873 research outputs found

    In HspA from Helicobacter pylori vicinal disulfide bridges are a key determinant of domain B structure

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    Helicobacter pylori produces a heat shock protein A (HspA) that is unique to this bacteria. While the first 91 residues (domain A) of the protein are similar to GroES, the last 26 (domain B) are unique to HspA. Domain B contains eight histidines and four cysteines and was suggested to bind nickel. We have produced HspA and two mutants: Cys94Ala and Cys94Ala/Cys111Ala and identified the disulfide bridge pattern of the protein. We found that the cysteines are engaged in three disulfide bonds: Cys51/Cys53, Cys94/Cys111 and Cys95/Cys112 that result in a unique closed loop structure for the domain

    A Preliminary Analysis of Anthropogenic and Natural Impacts on a Volcanic Lake Ecosystem in Southern Italy by UAV-Based Monitoring

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    Lakes play an important role in providing various ecosystem services. However, stressors such as climate change, land use, or land-cover change threaten the ecological functions of lakes. National and international legislations address these threats and establish consistent, long-term monitoring schemes. Remote sensing techniques based on the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) have recently been demonstrated to provide accurate and low-cost spatio-temporal views for the assessment of the ecological status of aquatic ecosystems and the identification of areas at risk of contamination. Few studies have been carried out so far on the employment of these tools in the monitoring of lakes. Therefore, high-resolution UAV surveys were used to analyse and evaluate natural and anthropogenic impacts on the habitat status of a volcanic lake in a protected area. Five UAV flights took place during a year-long cycle (November 2020 to November 2021) in a volcanic lake located in southern Italy. For each flight performance, an orthomosaic of georeferenced RGB images was obtained, and the different features of interest were monitored and quantified using automated processing in a GIS environment. The UAV images made it possible not only to estimate the flooded shores but also to detect the impact of human-made structures and infrastructures on the lagoon environment. It has been possible to observe how the rapid changes in lake-water level have led to the submersion of about 90.000 m(2) of terrain in winter, causing the fragmentation and degradation of habitats, while the connectivity of the natural ecosystem has been threatened by the presence of the road around the lake. The proposed methodology is rather simple and easily replicable by decision makers and local administrators and can be useful for choosing the best restoration interventions

    Evaluation of the Efficacy and Safety of a Compound of Micronized Flavonoids in Combination With Vitamin C and Extracts of Centella asiatica, Vaccinium myrtillus, and Vitis vinifera for the Reduction of Hemorrhoidal Symptoms in Patients With Grade II and III Hemorrhoidal Disease: A Retrospective Real-Life Study

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    Background and Aim: Several evidences have shown how, in hemorrhoidal disease, phlebotonic flavonoid agents such as quercetin reduce capillary permeability by increasing vascular walls resistance, how rutin and vitamin C have antioxidant properties, and that Centella asiatica has reparative properties towards the connective tissue. A retrospective study was designed in order to evaluate the efficacy and safety of a compound consisting of micronized flavonoids in combination with vitamin C and extracts of C. asiatica, Vaccinium myrtillus, and Vitis vinifera for grade II and III hemorrhoidal disease. Patients and Methods: Data of 49 patients, over 18, who were following a free diet regimen, not on therapy with other anti-hemorrhoid agents, treated with a compound consisting of 450 mg of micronized diosmin, 300 mg of C. asiatica, 270 mg of micronized hesperidin, 200 mg of V. vinifera, 160 mg of vitamin C, 160 mg of V. myrtillus, 140 mg of micronized quercetin, and 130 mg of micronized rutin (1 sachet or 2 tablets a day) for 7 days were collected. Hemorrhoid grade according to Goligher’s scale together with anorectal symptoms (edema, prolapse, itching, thrombosis, burning, pain, tenesmus, and bleeding) both before treatment (T0) and after 7 days of therapy (T7) were collected. Primary outcomes were the reduction of at least one degree of hemorrhoids according to Goligher’s scale assessed by proctological examination and compound safety. The secondary outcome was the reduction of anorectal symptoms assessed by questionnaires administered to patients. Results: Forty-four patients (89.8%) presented a reduction in hemorrhoidal grade of at least one grade (p < 0.001). No adverse events with the use of the compound were noted. A significant reduction was observed in all anorectal symptoms evaluated (p < 0.05). No predictors of response to the compound were identified among the clinical and demographic variables collected. Conclusion: The compound analyzed was effective and safe for patients with grade II and III hemorrhoidal disease according to Goligher’s scale
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