128 research outputs found


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    The dialect identification was studied for many languages over the world nevertheless the research on signal processing for Vietnamese dialects is still limited and there were not many published works. There are many different dialects for Vietnamese. The influence of dialectal features on speech recognition systems is important. If the information about dialects is known during speech recognition process, the performance of recognition systems will be better because the corpus of these systems is normally organized according to different dialects. This paper will present the combination of MFCC coefficients and fundamental frequency features of Vietnamese for dialectal identification based on GMM. The experiment result for the dialect corpus of Vietnamese shows that the performance of dialectal identification is increased from 59% for the case using only MFCC coefficients to 71% for the case using MFCC coefficients and the information of fundamental frequency

    On stability problem for the stationary Boussinesq system in Morrey-type spaces

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    In this paper we establish the asymptotic stability of steady solutions for the Boussinesq systems in the framework of Cartesian product of critical weak-Morrey spaces on Rn\mathbb{R}^n, where n3n \geqslant 3. In our strategy, we first establish the continuity for the long time of the bilinear terms associated with the mild solutions of the Boussinesq systems, i.e., the bilinear estimates by using only the norm of the present spaces. As a direct consequence, we obtain the existence of global small mild solutions and asymptotic stability of steady solutions of the Boussinesq systems in the class of continuous functions from [0,)[0, \infty) to the Cartesian product of critical weak-Morrey spaces. Our techniques consist interpolation of operators, duality, heat semigroup estimates , Holder and Young inequalities in block spaces (based on Lorentz spaces) that are preduals of Morrey-Lorentz spaces. Our results are generalized the previous ones of the steady Boussinesq systems in weak-LpL^p spaces obtained by Hishida [T. Hishida, {\it On a class of Stable Steady flow to the Exterior Convection Problem}, Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 141, Iss. 1 (1997), pages 54-85] and Ferreira et al. [L.C.F. Ferreira and E.J. Villamizar-Roa, {\it On the stability problem for the Boussinesq equations in weak-LpL^p spaces}, Commun. Pure Appl. Anal. (2010), Vol. 9, No. 3, pages 667-684] and of the Navier-Stokes equations in Morrey spaces obtained by Kozono et al. [H. Kozono and M. Yamazaki, {\it The stability of small stationary solutions in Morrey Spaces of the Navier-Stokes equation}, Indiana University Mathematics Journal, Vol. 44, No. 4 (1995), pages 1307-1336].Comment: 17 page

    Monetary policy and bank liquidity creation: does bank size matter?

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    This paper investigates the effect of monetary policy on liquidity creation of commercial banks and if the effect is conditional on bank size. The paper uses a dataset covering 23 Vietnamese commercial banks during the period 2007–2017 collected from various sources including State Bank of Vietnam, International Monetary Fund, SNL Financial database (provided by SNL Company), Vietnam General Statistic Office and banks’ annual reports. Different econometric techniques are employed to analyse the data. Obtained results indicate that a contractionary monetary policy could lead to a decrease in bank liquidity creation. This result is less pronounced with larger banks. In particular, among three monetary policy instruments employed in Vietnam, an increase in the base rate is significantly associated with a contraction in bank liquidity creation; open market operations may have a marginal impact while required reserve ratio is ineffective because of its unchanged value throughout the period of the study. This paper is among the first, providing an insight into each monetary policy instrument's role in influencing bank liquidity creation in the context of an emerging economy

    Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism Impact Assessment Report for Vietnam

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    The EU’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) is evolving rapidly, with many uncertainties remaining regarding its long-term scope, embedded emissions calculation, and reactions of EU-trade partners. In its current form, the CBAM can affect Vietnamese enterprises exporting to EU although its direct impacts on Vietnam’s GDP are unlikely significant. If the CBAM is expanded to other trade-intensive sectors of Vietnam or taken up by other key trading partners of Vietnam, the impacts may grow quickly. Therefore, Vietnam should engage proactively with the CBAM and prepare for mitigation of potential impacts. One of the pro-active approaches is to accelerate and deepen the adoption of carbon pricing. This will facilitate energy transition, support achievement of Vietnam’s climate change mitigation target (NDC) under the Paris Agreement and long-term net-zero targets and would allow to harness co-benefits. It is also advisable for Vietnam to engage in constructive dialogues with the EU in order to negotiate a fair implementation of CBAM that takes into account Vietnam’s efforts. A key demand here should be the use of emissions credits instead of having to buy CBAM certificates


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    Coagulation and flocculation are preliminary used in water treatment processes for turbidity removal, using popularily synthetic chemicals with health and environmental concerns. The use of natural flocculants has known to be a promising alteratives for chemical ones due to their environmental friendly behavior. This research investigated turbidity removal efficiency of mucilage extracted from Basella alba - an indigenous species in Vietnam - in the role of a flocculant. The removal efficiency of mucilage was investigated in combination with PAC or Alum on To Lich river water by mean of Jar tests. PAC or Alum alone can remove maximum 97% and 90% turbidity of To Lich river water at its original pH for the sedimentation time of 30 minutes. The combination of mucilage and PAC or Alum increased the efficiencies of turbidity removal and reduced the amount of chemicals needed. The corresponding increases were maximum 7% and 18%, respectively; while the reduction of PAC/Alum used was 75-80%

    Genome-wide association mapping of leaf mass traits in a Vietnamese rice landrace panel

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    Leaf traits are often strongly correlated with yield, which poses a major challenge in rice breeding. In the present study, using a panel of Vietnamese rice landraces genotyped with 21,623 single-nucleotide polymorphism markers, a genome-wide association study (GWAS) was conducted for several leaf traits during the vegetative stage. Vietnamese landraces are often poorly represented in panels used for GWAS, even though they are adapted to contrasting agrosystems and can contain original, valuable genetic determinants. A panel of 180 rice varieties was grown in pots for four weeks with three replicates under nethouse conditions. Different leaf traits were measured on the second fully expanded leaf of the main tiller, which often plays a major role in determining the photosynthetic capacity of the plant. The leaf fresh weight, turgid weight and dry weight were measured; then, from these measurements, the relative tissue weight and leaf dry matter percentage were computed. The leaf dry matter percentage can be considered a proxy for the photosynthetic efficiency per unit leaf area, which contributes to yield. By a GWAS, thirteen QTLs associated with these leaf traits were identified. Eleven QTLs were identified for fresh weight, eleven for turgid weight, one for dry weight, one for relative tissue weight and one for leaf dry matter percentage. Eleven QTLs presented associations with several traits, suggesting that these traits share common genetic determinants, while one QTL was specific to leaf dry matter percentage and one QTL was specific to relative tissue weight. Interestingly, some of these QTLs colocalize with leaf- or yield-related QTLs previously identified using other material. Several genes within these QTLs with a known function in leaf development or physiology are reviewed

    Investigating the Effect of Matrices and Densities on the Efficiency of HPGe Gamma Spectroscopy Using MCNP

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    When determining radioactivities in environmental samples using low-level gamma spectroscopy, in order to raise detection limit, voluminous samples are used. It takes in account for the self-absorption (self-attenuation) of gamma rays in samples. The self-absorption effect is small or large depend on the sample shapes, matrices and densities. In this paper, we investigated the effect of some regular matrices such as water, soil, epoxy resin on the detector efficiency. Some analytical formulas for the correction of matrix and densities for soil sample was established and applied to calculate some activities from standard sample of IAEA-375

    A comparison for donor-acceptor interactions between E(PH3)2 and NHEMe ligands (E = C to Pb) of W(CO)5 complexes using energy decomposition analysis method with natural orbitals for chemical valence theory

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    Quantum chemical calculations at the BP86/TZ2P+ level of theory are performed for a comparison of density functional theory (DFT) between tetrylones [(CO)5W-{E(PH3)2}] (W5-EP2) and tetrylenes [(CO)5W-{NHEMe}] (W5-NHEMe) when E = C to Pb. The EDA-NOCV results suggest that the W-E bond dissociation energies (BDEs) in tetrylone complexes increase from the lighter to the heavier homologues. The W-E bond dissociation energies (BDEs) trend in W5-EP2 comes from the increase in (CO)5W←E(PH3)2 donation and strong electrostatic attraction, and that the ligands E(PH3)2 (EP2) are strong s-donors and very weak π-donors. The W-E BDEs trend in tetrylene complexes W5-NHEMe is opposite to that of the W5-EP2 complexes which decrease from the lighter to the heavier homologues. The NHEMe ligands are strong s-donors and weak π-acceptors. NOCV pairs were used in a description of the chemical bond between the W(CO)5 fragment and the ligands in the transition-metal complexes and the results indicated that the NOCV pairs lead to very valuable description of the bonding situation of the fragment-ligand bond in complexes. Keywords. Density functional theory; Bond dissociation energies (BDEs); Energy decomposition analysis (EDA); Natural Orbitals for Chemical Valence (NOCV)