3,596 research outputs found

    Global 21cm signal experiments: a designer's guide

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    [Abridged] The spatially averaged global spectrum of the redshifted 21cm line has generated much experimental interest, for it is potentially a direct probe of the Epoch of Reionization and the Dark Ages. Since the cosmological signal here has a purely spectral signature, most proposed experiments have little angular sensitivity. This is worrisome because with only spectra, the global 21cm signal can be difficult to distinguish from foregrounds such as Galactic synchrotron radiation, as both are spectrally smooth and the latter is orders of magnitude brighter. We establish a mathematical framework for global signal data analysis in a way that removes foregrounds optimally, complementing spectra with angular information. We explore various experimental design trade-offs, and find that 1) with spectral-only methods, it is impossible to mitigate errors that arise from uncertainties in foreground modeling; 2) foreground contamination can be significantly reduced for experiments with fine angular resolution; 3) most of the statistical significance in a positive detection during the Dark Ages comes from a characteristic high-redshift trough in the 21cm brightness temperature; and 4) Measurement errors decrease more rapidly with integration time for instruments with fine angular resolution. We show that if observations and algorithms are optimized based on these findings, an instrument with a 5 degree beam can achieve highly significant detections (greater than 5-sigma) of even extended (high Delta-z) reionization scenarios after integrating for 500 hrs. This is in contrast to instruments without angular resolution, which cannot detect gradual reionization. Abrupt ionization histories can be detected at the level of 10-100's of sigma. The expected errors are also low during the Dark Ages, with a 25-sigma detection of the expected cosmological signal after only 100 hrs of integration.Comment: 34 pages, 30 figures. Replaced (v2) to match accepted PRD version (minor pedagogical additions to text; methods, results, and conclusions unchanged). Fixed two typos (v3); text, results, conclusions etc. completely unchange

    Observing Lense-Thirring Precession in Tidal Disruption Flares

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    When a star is tidally disrupted by a supermassive black hole (SMBH), the streams of liberated gas form an accretion disk after their return to pericenter. We demonstrate that Lense-Thirring precession in the spacetime around a rotating SMBH can produce significant time evolution of the disk angular momentum vector, due to both the periodic precession of the disk and the nonperiodic, differential precession of the bound debris streams. Jet precession and periodic modulation of disk luminosity are possible consequences. The persistence of the jetted X-ray emission in the Swift J164449.3+573451 flare suggests that the jet axis was aligned with the spin axis of the SMBH during this event.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. Accepted for publication in Physical Review Letters. Minor changes made to match proof

    High-Redshift Galaxies: Their Predicted Size and Surface Brightness Distributions and Their Gravitational Lensing Probability

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    Direct observations of the first generation of luminous objects will likely become feasible over the next decade. The advent of the Next Generation Space Telescope (NGST) will allow imaging of numerous galaxies and mini-quasars at redshifts z>5. We apply semi-analytic models of structure formation to estimate the rate of multiple imaging of these sources by intervening gravitational lenses. Popular CDM models for galaxy formation yield a lensing optical depth of about 1% for sources at redshift 10. The expected slope of the luminosity function of the early sources implies an additional magnification bias of about 5, bringing the fraction of lensed sources at z=10 to about 5%. We estimate the angular size distribution of high-redshift disk galaxies and find that most of them are more extended than the resolution limit of NGST, roughly 0.06 arcseconds. We also show that there is only a modest redshift evolution in the mean surface brightness of galaxies at z>2. The expected increase by 1-2 orders of magnitude in the number of resolved sources on the sky, due to observations with NGST, will dramatically improve upon the statistical significance of existing weak lensing measurements. We show that, despite this increase in the density of sources, confusion noise from z>2 galaxies is expected to be small for NGST observations.Comment: 27 pages, 8 PostScript figures (of which two are new), revised version accepted for Ap

    Self-Regulated Growth of Supermassive Black Holes in Galaxies as the Origin of the Optical and X-ray Luminosity Functions of Quasars

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    We postulate that supermassive black-holes grow in the centers of galaxies until they unbind the galactic gas that feeds them. We show that the corresponding self-regulation condition yields a correlation between black-hole mass (Mbh) and galaxy velocity dispersion (sigma) as inferred in the local universe, and recovers the observed optical and X-ray luminosity functions of quasars at redshifts up to z~6 based on the hierarchical evolution of galaxy halos in a Lambda-CDM cosmology. With only one free parameter and a simple algorithm, our model yields the observed evolution in the number density of optically bright or X-ray faint quasars between 2<z<6 across 3 orders of magnitude in bolometric luminosity and 3 orders of magnitude in comoving density per logarithm of luminosity. The self-regulation condition identifies the dynamical time of galactic disks during the epoch of peak quasar activity (z~2.5) as the origin of the inferred characteristic quasar lifetime of ~10 million years. Since the lifetime becomes comparable to the Salpeter e-folding time at this epoch, the model also implies that the Mbh-sigma relation is a product of feedback regulated accretion during the peak of quasar activity. The mass-density in black-holes accreted by that time is consistent with the local black-hole mass density of ~(0.8-6.3) times 10^5 solar masses per cubic Mpc, which we have computed by combining the Mbh-sigma relation with the measured velocity dispersion function of SDSS galaxies (Sheth et al.~2003). Applying a similar self-regulation principle to supernova-driven winds from starbursts, we find that the ratio between the black hole mass and the stellar mass of galactic spheroids increases with redshift as (1+z)^1.5 although the Mbh-sigma relation is redshift-independent.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Ap

    Distortion of Gravitational-Wave Packets Due to their Self-Gravity

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    When a source emits a gravity-wave (GW) pulse over a short period of time, the leading edge of the GW signal is redshifted more than the inner boundary of the pulse. The GW pulse is distorted by the gravitational effect of the self-energy residing in between these shells. We illustrate this distortion for GW pulses from the final plunge of black hole (BH) binaries, leading to the evolution of the GW profile as a function of the radial distance from the source. The distortion depends on the total GW energy released and the duration of the emission, scaled by the total binary mass, M. The effect should be relevant in finite box simulations where the waveforms are extracted within a radius of <~ 100M. For characteristic emission parameters at the final plunge between binary BHs of arbitrary spins, this effect could distort the simulated GW templates for LIGO and LISA by a fraction of 0.001. Accounting for the wave distortion would significantly decrease the waveform extraction errors in numerical simulations.Comment: accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Is a Classical Language Adequate in Assessing the Detectability of the Redshifted 21cm Signal from the Early Universe?

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    The classical radiometer equation is commonly used to calculate the detectability of the 21cm emission by diffuse cosmic hydrogen at high redshifts. However, the classical description is only valid in the regime where the occupation number of the photons in phase space is much larger than unity and they collectively behave as a classical electromagnetic field. At redshifts z<20, the spin temperature of the intergalactic gas is dictated by the radiation from galaxies and the brightness temperature of the emitting gas is in the range of mK, independently from the existence of the cosmic microwave background. In regions where the observed brightness temperature of the 21cm signal is smaller than the observed photon energy, of 68/(1+z) mK, the occupation number of the signal photons is smaller than unity. Neverethless, the radiometer equation can still be used in this regime because the weak signal is accompanied by a flood of foreground photons with a high occupation number (involving the synchrotron Galactic emission and the cosmic microwave background). As the signal photons are not individually distinguishable, the combined signal+foreground population of photons has a high occupation number, thus justifying the use of the radiometer equation.Comment: 4 pages, Accepted for publication in JCA

    Large scale distribution of total mass versus luminous matter from Baryon Acoustic Oscillations: First search in the SDSS-III BOSS Data Release 10

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    Baryon Acoustic Oscillations (BAOs) in the early Universe are predicted to leave an as yet undetected signature on the relative clustering of total mass versus luminous matter. A detection of this effect would provide an important confirmation of the standard cosmological paradigm and constrain alternatives to dark matter as well as non-standard fluctuations such as Compensated Isocurvature Perturbations (CIPs). We conduct the first observational search for this effect, by comparing the number-weighted and luminosity-weighted correlation functions, using the SDSS-III BOSS Data Release 10 CMASS sample. When including CIPs in our model, we formally obtain evidence at 3.2σ3.2\sigma of the relative clustering signature and a limit that matches the existing upper limits on the amplitude of CIPs. However, various tests suggest that these results are not yet robust, perhaps due to systematic biases in the data. The method developed in this Letter, used with more accurate future data such as that from DESI, is likely to confirm or disprove our preliminary evidence.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in PR

    Constraining the Collisional Nature of the Dark Matter Through Observations of Gravitational Wakes

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    We propose to use gravitational wakes as a direct observational probe of the collisional nature of the dark matter. We calculate analytically the structure of a wake generated by the motion of a galaxy in the core of an X-ray cluster for dark matter in the highly-collisional and collisionless limits. We show that the difference between these limits can be recovered from detailed X-ray or weak lensing observations. We also discuss the sizes of sub-halos in these limits. Preliminary X-ray data on the motion of NGC 1404 through the Fornax group disfavors fluid-like dark matter but does not exclude scenarios in which the dark matter is weakly collisional.Comment: 29 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Ap

    Computer Components and Systems

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    Contains reports on two research projects.U. S. Navy Bureau of Ships under Contract NObsr 7760