2,586 research outputs found

    Field-dependent dynamics of the Anderson impurity model

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    Single-particle dynamics of the Anderson impurity model in the presence of a magnetic field HH are considered, using a recently developed local moment approach that encompasses all energy scales, field and interaction strengths. For strong coupling in particular, the Kondo scaling regime is recovered. Here the frequency (ω/ωK\omega/\omega_{\rm K}) and field (H/ωKH/\omega_{\rm K}) dependence of the resultant universal scaling spectrum is obtained in large part analytically, and the field-induced destruction of the Kondo resonance investigated. The scaling spectrum is found to exhibit the slow logarithmic tails recently shown to dominate the zero-field scaling spectrum. At the opposite extreme of the Fermi level, it gives asymptotically exact agreement with results for statics known from the Bethe ansatz. Good agreement is also found with the frequency and field-dependence of recent numerical renormalization group calculations. Differential conductance experiments on quantum dots in the presence of a magnetic field are likewise considered; and appear to be well accounted for by the theory. Some new exact results for the problem are also established

    Modeling Quantum Optical Components, Pulses and Fiber Channels Using OMNeT++

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    Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) is an innovative technology which exploits the laws of quantum mechanics to generate and distribute unconditionally secure cryptographic keys. While QKD offers the promise of unconditionally secure key distribution, real world systems are built from non-ideal components which necessitates the need to model and understand the impact these non-idealities have on system performance and security. OMNeT++ has been used as a basis to develop a simulation framework to support this endeavor. This framework, referred to as "qkdX" extends OMNeT++'s module and message abstractions to efficiently model optical components, optical pulses, operating protocols and processes. This paper presents the design of this framework including how OMNeT++'s abstractions have been utilized to model quantum optical components, optical pulses, fiber and free space channels. Furthermore, from our toolbox of created components, we present various notional and real QKD systems, which have been studied and analyzed.Comment: Published in: A. F\"orster, C. Minkenberg, G. R. Herrera, M. Kirsche (Eds.), Proc. of the 2nd OMNeT++ Community Summit, IBM Research - Zurich, Switzerland, September 3-4, 201

    A pilot study from The Gambia to improve access to water, energy, and mobile phones

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    Across Sub-Saharan Africa many communities lack reliable access to mains electricity, and therefore depend upon unconventional power sources to recharge their mobile phones. Many of these informal recharging centres are powered by a diesel generator or solar panel. Furthermore, many of these same communities are frequently served by broken water pumps. Previous reports indicate that many individuals are prepared to pay a small regular fee to recharge their mobile phone, whilst their local water point committee lacks sufficient funds to keep their water infrastructure maintained. This paper presents a novel funding strategy aimed at helping communities cover the maintenance costs of their local water supply. This premise was demonstrated using a pilot system in Gambia which combined a solar powered community water point with an off-grid smart battery rental hub for everyday electricity needs such as mobile phone charging. The paper presents preliminary field data from this site and explores the wider context surrounding the pilot system

    Mean-field results on the Anderson impurity model out of equilibrium

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    We investigate the mean-field phase diagram of the Anderson impurity model out of equilibrium. Generalising the unrestricted Hartree-Fock approach to the non-equilibrium situation we derive and analyse the system of equations defining the critical surface separating the magnetic regime from the non-magnetic one. An exact analytic solution for the phase boundary as a function of the applied voltage is found in the symmetric case. Surprisingly, we find that as soon as there is an asymmetry, even small, between the contacts, no finite voltage is able to destroy the magnetic regime which persists at arbitrary high voltages.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures (eps files); to appear in PRB Brief Report

    Spectral properties of a narrow-band Anderson model

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    We consider single-particle spectra of a symmetric narrow-band Anderson impurity model, where the host bandwidth DD is small compared to the hybridization strength Δ0\Delta_{0}. Simple 2nd order perturbation theory (2PT) in UU is found to produce a rich spectral structure, that leads to rather good agreement with extant Lanczos results and offers a transparent picture of the underlying physics. It also leads naturally to two distinct regimes of spectral behaviour, Δ0Z/D1\Delta_{0}Z/D\gg 1 and 1\ll 1 (with ZZ the quasi-particle weight), whose existence and essential characteristics are discussed and shown to be independent of 2PT itself. The self-energy Σiω\Sigma_{i\omega} is also examined beyond the confines of PT. It is argued that on frequency scales of order ωDelta0D\omega\sim\sqrt{Delta_{0}D}, the self-energy in {\em strong} coupling is given precisely by the 2PT result, and we point out that the resultant poles in Σiω\Sigma_{i\omega} connect continuously to that characteristic of the atomic limit. This in turn offers a natural rationale for the known inability of the skeleton expansion to capture such behaviour, and points to the intrinsic dangers of partial infinite-order summations that are based on PT in UU.Comment: 10 pages, 2 Postscript figures, uses RevTex 3.1; accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. B1

    Quantum Key Distribution: Boon or Bust

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    Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) is an emerging cybersecurity technology which provides the means for two geographically separated parties to grow “unconditionally secure” symmetric cryptographic keying material. Unlike traditional key distribution techniques, the security of QKD rests on the laws of quantum mechanics and not computational complexity. This unique aspect of QKD is due to the fact that any unauthorized eavesdropping on the key distribution channel necessarily introduces detectable errors (Gisin, Ribordy, Tittel, & Zbinden, 2002). This attribute makes QKD desirable for high-security environments such as banking, government, and military applications. However, QKD is a nascent technology where implementation non-idealities can negatively impact system performance and security (Mailloux, Grimaila, Hodson, Baumgartner, & McLaughlin, 2015). While the QKD community is making progress towards the viability of QKD solutions, it is clear that more work is required to quantify the impact of such non-idealities in real-world QKD systems (Scarani & Kurtsiefer, 2009)

    Modeling, Simulation, and Performance Analysis of Decoy State Enabled Quantum Key Distribution Systems

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    Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) systems exploit the laws of quantum mechanics to generate secure keying material for cryptographic purposes. To date, several commercially viable decoy state enabled QKD systems have been successfully demonstrated and show promise for high-security applications such as banking, government, and military environments. In this work, a detailed performance analysis of decoy state enabled QKD systems is conducted through model and simulation of several common decoy state configurations. The results of this study uniquely demonstrate that the decoy state protocol can ensure Photon Number Splitting (PNS) attacks are detected with high confidence, while maximizing the system’s quantum throughput at no additional cost. Additionally, implementation security guidance is provided for QKD system developers and users

    System Safety Engineering for Social and Ethical ML Risks: A Case Study

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    Governments, industry, and academia have undertaken efforts to identify and mitigate harms in ML-driven systems, with a particular focus on social and ethical risks of ML components in complex sociotechnical systems. However, existing approaches are largely disjointed, ad-hoc and of unknown effectiveness. Systems safety engineering is a well established discipline with a track record of identifying and managing risks in many complex sociotechnical domains. We adopt the natural hypothesis that tools from this domain could serve to enhance risk analyses of ML in its context of use. To test this hypothesis, we apply a "best of breed" systems safety analysis, Systems Theoretic Process Analysis (STPA), to a specific high-consequence system with an important ML-driven component, namely the Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs (PDMPs) operated by many US States, several of which rely on an ML-derived risk score. We focus in particular on how this analysis can extend to identifying social and ethical risks and developing concrete design-level controls to mitigate them.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, 3 tables. Accepted to 36th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, Workshop on ML Safety (NeurIPS 2022

    Optimizing Decoy State Enabled Quantum Key Distribution Systems to Maximize Quantum Throughput and Detect Photon Number Splitting Attacks with High Confidence

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    Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) is an innovative quantum communications protocol which exploits the laws of quantum mechanics to generate unconditionally secure cryptographic keying material between two geographically separated parties. The unique nature of QKD shows promise for high-security applications such as those found in banking, government, and military environments. However, QKD systems contain implementation non-idealities which can negatively impact their performance and security.In particular, QKD systems often employ the decoy state protocol to improve system throughput and mitigate the threat of Photon Number Splitting (PNS) attacks. In this work, a detailed analysis of the decoy state protocol is conducted which optimizes both performance in terms of quantum throughput and security with respect to detecting PNS attacks. The results of this study uniquely demonstrate that the decoy state protocol can ensure PNS attacks are detected with high confidence, while maximizing the secure key generation rate at no additional cost. Additionally, implementation security guidance is provided for QKD system developers and users

    Multichannel pseudogap Kondo model: Large-N solution and quantum-critical dynamics

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    We discuss a multichannel SU(N) Kondo model which displays non-trivial zero-temperature phase transitions due to a conduction electron density of states vanishing with a power law at the Fermi level. In a particular large-N limit, the system is described by coupled integral equations corresponding to a dynamic saddle point. We exactly determine the universal low-energy behavior of spectral densities at the scale-invariant fixed points, obtain anomalous exponents, and compute scaling functions describing the crossover near the quantum-critical points. We argue that our findings are relevant to recent experiments on impurity-doped d-wave superconductors.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figs; extended discussion of large-N spin representations, added references; accepted for publication in PR