16,615 research outputs found

    Astrometry of circumstellar masers

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    The circumstellar masers around evolved stars offer an interesting possibility to measure stellar parameters through VLBI astrometry. In this paper the application of this technique is discussed, including the accuracy and the uncertainties of the method. The different maser species (OH, H_2O, SiO) have slightly different characteristics and applications. This paper does not concern astrometry of maser spots to study the kinematics of the envelope, but concentrates on attempting to measure the motion of the underlying star.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, to appear in "Mass-losing Stars and their Circumstellar Matter", eds Y. Nakada & M. Honma, Kluwer ASSL serie

    Interpretation and the Constraints on International Courts

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    This paper argues that methodologies of interpretation do not do what they promise – they do not constrain interpretation by providing neutral steps that one can follow in finding out a meaning of a text – but nevertheless do their constraining work by being part of what can be described as the legal practice

    Money Walks: A Human-Centric Study on the Economics of Personal Mobile Data

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    In the context of a myriad of mobile apps which collect personally identifiable information (PII) and a prospective market place of personal data, we investigate a user-centric monetary valuation of mobile PII. During a 6-week long user study in a living lab deployment with 60 participants, we collected their daily valuations of 4 categories of mobile PII (communication, e.g. phonecalls made/received, applications, e.g. time spent on different apps, location and media, photos taken) at three levels of complexity (individual data points, aggregated statistics and processed, i.e. meaningful interpretations of the data). In order to obtain honest valuations, we employ a reverse second price auction mechanism. Our findings show that the most sensitive and valued category of personal information is location. We report statistically significant associations between actual mobile usage, personal dispositions, and bidding behavior. Finally, we outline key implications for the design of mobile services and future markets of personal data.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figures. To appear in ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (Ubicomp 2014

    Durable resistance to crop pathogens: an epidemiological framework to predict risk under uncertainty.

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    Increasing the durability of crop resistance to plant pathogens is one of the key goals of virulence management. Despite the recognition of the importance of demographic and environmental stochasticity on the dynamics of an epidemic, their effects on the evolution of the pathogen and durability of resistance has not received attention. We formulated a stochastic epidemiological model, based on the Kramer-Moyal expansion of the Master Equation, to investigate how random fluctuations affect the dynamics of an epidemic and how these effects feed through to the evolution of the pathogen and durability of resistance. We focused on two hypotheses: firstly, a previous deterministic model has suggested that the effect of cropping ratio (the proportion of land area occupied by the resistant crop) on the durability of crop resistance is negligible. Increasing the cropping ratio increases the area of uninfected host, but the resistance is more rapidly broken; these two effects counteract each other. We tested the hypothesis that similar counteracting effects would occur when we take account of demographic stochasticity, but found that the durability does depend on the cropping ratio. Secondly, we tested whether a superimposed external source of stochasticity (for example due to environmental variation or to intermittent fungicide application) interacts with the intrinsic demographic fluctuations and how such interaction affects the durability of resistance. We show that in the pathosystem considered here, in general large stochastic fluctuations in epidemics enhance extinction of the pathogen. This is more likely to occur at large cropping ratios and for particular frequencies of the periodic external perturbation (stochastic resonance). The results suggest possible disease control practises by exploiting the natural sources of stochasticity.GL is funded by the ESPA award “Dynamic Drivers of Disease in Africa Consortium”. The work of FvdB is supported by Rothamsted Research, who receives grant aided assistance from the Biological and Biotechnological Research Council of the United Kingdom. CAG gratefully acknowledges the support of a BBSRC Professorial Fellowship. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from PLOS via http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.100287

    QKD in Standard Optical Telecommunications Networks

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    To perform Quantum Key Distribution, the mastering of the extremely weak signals carried by the quantum channel is required. Transporting these signals without disturbance is customarily done by isolating the quantum channel from any noise sources using a dedicated physical channel. However, to really profit from this technology, a full integration with conventional network technologies would be highly desirable. Trying to use single photon signals with others that carry an average power many orders of magnitude bigger while sharing as much infrastructure with a conventional network as possible brings obvious problems. The purpose of the present paper is to report our efforts in researching the limits of the integration of QKD in modern optical networks scenarios. We have built a full metropolitan area network testbed comprising a backbone and an access network. The emphasis is put in using as much as possible the same industrial grade technology that is actually used in already installed networks, in order to understand the throughput, limits and cost of deploying QKD in a real network

    The HI content of the recently discovered field dwarf galaxy APPLES1

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    We present observations in a search for neutral hydrogen associated with the recently detected field dwarf galaxy APPLES1, performed with the Parkes radiotelescope. The observed radio spectrum shows no evident (> 3sigma rms) line emission indicating an upper limit for the HI content of the galaxy of ~ 10E6 solar masses and providing an upper value for the M(HI)/L(B) ratio equal to 2.4 solar masses/solar luminosities. The low value of the HI content suggested by the observations, together with the galaxy optical morphology, might indicate that APPLES1 is a dwarf spheroidal. This indication is in contrast with the evidence of recent star formation, which is typical for dwarf irregular galaxies. This may suggest that APPLES1 belongs to the class of mixed dwarf irregular/spheroidal transition-type galaxies. We also conclude that the relatively low neutral gas mass in APPLES1 can be explained by an extended and inefficient star formation process, without the need for a dramatic event such as enhanced star formation or a past encounter with a massive galaxy or galaxy group.Comment: 5 pages including 2 figures, accepted for publication in A&A Main Journa

    A critical evaluation of spectrum-based fault localization techniques on a large-scale software system

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    In the past, spectrum-based fault localization (SBFL) techniques have been developed to pinpoint a fault location in a program given a set of failing and successful test executions. Most of the algorithms use similarity coefficients and have only been evaluated on established but small benchmark programs from the Software-artifact Infrastructure Repository (SIR). In this paper, we evaluate the feasibility of applying 33 state-of-the-art SBFL techniques to a large real-world project, namely ASPECTJ. From an initial set of 350 faulty version from the iBugs repository of ASPECTJ we manually classified 88 bugs where SBFL techniques are suitable. Notably, only 11 bugs of these bugs can be found after examining the 1000 most suspicious lines and on average 250 source code files need to be inspected per bug. Based on these results, the study showcases the limitations of current SBFL techniques on a larger program

    High-energy scissors mode

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    All the orbital M1 excitations, at both low and high energies, obtained from a rotationally invariant QRPA, represent the fragmented scissors mode. The high-energy M1 strength is almost purely orbital and resides in the region of the isovector giant quadrupole resonance. In heavy deformed nuclei the high-energy scissors mode is strongly fragmented between 17 and 25 MeV (with uncertainties arising from the poor knowledge of the isovector potential). The coherent scissors motion is hindered by the fragmentation and B(M1)<0.25  μN2B(M1) < 0.25 \; \mu^2_N for single transitions in this region. The (e,e)(e,e^{\prime}) cross sections for excitations above 17 MeV are one order of magnitude larger for E2 than for M1 excitations even at backward angles.Comment: 20 pages in RevTEX, 5 figures (uuencoded,put with 'figures') accepted for publication in Phys.Rev.

    Loss of histone macroH2A1 in hepatocellular carcinoma cells promotes paracrine-mediated chemoresistance and CD4+CD25+FoxP3+ regulatory T cells activation

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    Rationale: Loss of histone macroH2A1 induces appearance of cancer stem cells (CSCs)-like cells in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). How CSCs interact with the tumor microenvironment and the adaptive immune system is unclear. Methods: We screened aggressive human HCC for macroH2A1 and CD44 CSC marker expression. We also knocked down (KD) macroH2A1 in HCC cells, and performed integrated transcriptomic and secretomic analyses. Results: Human HCC showed low macroH2A1 and high CD44 expression compared to control tissues. MacroH2A1 KD CSC-like cells transferred paracrinally their chemoresistant properties to parental HCC cells. MacroH2A1 KD conditioned media transcriptionally reprogrammed parental HCC cells activated regulatory CD4+/CD25+/FoxP3+ T cells (Tregs). Conclusions: Loss of macroH2A1 in HCC cells drives cancer stem-cell propagation and evasion from immune surveillance

    Extended M1 sum rule for excited symmetric and mixed-symmetry states in nuclei

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    A generalized M1 sum rule for orbital magnetic dipole strength from excited symmetric states to mixed-symmetry states is considered within the proton-neutron interacting boson model of even-even nuclei. Analytic expressions for the dominant terms in the B(M1) transition rates from the first and second 2+2^+ states are derived in the U(5) and SO(6) dynamic symmetry limits of the model, and the applicability of a sum rule approach is examined at and in-between these limits. Lastly, the sum rule is applied to the new data on mixed-symmetry states of 94Mo and a quadrupole d-boson ratio nd(01+)/nd(22+)0.6nd(0^+_1)/nd(2^+_2) \approx 0.6 is obtained in a largely parameter-independent wayComment: 19 pages, 3 figures, Revte