41 research outputs found

    Internações e óbitos e sua relação com a poluição atmosférica em São Paulo, 1993 a 1997

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    OBJETIVO: Investigar efeitos de curto prazo da poluição atmosférica na morbidade respiratória de menores de 15 anos e na mortalidade de idosos. MÉTODOS: O estudo foi realizado na cidade de São Paulo, Brasil. Foram analisadas as contagens diárias de admissões hospitalares, de menores de 15 anos e de mortes de idosos (>64 anos) no período de 1993 a 1997, em relação às variações diárias de poluentes atmosféricos (PM10, CO, O3). Foi utilizada para análise a regressão de Poisson em modelos aditivos generalizados. Os modelos foram ajustados para efeitos da tendência temporal, sazonalidade, dias da semana, fatores meteorológicos e autocorrelação. RESULTADOS: Variações do 10° ao 90° percentil dos poluentes foi significativamente associada com o aumento de admissões por doenças respiratórias em menores de 15 anos para PM10 (%RR=10,0), CO (%RR=6,1) e O3 (%RR=2,5). Associação similar foi encontrada para mortalidade em idosos e PM10 (%RR=8,1) e CO (%RR=7,9). CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados encontrados são coerentes com os estudos que apontam associação entre variações de curto prazo dos poluentes atmosféricos e incremento na morbidade e mortalidade nos grandes centros urbanos

    Cancer mortality by educational level in the city of Barcelona

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    The objective of this study was to examine the relationship between educational level and mortality from cancer in the city of Barcelona. The data were derived from a record linkage between the Barcelona Mortality Registry and the Municipal Census. The relative risks (RR) of death and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) according to level of education were derived from Poisson regression models. For all malignancies, men in the lowest educational level had a RR of death of 1.21 (95% CI 1.13–1.29) compared with men with a university degree, whereas for women a significant decreasing in risk was observed (RR 0.81; 95% CI 0.74–0.90). Among men, significant negative trends of increasing risk according to level of education were present for cancer of the mouth and pharynx (RR 1.70 for lowest vs. highest level of education), oesophagus (RR 2.14), stomach (RR 1.99), larynx (RR 2.56) and lung (RR 1.35). Among women, cervical cancer was negatively related to education (RR 2.62), whereas a positive trend was present for cancers of the colon (RR 0.76), pancreas (RR 0.59), lung (RR 0.55) and breast (RR 0.65). The present study confirms for the first time, at an individual level, the existence of socioeconomic differences in mortality for several cancer sites in Barcelona, Spain. There is a need to implement health programmes and public health policies to reduce these inequities. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    Meat Intake and the Dose of Vitamin B3 - Nicotinamide:Cause of the Causes of Disease Transitions, Health Divides, and Health Futures?

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    Meat and vitamin B 3 – nicotinamide – intake was high during hunter-gatherer times. Intake then fell and variances increased during and after the Neolithic agricultural revolution. Health, height, and IQ deteriorated. Low dietary doses are buffered by ‘welcoming’ gut symbionts and tuberculosis that can supply nicotinamide, but this co-evolved homeostatic metagenomic strategy risks dysbioses and impaired resistance to pathogens. Vitamin B 3 deficiency may now be common among the poor billions on a low-meat diet. Disease transitions to non-communicable inflammatory disorders (but longer lives) may be driven by positive ‘meat transitions’. High doses of nicotinamide lead to reduced regulatory T cells and immune intolerance. Loss of no longer needed symbiotic ‘old friends’ compounds immunological over-reactivity to cause allergic and auto-immune diseases. Inhibition of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide consumers and loss of methyl groups or production of toxins may cause cancers, metabolic toxicity, or neurodegeneration. An optimal dosage of vitamin B 3 could lead to better health, but such a preventive approach needs more equitable meat distribution. Some people may require personalised doses depending on genetic make-up or, temporarily, when under stress

    Meat and Nicotinamide:A Causal Role in Human Evolution, History, and Demographics

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    Hunting for meat was a critical step in all animal and human evolution. A key brain-trophic element in meat is vitamin B 3 /nicotinamide. The supply of meat and nicotinamide steadily increased from the Cambrian origin of animal predators ratcheting ever larger brains. This culminated in the 3-million-year evolution of Homo sapiens and our overall demographic success. We view human evolution, recent history, and agricultural and demographic transitions in the light of meat and nicotinamide intake. A biochemical and immunological switch is highlighted that affects fertility in the ‘de novo’ tryptophan-to-kynurenine-nicotinamide ‘immune tolerance’ pathway. Longevity relates to nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide consumer pathways. High meat intake correlates with moderate fertility, high intelligence, good health, and longevity with consequent population stability, whereas low meat/high cereal intake (short of starvation) correlates with high fertility, disease, and population booms and busts. Too high a meat intake and fertility falls below replacement levels. Reducing variances in meat consumption might help stabilise population growth and improve human capital

    The Role of Socioeconomic Factors in Cerebral Atherosclerosis

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    Ontstaan van morbiditeitregistraties in Nederland

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