5,433 research outputs found

    High-energy gamma-ray observations of the accreting black hole V404 Cygni during its June 2015 outburst

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    We report on Fermi/Large Area Telescope observations of the accreting black hole low-mass X-ray binary V404 Cygni during its outburst in June-July 2015. Detailed analyses reveal a possible excess of γ\gamma-ray emission on 26 June 2015, with a very soft spectrum above 100100 MeV, at a position consistent with the direction of V404 Cyg (within the 95%95\% confidence region and a chance probability of 4×10−44 \times 10^{-4}). This emission cannot be associated with any previously-known Fermi source. Its temporal coincidence with the brightest radio and hard X-ray flare in the lightcurve of V404 Cyg, at the end of the main active phase of its outburst, strengthens the association with V404 Cyg. If the γ\gamma-ray emission is associated with V404 Cyg, the simultaneous detection of 511 511\,keV annihilation emission by INTEGRAL requires that the high-energy γ\gamma rays originate away from the corona, possibly in a Blandford-Znajek jet. The data give support to models involving a magnetically-arrested disk where a bright γ\gamma-ray jet can re-form after the occurrence of a major transient ejection seen in the radio.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Pairing Correlations in the Two-Dimensional Hubbard Model

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    We present the results of a quantum Monte Carlo study of the extended ss and the dx2−y2d_{x^2-y^2} pairing correlation functions for the two-dimensional Hubbard model, computed with the constrained-path method. For small lattice sizes and weak interactions, we find that the dx2−y2d_{x^2-y^2} pairing correlations are stronger than the extended ss pairing correlations and are positive when the pair separation exceeds several lattice constants. As the system size or the interaction strength increases, the magnitude of the long-range part of both correlation functions vanishes.Comment: 4 pages, RevTex, 4 figures included; submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Optomechanical coupling and damping of a carbon nanotube quantum dot

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    Carbon nanotubes are excellent nano-electromechanical systems, combining high resonance frequency, low mass, and large zero-point motion. At cryogenic temperatures they display high mechanical quality factors. Equally they are outstanding single electron devices with well-known quantum levels and have been proposed for the implementation of charge or spin qubits. The integration of these devices into microwave optomechanical circuits is however hindered by a mismatch of scales, between typical microwave wavelengths, nanotube segment lengths, and nanotube deflections. As experimentally demonstrated recently in [Blien et al., Nat. Comm. 11, 1363 (2020)], coupling enhancement via the quantum capacitance allows to circumvent this restriction. Here we extend the discussion of this experiment. We present the subsystems of the device and their interactions in detail. An alternative approach to the optomechanical coupling is presented, allowing to estimate the mechanical zero point motion scale. Further, the mechanical damping is discussed, hinting at hitherto unknown interaction mechanisms.Comment: 17 pages, 13 figures, 3 table

    Finite-Temperature Monte Carlo Calculations For Systems With Fermions

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    We present a quantum Monte Carlo method which allows calculations on many-fermion systems at finite temperatures without any sign decay. This enables simulations of the grand-canonical ensemble at large system sizes and low temperatures. Both diagonal and off-diagonal expectations can be computed straightforwardly. The sign decay is eliminated by a constraint on the fermion determinant. The algorithm is approximate. Tests on the Hubbard model show that accurate results on the energy and correlation functions can be obtained.Comment: 5 pages, RevTex; to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    The Red-Sequence Luminosity Function in Galaxy Clusters since z~1

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    We use a statistical sample of ~500 rich clusters taken from 72 square degrees of the Red-Sequence Cluster Survey (RCS-1) to study the evolution of ~30,000 red-sequence galaxies in clusters over the redshift range 0.35<z<0.95. We construct red-sequence luminosity functions (RSLFs) for a well-defined, homogeneously selected, richness limited sample. The RSLF at higher redshifts shows a deficit of faint red galaxies (to M_V=> -19.7) with their numbers increasing towards the present epoch. This is consistent with the `down-sizing` picture in which star-formation ended at earlier times for the most massive (luminous) galaxies and more recently for less massive (fainter) galaxies. We observe a richness dependence to the down-sizing effect in the sense that, at a given redshift, the drop-off of faint red galaxies is greater for poorer (less massive) clusters, suggesting that star-formation ended earlier for galaxies in more massive clusters. The decrease in faint red-sequence galaxies is accompanied by an increase in faint blue galaxies, implying that the process responsible for this evolution of faint galaxies is the termination of star-formation, possibly with little or no need for merging. At the bright end, we also see an increase in the number of blue galaxies with increasing redshift, suggesting that termination of star-formation in higher mass galaxies may also be an important formation mechanism for higher mass ellipticals. By comparing with a low-redshift Abell Cluster sample, we find that the down-sizing trend seen within RCS-1 has continued to the local universe.Comment: ApJ accepted. 11 pages, 5 figure

    Evidence of Andreev bound states as a hallmark of the FFLO phase in Îș\kappa-(BEDT-TTF)2_2Cu(NCS)2_2

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    Superconductivity is a quantum phenomena arising, in its simplest form, from pairing of fermions with opposite spin into a state with zero net momentum. Whether superconductivity can occur in fermionic systems with unequal number of two species distinguished by spin, atomic hyperfine states, flavor, presents an important open question in condensed matter, cold atoms, and quantum chromodynamics, physics. In the former case the imbalance between spin-up and spin-down electrons forming the Cooper pairs is indyced by the magnetic field. Nearly fifty years ago Fulde, Ferrell, Larkin and Ovchinnikov (FFLO) proposed that such imbalanced system can lead to exotic superconductivity in which pairs acquire finite momentum. The finite pair momentum leads to spatially inhomogeneous state consisting of of a periodic alternation of "normal" and "superconducting" regions. Here, we report nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) measurements providing microscopic evidence for the existence of this new superconducting state through the observation of spin-polarized quasiparticles forming so-called Andreev bound states.Comment: 6 pages, 5 fig

    Measurement of a reaction-diffusion crossover in exciton-exciton recombination inside carbon nanotubes using femtosecond optical absorption

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    Exciton-exciton recombination in isolated semiconducting single-walled carbon nanotubes was studied using femtosecond transient absorption. Under sufficient excitation to saturate the optical absorption, we observed an abrupt transition between reaction- and diffusion-limited kinetics, arising from reactions between incoherent localized excitons with a finite probability of ∌0.2 per encounter. This represents the first experimental observation of a crossover between classical and critical kinetics in a 1D coalescing random walk, which is a paradigm for the study of nonequilibrium systems. Copyright 2013 The American Physical Society. This is the author's version of a paper accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    Adaptive Sampling Approach to the Negative Sign Problem in the Auxiliary Field Quantum Monte Carlo Method

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    We propose a new sampling method to calculate the ground state of interacting quantum systems. This method, which we call the adaptive sampling quantum monte carlo (ASQMC) method utilises information from the high temperature density matrix derived from the monte carlo steps. With the ASQMC method, the negative sign ratio is greatly reduced and it becomes zero in the limit Δτ\Delta \tau goes to zero even without imposing any constraint such like the constraint path (CP) condition. Comparisons with numerical results obtained by using other methods are made and we find the ASQMC method gives accurate results over wide regions of physical parameters values.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Algorithm for Linear Response Functions at Finite Temperatures: Application to ESR spectrum of s=1/2 Antiferromagnet Cu benzoate

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    We introduce an efficient and numerically stable method for calculating linear response functions χ(q⃗,ω)\chi(\vec{q},\omega) of quantum systems at finite temperatures. The method is a combination of numerical solution of the time-dependent Schroedinger equation, random vector representation of trace, and Chebyshev polynomial expansion of Boltzmann operator. This method should be very useful for a wide range of strongly correlated quantum systems at finite temperatures. We present an application to the ESR spectrum of s=1/2 antiferromagnet Cu benzoate.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure
