4 research outputs found

    Giving ecological meaning to satellite-derived fire severity metrics across North American forests

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    Satellite-derived spectral indices such as the relativized burn ratio (RBR) allow fire severity maps to be produced in a relatively straightforward manner across multiple fires and broad spatial extents. These indices often have strong relationships with field-based measurements of fire severity, thereby justifying their widespread use in management and science. However, satellite-derived spectral indices have been criticized because their non-standardized units render them difficult to interpret relative to on-the-ground fire effects. In this study, we built a Random Forest model describing a field-based measure of fire severity, the composite burn index (CBI), as a function of multiple spectral indices, a variable representing spatial variability in climate, and latitude. CBI data primarily representing forested vegetation from 263 fires (8075 plots) across the United States and Canada were used to build the model. Overall, the model performed well, with a cross-validated R2 of 0.72, though there was spatial variability in model performance. The model we produced allows for the direct mapping of CBI, which is more interpretable compared to spectral indices. Moreover, because the model and all spectral explanatory variables were produced in Google Earth Engine, predicting and mapping of CBI can realistically be undertaken on hundreds to thousands of fires. We provide all necessary code to execute the model and produce maps of CBI in Earth Engine. This study and its products will be extremely useful to managers and scientists in North America who wish to map fire effects over large landscapes or regions

    Materials Science Work at NASA Ames Research Center

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    The paper discusses the following: Thermal Protection System -TPS development and testing; Material for the shuttle; Ablators; Coating; Integrated vehicle health management; Sharp leading edges

    Microstructural Investigation of High Emittance Glass Coatings on Fibrous Ceramic Insulation

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    This viewgraph presentation provides an overview of the Space Shuttle Thermal Protection System (TPS) and the various products incorporated in the TPS. There are three tile systems which include pure silica, fibrous refractory composite insulation (FRCI), and alumina enhanced thermal barrier (AETB). Coating systems include reaction cured glass (RCG) and toughened uni-piece insulation (TUFI). The microstructures of these systems are explored as are the manufacturing processes associated with each. Microstructural investigation using methods such as automated X-ray spectral image analysis (AXSIA) is a crucial part of understanding the mechanical nature of these systems

    Thermal Protection Materials for Reentry Applications

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    Thermal protection materials and systems (IRS) are used to protect spacecraft during reentry into Earth's atmosphere or entry into planetary atmospheres. As such, these materials are subject to severe environments with high heat fluxes and rapid heating. Catalytic effects can increase the temperatures substantially. These materials are also subject to impact damage from micrometeorites or other debris during ascent, orbit, and descent, and thus must be able to withstand damage and to function following damage. Thermal protection materials and coatings used in reusable launch vehicles will be reviewed, including the needs and directions for new materials to enable new missions that require faster turnaround and much greater reusability. The role of ablative materials for use in high heat flux environments, especially for non-reusable applications and upcoming planetary missions, will be discussed. New thermal protection system materials may enable the use of sharp nose caps and leading edges on future reusable space transportation vehicles. Vehicles employing this new technology would have significant increases in maneuverability and out-of-orbit cross range compared to current vehicles, leading to increased mission safety in the event of the need to abort during ascent or from orbit. Ultrahigh temperature ceramics, a family of materials based on HfB2 and ZrB2 with SiC, will be discussed. The development, mechanical and thermal properties, and uses of these materials will be reviewed