1,986 research outputs found

    Alien Registration- Loeffler, Hans L. (Monmouth, Kennebec County)

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    Thermally-Induced Chemistry and the Jovian Icy Satellites: A Laboratory Study of the Formation of Sulfur Oxyanions

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    Laboratory experiments have demonstrated that magnetospheric radiation in the Jovian system drives reaction chemistry in ices at temperatures relevant to Europa and other icy satellites. Here we present new results on thermally-induced reactions at 50-100 K in solid H2O-SO2 mixtures, reactions that take place without the need for a high-radiation environment. We find that H2O and SO2 react to produce sulfur Oxyanions, such as bisulfite, that as much as 30% of the SO2 can be consumed through this reaction, and that the products remain in the ice when the temperature is lowered, indicating that these reactions are irreversible. Our results suggest that thermally-induced reactions can alter the chemistry at temperatures relevant to the icy satellites in the Jovian system

    Infrared Spectral Studies of the Thermally-Driven Chemistry Present on Icy Satellites

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    Remote sensing of Jupiters icy satellites has revealed that even though their surfaces arc composed mostly of water ice, molecules such as SO2, CO2, H2O2. O2, and O3 also are present. On Europa, a high radiation flux is believed to play a role in the formation of many of the minor species detected, and numerous laboratory studies have been devoted to explore this hypothesis. In this presentation we will discuss some of our recent research on another alteration pathway, thermally-driven chemical reactions, which are also important for understanding the chemical evolution of Europa's surface and sub-surface ices. We will focus on the infrared spectra of and reactions between H2O, SO2 and H2O2, at 80 - 130 K

    Low-Temperature Thermal Reactions Between SO2 and H2O2 and Their Relevance to the Jovian Icy Satellites

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    Here we present first results on a non-radiolytic, thermally-driven reaction sequence in solid H2O +SO2 + H2O2 mixtures at 50-130 K, which produces sulfate (SO(-2)/(4)), and has an activation energy of 53 kJ/mole. We suspect that these results may explain some of the observations related to the presence and distribution of H2O2 across Europa's surface as well as the lack of H2O2 on Ganymede and Callisto

    Ketene Formation in Interstellar Ices: A Laboratory Study

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    The formation of ketene (H2CCO, ethenone) in polar and apolar ices was studied with in situ 0.8 MeV proton irradiation, far-UVphotolysis, and infrared spectroscopic analyses at 10-20 K. Using isotopically enriched reagents, unequivocal evidencewas obtained for ketene synthesis in H2O-rich and CO2-rich ices, and several reaction products were identified. Results from scavenging experiments suggested that ketene was formed by free-radical pathways, as opposed to acid-base processes or redox reactions. Finally, we use our results to draw conclusions about the formation and stability of ketene in the interstellar medium

    Thermal Regeneration of Sulfuric Acid Hydrates after Irradiation

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    In an attempt to more completely understand the surface chemistry of the jovian icy satellites, we have investigated the effect of heating on two irradiated crystalline sulfuric acid hydrates, H2SO4 4H2O and H2SO4 H2O. At temperatures relevant to Europa and the warmer jovian satellites, post-irradiation heating recrystallized the amorphized samples and increased the intensities of the remaining hydrate's infrared absorptions. This thermal regeneration of the original hydrates was nearly 100% efficient, indicating that over geological times, thermally-induced phase transitions enhanced by temperature fluctuations will reform a large fraction of crystalline hydrated sulfuric acid that is destroyed by radiation processing. The work described is the first demonstration of the competition between radiation-induced amorphization and thermally-induced recrystallization in icy ionic solids relevant to the outer Solar System

    Using Simulated Micrometeoroid Impacts to Understand the Progressive Space Weathering of the Surface of Mercury

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    The surfaces of airless bodies such as Mercury are continually modified by space weathering, which is driven by micrometeoroid impacts and solar wind irradiation. Space weathering alters the chemical composition, microstructure, and spectral properties of surface regolith. In lunar and ordinarychondritic style space weathering, these processes affect the reflectance properties by darkening (lowering of reflectance), reddening (increasing reflectance with increasing wavelength), and attenuation of characteristic absorption features. These optical changes are driven by the production of nanophase Febearing particles (npFe). While our understanding of these alteration processes has largely been based on data from the Moon and near-Earth S-type asteroids, the space weathering environment at Mercury is much more extreme. The surface of Mercury experiences a more intense solar wind flux and higher velocity micrometeoroid impacts than its planetary counterparts at 1 AU. Additionally, the composition of Mercurys surface varies significantly from that of the Moon. Most notably, a very low albedo unit has been identified on Mercurys surface, known as the low reflectance material (LRM). This unit is enriched with up to 4 wt.% carbon, likely in the form of graphite, over the local mean. In addition, the surface concentration of Fe across Mercurys surface is low (<2 wt.%) compared to the Moon. Our understanding of how these low-Fe and carbon phases are altered as a result of space weathering processes is limited. Since Fe plays a critical role in the development of space weathering features on other airless surfaces (e.g., npFe), its limited availability on Mercury may strongly affect the space weathering features in surface materials. In order to understand how space weathering affects the chemical, microstructural, and optical properties of the surface of Mercury, we can simulate these processes in the laboratory [7]. Here we used pulsed laser irradiation to simulate the short duration, high temperature events associated with micrometeoroid impacts. We used forsteritic olivine, likely present on the Mercurian surface, with varying FeO contents, each mixed with graphite, in our experiments. We then performed reflectance spectroscopy and electron microscopy to investigate the spectral, chemical, and microstructural changes in these samples

    Longitudinal Laminar Flow Between Cylinders Arranged in Regular Array

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    The increasing complexity of heat transfer and process situations which involve fluid flow has demanded the frequent use of flow passages of unusual geometrical configuration. The present investigation is concerned with one such novel configuration, namely the longitudinal flow between solid cylindrical rods which are arranged in regular array. A schematic diagram of the situation under study. The rods may be located either in triangular or square array. The flow will be taken to be laminar and fully developed. The aim of this analysis is to determine the pressure drop, shear stress, and velocity-distribution characteristics of the system. The starting point of this study is the basic law of momentum conservation. The resulting differential equation has been solved in an approximate, but almost exact, manner by the use of truncated trigonometric series. Results are obtained over a wide range of porosity values for both the triangular and square arrays. Heat transfer has not been considered. The configuration under investigation has potential application in compact heat exchangers for nuclear reactors and other situations. Further the results should also be of interest in the theory of flow through unconsolidated porous beds (ia, 9a). The only related analytical work known to the authors is that of Emersleben (S), who considered only the square array. His rather involved solution, based on complex zeta functions, appears to be valid only at high porosities. Experiments covering a porosity range of 0.093 to 0.984 have been made by Sullivan (4) using parallel-oriented fibers, most of the tests being for fibers in random array. These previous investigations will be compared with the present theory in a later section
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