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    Field experiment was conducted at Bule testing site of Hawassa Agricultural Research Center during 2006 to 2008 cropping season to assess the effect of barley faba bean intercropping on productivity and profitability of the component crops. The treatments consisted of one, two and three rows of barley with one, two and three rows of faba bean combined in factorial and laid out in a randomized complete block design with three replications. Sole crops of barley and faba bean were included in the treatments as control. Sole barley was planted at row spacing of 20 cm while inter and intra row spacing for barley were 40 and 10 cm, respectively. Biomass, grain yield, productivity and profitability reacted differently to spatial arrangement of barley and faba bean intercropping. Significantly the highest biomass yield recorded for sole cropping barley and followed by spatial arrangement of 1B:3FB. Similarly, significantly the highest grain yield was recorded for spatial arrangement of 1B:1FB and followed by 1B:2FB. The highest biomass yield was obtained from sole faba bean which was followed by spatial arrangement of 3B:2FB. In line with this the greatest grain yield was achieved from sole faba bean followed by spatial arrangement of 3B:2FB.In general productivity and profitability improved in intercropping as compared to sole cropping. Based on this result spatial arrangements of 1B:1FB and 1B:2FB could be used in considering barley as main crop and faba bean as bonus crop. Keywords: - intercropping, changing climate, monetary benefit, productivity, subsistence

    Prevalence of anemia and associated factors among pregnant women in Southern Ethiopia: A community based cross-sectional study.

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    BACKGROUND: Anemia is defined as a condition in which there is less than the normal hemoglobin (Hb) level in the body. During pregnancy; iron deficiency is associated with multiple adverse outcomes for both mother and infant. Most of the studies conducted in Ethiopia on anemia during pregnancy were conducted at institution level and associated factors are not well studied and documented. Independent factors like, food security status, dietary diversity and intestinal parasites infection were considered by only a few of them. Hence, the aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of anemia and associated factors among pregnant women in Lemo District, Southern Ethiopia. METHODS: Community based cross- sectional study was conducted from May-June 2015. Multistage sampling was used to include 507 study participants. Anaemia was diagnosed using HemoCue HB 301 and haemoglobin concentration <11 g/dl was classified as anaemic. Stool examinations were also done. Structured questionnaire was used as a tool to collect sociodemographic characteristics, individual dietary diversity and level of household food security data. Multivariate logistic regression model was employed to determine the effect of explanatory variables like level of education, level of household food security, dietary diversity, trimester of pregnancy, family planning before pregnancy, deworming, gravidity, iron intake in current pregnancy and soil transmitted helminthes on dependent variable anemia. RESULTS: The prevalence of anemia was 23.2% (95% CI: 19.5%-26.9%). Factors associated with anemia were: low socio-economic status (AOR = 2.03, 95% CI: 1.11-3.69), trimester second (AOR = 3.09, 95%CI: 1.41-6.79) and third (AOR = 3.68, 95% CI: 1.67-8.08), gravidity three to five (AOR = 1.78, 95% CI: 1.03-3.07) and six and above (AOR = 2.59, 95%CI: 1.37-4.92), not supplemented with iron (AOR = 1.72, 95% CI: 1.02-2.91), low dietary diversity score (AOR = 3.18, 95% CI: 1.37-7.37) and hookworm infection (AOR = 2.69, 95%CI: 1.34-5.39). CONCLUSION: Anemia has moderate public health significance in the area. Community-based interventions should be enhanced considering the identified associated factors
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