186 research outputs found

    Spectral Representation of Thermal OTO Correlators

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    We study the spectral representation of finite temperature, out of time ordered (OTO) correlators on the multi-time-fold generalised Schwinger-Keldysh contour. We write the contour-ordered correlators as a sum over time-order permutations acting on a funda- mental array of Wightman correlators. We decompose this Wightman array in a basis of column vectors, which provide a natural generalisation of the familiar retarded-advanced basis in the finite temperature Schwinger-Keldysh formalism. The coefficients of this de- composition take the form of generalised spectral functions, which are Fourier transforms of nested and double commutators. Our construction extends a variety of classical results on spectral functions in the SK formalism at finite temperature to the OTO case.Comment: 19 pages+appendices, references adde

    Chern-Simons terms from thermal circles and anomalies

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    We compute the full contribution of flavor and (or) Lorentz anomalies to the thermodynamic partition function. Apart from the Wess-Zumino consistency condition the Euclidean generating function must satisfy an extra requirement which we refer to as `consistency with the Euclidean vacuum.' The latter requirement fixes all Chern-Simons terms that arise in a particular Kaluza-Klein reduction of the theory. The solution to both conditions may be encoded in a `thermal anomaly polynomial' which we compute. Our construction fixes all the thermodynamic response parameters of a hydrodynamic theory associated with anomalies.Comment: 30 page

    Anomaly Induced Transport in Arbitrary Dimensions

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    Motivated by the consistency of a global anomaly with the second law of thermodynamics, we propose a form for the anomaly induced charge/energy transport in arbitrary even dimensions. In a given dimension, this form exhausts all second law constraints on anomaly induced transport at any given order in hydrodynamic derivative expansion. This is achieved by solving the second law constraints off-shell without resorting to hydrodynamic equations at lower orders. We also study various possible finite temperature corrections to such anomaly induced transport coefficients.Comment: 19 pages, JHEP format. v2: Statements about covariant/consistent anomaly corrected.Expressions for the anomaly induced Gibbs free-energy current adde

    Schwinger-Keldysh formalism II: Thermal equivariant cohomology

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    Causally ordered correlation functions of local operators in near-thermal quantum systems computed using the Schwinger-Keldysh formalism obey a set of Ward identities. These can be understood rather simply as the consequence of a topological (BRST) algebra, called the universal Schwinger-Keldysh superalgebra, as explained in our companion paper arXiv:1610.01940. In the present paper we provide a mathematical discussion of this topological algebra. In particular, we argue that the structures can be understood in the language of extended equivariant cohomology. To keep the discussion self-contained, we provide a basic review of the algebraic construction of equivariant cohomology and explain how it can be understood in familiar terms as a superspace gauge algebra. We demonstrate how the Schwinger-Keldysh construction can be succinctly encoded in terms a thermal equivariant cohomology algebra which naturally acts on the operator (super)-algebra of the quantum system. The main rationale behind this exploration is to extract symmetry statements which are robust under renormalization group flow and can hence be used to understand low-energy effective field theory of near-thermal physics. To illustrate the general principles, we focus on Langevin dynamics of a Brownian particle, rephrasing some known results in terms of thermal equivariant cohomology. As described elsewhere, the general framework enables construction of effective actions for dissipative hydrodynamics and could potentially illumine our understanding of black holes.Comment: 72 pages; v2: fixed typos. v3: minor clarifications and improvements to non-equilbirum work relations discussion. v4: typos fixed. published versio

    Anomaly inflow and thermal equilibrium

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    Using the anomaly inflow mechanism, we compute the flavor/Lorentz non-invariant contribution to the partition function in a background with a U(1) isometry. This contribution is a local functional of the background fields. By identifying the U(1) isometry with Euclidean time we obtain a contribution of the anomaly to the thermodynamic partition function from which hydrostatic correlators can be efficiently computed. Our result is in line with, and an extension of, previous studies on the role of anomalies in a hydrodynamic setting. Along the way we find simplified expressions for Bardeen-Zumino polynomials and various transgression formulaeComment: 72 pages, 1 figure; v2: slight change to abstract, updated reference

    Out of Time Ordered Quantum Dissipation

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    We consider a quantum Brownian particle interacting with two harmonic baths, which is then perturbed by a cubic coupling linking the particle and the baths. This cubic coupling induces non-linear dissipation and noise terms in the influence functional/master equation of the particle. Its effect on the Out-of-Time-Ordered Correlators (OTOCs) of the particle cannot be captured by the conventional Feynman-Vernon formalism.We derive the generalised influence functional which correctly encodes the physics of OTO fluctuations, response, dissipation and decoherence. We examine an example where Markovian approximation is valid for the OTO dynamics. If the original cubic coupling has a definite time-reversal parity, the leading order OTO influence functional is completely determined by the couplings in the usual master equation via OTO generalisation of Onsager-Casimir relations. New OTO fluctuation-dissipation relations connect the non-Gaussianity of the thermal noise to the thermal jitter in the damping constant of the Brownian particle.Comment: 46 pages+appendices, typos corrected, minor changes, references update

    The eightfold way to dissipation

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    We provide a complete characterization of hydrodynamic transport consistent with the second law of thermodynamics at arbitrary orders in the gradient expansion. A key ingredient in facilitating this analysis is the notion of adiabatic hydrodynamics, which enables isolation of the genuinely dissipative parts of transport. We demonstrate that most transport is adiabatic. Furthermore, of the dissipative part, only terms at the leading order in gradient expansion are constrained to be sign-definite by the second law (as has been derived before).Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure. v2: minor clarifications. v3: minor changes. title in published version differ
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