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    This research aimed to: 1) analyze economics module development based on constructivism to improve students’ learning outcomes of private High School, Kupang; 2) analyze the effectiveness of economics module development based of constructivism to improve students’ learning outcomes of private High School, Kupang city. This research and development applied several procedures proposed by Borg and Gall that were modified and consist of eight stages; 1) preliminary study and collecting information; 2) planning; 3) Prototypet; 4) small group trial; 5) product revision; 6) trial use of the product; 7) product revision; 8) trials of operational field. The data analysis was descriptive analysis, the feasibility analysis of economics module based on constructivism based on scale score, and learning outcomes analysis using t-test. the development product was tested through formative evaluation which consists of several stages: reviews from economic matter expert, media expert, language expert, practitioner expert, small group trial, and broad group trial. Related to the research findings, it can be concluded that: 1) economics module based on constructivism was successfully developed with up to date learning material referring to active learning through constructivism of syntax learning to improve students’ learning outcomes; can be shown from the result of expert validation in which a) material expert got the percentage about 97,05%, b) media expert material expert got the percentage about 100%, c) language expert material expert got the percentage about 100% and d) practice expert material expert got the percentage about 92.15%. 2) Economics module based on constructivism was effective to improve students’ learning outcomes based on the significance of t-test 0.000 t-table 2,001. It is proved that in which Ha is accepted. It means that there is a significant difference between post-test results of control group and experimental group. He result shows that the result of post-test in experimental group is higher than control group has. In the other words, the economics module developed based on constructivism is effective in improving students’ learning outcomes in private High school Kupang. Keywords: Economics Module, Learning Constructivist, Learning Outcomes


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    ABSTRAKPerubahan paradigma pendidikan memberikan dampak dalam proses pembelajaran di mana pembelajaran yang ada saat ini lebih menekankan kepada keaktifan peserta didik. Model pembelajaran kooperatif dipandang lebih cocok diterapkan dalam proses belajar untuk mengaktifkan siswa secara kelompok namun tetap memperhatikan kemampuan setiap individu. Artikel ini merupakan suatu gagasan yang membahas 2 model pembelajaran kooperatif yaitu Jigsaw dan Role- Playing. Kedua model ini diharapkan dapat diterapkan pada kompetensi menyusun laporan keuangan dalam mata pelajaran akuntansi. Akuntansi merupakan mata pelajaran yang membutuhkan kemampuan kognitif dan keterampilan. Metode yang digunakan dalam mengkaji masalah adalah studi literatur. Berdasarkan hasil studi literatur yang dilakukan, ditemukan bahwa Model Pembelajaran Jigsaw lebih menekankan kepada pemahaman yang mendalam akan materi dengan dibentuknya kelompok ahli. Dari hasil pembahasan dengan kelompok ahli, peserta didik dapat menyampikan kepada teman yang berada pada kelompok inti.. Sedangkan Role-Playing dapat memberikan dampak yang baik terhadap keterampilan dikarenakan model ini mengondisikan peserta didik mirip dengan situasi aslinya. Berdasarkan hal tersebut model pembelajaran Jigsaw dan Role-Playing dapat diterapkan dalam mata pelajaran Akuntansi khususnya pada Kompetensi Menyusun Laporan Keuangan. Kata kunci: Kooperatif, Jigsaw, Role-Playing, Akuntansi ABSTRACTEducation paradigm change impacts in the learning process in which the existing learning more emphasis on active learners. Cooperative learning model is deemed more appropriate in the process of learning to enable students in the group but still pay attention to the ability of each individual. This article is an idea that addresses two cooperative learning models that is Jigsaw and Role- Playing. Both models are expected to be applied in preparing the financial statements of competence in accounting subjects. Accounting is a subject that requires cognitive abilities and skills. The method used in assessing the problem is the study of literature. Based on the results of the literature study, it was found that more emphasis Jigsaw Learning Model to a deeper understanding of the material by the formation of an expert group. From the discussion with a group of experts, learners can forthwith to friends who are in the core group. While Role-Playing can give a good impact on skills because these model are conditioning learners with situations similar to the original. Based on this model of learning and Role-Playing Jigsaw can be applied in a particular subject on Competence Accounting Preparing Financial Statements. Keywords: Cooperative, Jigsaw, Role-Playing, Accountin

    The Impact of Monetary Policy on Capital Structure, Credit Risk and Bank Profitability in Indonesia

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    This research discusses the impact of monetary policy on bank capital structure, credit risk and bank profitability in Indonesia. It is hoped that the findings of this research can contribute to the development of financial science, especially monetary policy theory and economic policy theory, after going through the process of understanding the variables of monetary policy and macroeconomic policy that influence decisions regarding bank funding patterns, and bank profitability and company financial performance. which maximizes the welfare of its owners and stakeholders.The bank's capital structure can be determined or explained by monetary policy, where if there is an increase in the minimum statutory reserve, central bank interest rates and the Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) it will cause a decrease in the level of debt in the bank's capital structure. Bank credit risk cannot be determined or explained by monetary policy. Bank profitability cannot be determined or explained by monetary policy. If there is a change in the debt to asset ratio and debt to equity ratio it will cause a change in bank profitability as measured by Earning Per Share (EPS), Return On Assets (ROA), Return On Equity and Net Internet Margin (NIM), where if there is an increase Debt in the bank's capital structure also contributes to high interest costs reducing which causes a decrease in the bank's income level. If there is a change in Loan Loss Provision (LLP), Non-Performing Loan Gross (NPLG) and Non-Performing Loan Net (NPLN) it will cause changes in bank profitability as measured by Earning Per Share (EPS), Return On Assets (ROA), Return On Equity and Net Internet Margin (NIM), where if there is an increase in bank credit risk, namely problem and bad loans, also contribute to high costs, causing a decrease in the bank's income level, even loss of income.Provides empirical evidence of the research concept (Mendoza & Rivera, 2017) which states that credit risk has a significantly negative effect on profitability. Providing empirical evidence of the research concept (Dang, 2022) states that monetary policy drives bank profitability asymmetrically. Concretely, interest rates (i.e., loan interest rates and policy interest rates) have a positive effect on net interest income, but a negative impact on non-interest income. Banks with more diversified funding patterns will be associated with weaker bank sensitivity financially in facing monetary shocks to limited alternative funding. Keywords: Monetary Policy, Capital Structure, Credit Risk, Bank Profitability. DOI: 10.7176/RJFA/14-18-01 Publication date:October 31st 202


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    Jenis penelitian dalam penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK). Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk menegtahui implemenatsi model problem solving dalam meningkatkan prestasi belajar mahasiswa. Subjek dalam penelitian ini yaitu mahasiswa program studi pendidikan ekonomi yang mengambil program mata kuliah Ekonomi Pembangunan. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini yaitu dengan melakukan observasi, wawancara dan juga Tes kempuan awal serta kemampuan akhir mahasiswa. Hasil tes kemapuan awal menunjukan bahawa dari 44 mahasiswa yang lulus 12 orang atau 27% dan 32 mahaiswa tidak tuntas 73%. Penelitian dilaksanakan dalam 2 siklus. Hasil tes akhir pada siklus I dan siklus II menjukan adanya peningkatan dimana dari hasil tes pada siklus I dari jumlah 44 mahasiswa yang tuntas 19 orang (43%), tidak tuntas 25 orang (57%). Hasil tes pada siklus II menujukan bahawa seluruh mahasiswa berjumlah 44 orang tuntas dalam tes akhir (100%). Berdasarkan hasil tes akhir tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa penearapan model pembelajaran problem solving ini dapat meningkatan prestasi belajar mahasiswa program studi pendidikan ekonomi UNDANA

    The Effect of the Problem Based Learning Model on Students' Learning Outcomes of the Economic Education Study Program at Universitas Nusa Cendana during the Covid-19 Pandemic

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    This study aims to determine the differences in student learning outcomes using the problem-based learning model (PBL). The type of research used is quasi-experimental. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of using the problem-based learning model (PBL) on the learning outcomes of UNDANA economic education students. Based on the results of the tests carried out, it can be concluded that the output of Pair 1 is obtained by Sig. (2-tailed) of 0.000 <0.05, it can be concluded that there is a difference in the average student learning outcomes for the Pre-test experimental (62.1) and Post-test experimental (85.78). In line with these results, Based on the output of Pair 2, the value of Sig is obtained. (2-tailed) of 0.000 <0.05, it can be concluded that there is a difference in the average student learning outcomes for the pre-test control class (63.66) and the post-test control class (74.7)