3,669 research outputs found

    Holographic duals of 6d RG flows

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    A notable class of superconformal theories (SCFTs) in six dimensions is parameterized by an integer NN, an ADE group GG, and two nilpotent elements μL,R\mu_\mathrm{L,R} in GG. Nilpotent elements have a natural partial ordering, which has been conjectured to coincide with the hierarchy of renormalization-group flows among the SCFTs. In this paper we test this conjecture for G=SU(k)G=\mathrm{SU}(k), where AdS7_7 duals exist in IIA. We work with a seven-dimensional gauged supergravity, consisting of the gravity multiplet and two SU(k)\mathrm{SU}(k) non-Abelian vector multiplets. We show that this theory has many supersymmetric AdS7_7 vacua, determined by two nilpotent elements, which are naturally interpreted as IIA AdS7_7 solutions. The BPS equations for domain walls connecting two such vacua can be solved analytically, up to a Nahm equation with certain boundary conditions. The latter admit a solution connecting two vacua if and only if the corresponding nilpotent elements are related by the natural partial ordering, in agreement with the field theory conjecture.Comment: 33 pages, 2 figure

    Isotope Spectroscopy

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    The measurement of isotopic ratios provides a privileged insight both into nucleosynthesis and into the mechanisms operating in stellar envelopes, such as gravitational settling. In this article, we give a few examples of how isotopic ratios can be determined from high-resolution, high-quality stellar spectra. We consider examples of the lightest elements, H and He, for which the isotopic shifts are very large and easily measurable, and examples of heavier elements for which the determination of isotopic ratios is more difficult. The presence of 6Li in the stellar atmospheres causes a subtle extra depression in the red wing of the 7Li 670.7 nm doublet which can only be detected in spectra of the highest quality. But even with the best spectra, the derived 6^6Li abundance can only be as good as the synthetic spectra used for their interpretation. It is now known that 3D non-LTE modelling of the lithium spectral line profiles is necessary to account properly for the intrinsic line asymmetry, which is produced by convective flows in the atmospheres of cool stars, and can mimic the presence of 6Li. We also discuss briefly the case of the carbon isotopic ratio in metal-poor stars, and provide a new determination of the nickel isotopic ratios in the solar atmosphere.Comment: AIP Thinkshop 10 "High resolution optical spectroscopy", invited talk, AN in pres

    Relevance of lactate level detection in migrane and fibromyalgia

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    The aim of this study was to determine the blood lactate levels in healthy and pathological subjects, particularly with migraine and fibromyalgia. Moreover we investigated the possible correlation between lactate concentration, postural stability and balance disorders; the composition of the groups were: migraine (n = 25; age 49.7 +/- 12.5), fibromyalgia (n = 10; age 43.7 +/- 21.2), control group (n = 16 age 28.52 +/- 2.4). The results showed that patients with fibromyalgia (FG) had higher lactate levels compared to migraine (MG) and control group (CG) (mean +/- sd: FG = 1.78 +/- 0.9 mmol/L; MG = 1.45 +/- 1 mmol/L; CG = 0,85 +/- 0,07 mmol/L). The same situation was highlighted about the sway path length with eyes closed (FG = 518 +/- 195 mm; MG = 465 +/- 165 mm; CG = 405 +/- 94,72 mm) and with eyes open (FG = 430 +/- 220 mm; MG = 411 +/- 143 mm; CG = 389 +/- 107 mm). This can be explained by the fact that energy-intensive postural strategies must be used to optimize both static and dynamic coordination, in particular with repeated contractions of tonic oxidative muscle cells responsible for postural control

    Daily variability of Ceres' Albedo detected by means of radial velocities changes of the reflected sunlight

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    Bright features have been recently discovered by Dawn on Ceres, which extend previous photometric and Space Telescope observations. These features should produce distortions of the line profiles of the reflected solar spectrum and therefore an apparent radial velocity variation modulated by the rotation of the dwarf planet. Here we report on two sequences of observations of Ceres performed in the nights of 31 July, 26-27 August 2015 by means of the high-precision HARPS spectrograph at the 3.6-m La Silla ESO telescope. The observations revealed a quite complex behaviour which likely combines a radial velocity modulation due to the rotation with an amplitude of approx +/- 6 m/s and an unexpected diurnal effect. The latter changes imply changes in the albedo of Occator's bright features due to the blaze produced by the exposure to solar radiation. The short-term variability of Ceres' albedo is on timescales ranging from hours to months and can both be confirmed and followed by means of dedicated radial velocity observations.Comment: 5 pag, 1fig, two tables, MNRAS Letters 201

    D3 ̄-branes and gaugino condensation

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    Anti-D3 branes at the bottom of warped throats, commonly used to uplift the cosmological constant in String-Theory de Sitter proposals, source a plethora of supersymmetry-breaking fluxes, that can interact nontrivially with other ingredients of the flux compactification. In this paper we perform a complex-structure decomposition of these fluxes, and compute the effect of the (0,3) flux component on the stabilization of Kähler moduli via D7-branes gaugino condensation. This allows us to obtain a new constraint on the validity of this stabilization mechanism. This effect does not appear hard to satisfy in de Sitter construction proposals that use long warped throats, but may be problematic in proposals where the warping is small

    Long-Term Safety and Usefulness of Mexiletine in a Large Cohort of Patients Affected by Non-dystrophic Myotonias

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    Objective: The aim of our study was to evaluate the long-term efficacy and safety of mexiletine in 112 patients affected by genetically confirmed non-dystrophic myotonias. The study was performed at the Neurophysiologic Division of Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli Istituto di Ricerca e Cura a Carattere Scientifico (IRCCS), Rome and the Children's Hospital Bambino Gesù, Rome. Methods: The treatment was accepted by 59 patients according to clinical severity, individual needs, and concerns about a chronic medication. Forty-three patients were affected by recessive congenita myotonia, 11 by sodium channel myotonia, and five by dominant congenital myotonia. They underwent clinical examination before and after starting therapy, and Electromyography (EMG). A number of recessive myotonia patients underwent a protocol of repetitive nerve stimulations, for detecting and quantifying the transitory weakness, and a modified version of the Timed Up and Go test, to document and quantify the gait impairment. Results: Treatment duration ranged from 1 month to 20 years and the daily dosages in adults ranged between 200 and 600 mg. No patient developed cardiac arrhythmias causing drug discontinuation. Mexiletine was suspended in 13 cases (22%); in three patients, affected by Sodium Channel myotonia, because flecainide showed better efficacy; in one patient because of a gastric cancer antecedent treatment; in four patients because of untreatable dyspepsia; and five patients considered the treatment not necessary. Conclusions: In our experience, mexiletine is very useful and not expensive. We did not observe any hazarding cardiac arrhythmias. Dyspepsia was the most frequent dose-limiting side effect