4,971 research outputs found

    Explicating industrial brand equity: integrating brand trust, brand performance and industrial brand image

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    Purpose (mandatory) The research explores brand equity from multiple perspectives (tangible and intangible) and their joint consequences, namely, on industrial buyers’ brand loyalty and their long-term commitment. The aim is to provide a more comprehensive framework of the buyer’s behavioral response in the business to business context by integrating both trust elements and industrial brand attributes (brand performance and industrial brand image). In addition, the study explores the mediation effects of trust and brand attributes on industrial buyers’ responses such as loyalty and long-term commitment. Design/methodology/approach (mandatory) Using a survey approach, the study includes respondents working in the HVAC industry in Malaysia, and data are collected in the industrial air conditioning segment. The research model was tested with SEM. Findings (mandatory) Findings show that brand performance and industrial brand image directly affect brand trust but with different effects on buyers’ commitment and loyalty. Interestingly, industrial brand image only mediates the responses via brand trust, while brand performance has a direct effect. Thus, both brand performance and industrial brand image build buyer trust. But in this context, it is brand performance rather than industrial brand image that influences long-term commitment and loyalty. The study concludes that in the HVAC industry, brand performance, industrial brand image, buyer trust, industrial loyalty, and commitment build brand equity. Originality/value (mandatory) Significant research reveals that, in business-to-business contexts, brand equity depends on the supplier’s brand trust and attributes of the brand such as brand image and brand performance. While useful in guiding a supplier’s or industry’s brand strategy, the study of both brand trust and brand attributes has led to only a partial explanation of the supplier’s or industry’s brand equity. The present research explores industrial brand equity, focusing on tangible assets (performance) and intangible assets (brand image), and their joint consequences

    Pairing Correlations in the Two-Dimensional Hubbard Model

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    We present the results of a quantum Monte Carlo study of the extended ss and the dx2y2d_{x^2-y^2} pairing correlation functions for the two-dimensional Hubbard model, computed with the constrained-path method. For small lattice sizes and weak interactions, we find that the dx2y2d_{x^2-y^2} pairing correlations are stronger than the extended ss pairing correlations and are positive when the pair separation exceeds several lattice constants. As the system size or the interaction strength increases, the magnitude of the long-range part of both correlation functions vanishes.Comment: 4 pages, RevTex, 4 figures included; submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Vlasov Description Of Dense Quark Matter

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    We discuss properties of quark matter at finite baryon densities and zero temperature in a Vlasov approach. We use a screened interquark Richardson's potential consistent with the indications of Lattice QCD calculations. We analyze the choices of the quark masses and the parameters entering the potential which reproduce the binding energy (B.E.) of infinite nuclear matter. There is a transition from nuclear to quark matter at densities 5 times above normal nuclear matter density. The transition could be revealed from the determination of the position of the shifted meson masses in dense baryonic matter. A scaling form of the meson masses in dense matter is given.Comment: 15 pages 4 figure

    Properties enhancement of oil palm plywood through veneer pretreatment with low molecular weight phenol-formaldehyde resin

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    One of the problems dealing with oil palm stem (OPS) plywood is the high veneer surface roughness that results in high resin consumption during the plywood manufacturing. In this study, evaluation was done on the effects of pretreatment of OPS veneers with phenol-formaldehyde resin on the bond integrity and bending strength of OPS plywood. OPS veneers were soaked in low molecular weight phenol-formaldehyde resin (LMW PF) for 20 seconds to obtain certain percentage of resin weight gain. OPS plywoods were produced using two types of lay-ups (100% outer veneer type and 100% inner veneer type) and two urea-formaldehyde (UF) adhesive spread amounts (200 g/m2 and 250 g/m2). The results show that pretreating the veneer with LMW PF could reduce the penetration of the adhesive into the fibres during gluing step. UF adhesive spread amount of 200 g/m2 is sufficient to produce good quality OPS plywood. The technique used in this study was able to enhance the mechanical properties of OPS plywood as well as reduce the amount of resin consumption

    pGlu-serpinin protects the normotensive and hypertensive heart from ischemic injury

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    Serpinin peptides derive from proteolytic cleavage of Chromogranin-A at C-terminus. Serpinin and the more potent pyroglutaminated-Serpinin (pGlu-Serp) are positive cardiac beta-adrenergic-like modulators, acting through β1-AR/AC/cAMP/PKA pathway. Since in some conditions this pathway and/or other pro-survival pathways, activated by other Chromogranin-A fragments, may cross-talk and may be protective, here we explored whether pGlu-Serp cardioprotects against ischemia/reperfusion injury under normotensive and hypertensive conditions. In the latter condition cardioprotection is often blunted because of the limitations on pro-survival Reperfusion-Injury-Salvage-Kinases (RISK) pathway activation. The effects of pGlu-Serp were evaluated on infarct size (IS) and cardiac function by using the isolated and Langendorff perfused heart of normotensive (WKY) and spontaneously hypertensive (SHR) rats exposed to ischemic pre-conditioning (PreC) and post-conditioning (PostC). In both WKY and SHR rat, pGlu-Serp induced mild cardioprotection in both PreC and in PostC. pGlu-Serp administered at the reperfusion (Serp-PostC) significantly reduced IS, being more protective in SHR than in WKY. Conversely, developed Left Ventricular Pressure (LVDevP) post-ischemic recovery was greater in WKY than in SHR. pGlu-Serp-PostC reduced contracture in both strains. Co-infusion with specific RISK inhibitors (PI3K/AkT, MitoK(ATP) channels, and PKC) blocked the pGlu-Serp-PostC protective effects. To show direct effect on cardiomyocytes, we pre-treated H9c2 with pGlu-Serp which were thus protected against hypoxia/reoxygenation. These results suggest pGlu-Serp as a potential modulatory agent implicated in the protective processes which can limit infarct size and overcome the hypertension-induced failure of PostC

    Two-dimensional Superfluidity and Localization in the Hard-Core Boson Model: a Quantum Monte Carlo Study

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    Quantum Monte Carlo simulations are used to investigate the two-dimensional superfluid properties of the hard-core boson model, which show a strong dependence on particle density and disorder. We obtain further evidence that a half-filled clean system becomes superfluid via a finite temperature Kosterlitz-Thouless transition. The relationship between low temperature superfluid density and particle density is symmetric and appears parabolic about the half filling point. Disorder appears to break the superfluid phase up into two distinct localized states, depending on the particle density. We find that these results strongly correlate with the results of several experiments on high-TcT_c superconductors.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures upon request, RevTeX version 3, (accepted for Phys. Rev. B

    Coulomb blockade and quantum tunnelling in the low-conductivity phase of granular metals

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    We study the effects of Coulomb interaction and inter-grain quantum tunnelling in an array of metallic grains using the phase-functional approach for temperatures TT well below the charging energy EcE_{c} of individual grains yet large compared to the level spacing in the grains. When the inter-grain tunnelling conductance g1g\gg1, the conductivity σ\sigma in dd dimensions decreases logarithmically with temperature (σ/σ0112πgdln(gEc/T)\sigma/\sigma_{0}\sim1-\frac{1}{2\pi gd}\ln(gE_{c}/T)), while for g0g\to0, the conductivity shows simple activated behaviour (σexp(Ec/T)\sigma \sim \exp(-E_c/T)). We show, for bare tunnelling conductance g1g \gtrsim 1, that the parameter γg(12/(gπ)ln(gEc/T))\gamma \equiv g(1-2/(g\pi)\ln(gE_{c}/T)) determines the competition between charging and tunnelling effects. At low enough temperatures in the regime 1γ1/βEc1\gtrsim \gamma \gg 1/\sqrt{\beta E_{c}}, a charge is shared among a finite number N=(Ec/T)/ln(π/2γz)N=\sqrt{(E_{c}/T)/\ln(\pi/2\gamma z)} of grains, and we find a soft activation behaviour of the conductivity, σz1exp(2(Ec/T)ln(π/2γz))\sigma\sim z^{-1}\exp(-2\sqrt{(E_{c}/T)\ln(\pi/2\gamma z)}), where zz is the effective coordination number of a grain.Comment: 11 pages REVTeX, 3 Figures. Appendix added, replaced with published versio

    Phase Diagram for Splay Glass Superconductivity

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    Localization of flux lines to splayed columnar pins is studied. A sine-Gordon type renormalization group study reveals the existence of a Splay glass phase and yields an analytic form for the transition temperature into the glass phase. As an independent test, the IVI-V characteristics are determined via a Molecular Dynamics code. The glass transition temperature supports the RG results convincingly. The full phase diagram of the model is constructed.Comment: 14 pages, uuencoded compressed tar file with 3 postscript figure

    Theory of monolayers with boundaries: Exact results and Perturbative analysis

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    Domains and bubbles in tilted phases of Langmuir monolayers contain a class of textures knows as boojums. The boundaries of such domains and bubbles may display either cusp-like features or indentations. We derive analytic expressions for the textures within domains and surrounding bubbles, and for the shapes of the boundaries of these regions. The derivation is perturbative in the deviation of the bounding curve from a circle. This method is not expected to be accurate when the boundary suffers large distortions, but it does provide important clues with regard to the influence of various energetic terms on the order-parameter texture and the shape of the domain or bubble bounding curve. We also look into the effects of thermal fluctuations, which include a sample-size-dependent effective line tension.Comment: replaced with published version, 21 pages, 16 figures include