6 research outputs found

    Application of NeurSy model on the test dataset.

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    <p>The vertical lines bounds peaks inserted during Year 1, week 36 to 39 (Scenario A), Year 2, week 1 to 4 (Scenario B) and Year 2, weeks 24 to 28 (Scenario C).</p

    Value of evidence (V) and probability of observing <i>n</i> cases of neurological syndromes in a week during a non-outbreak (Base) situation and during a WNV outbreak (Out).

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    <p>Out is the distribution of outbreak related cases and Tot is the total number of observed cases per week during an outbreak. (A) Scenario A, year 1 week 36, λ = 1.08, (B) Scenario B, year 2 week 1. λ = 1.08, (C) Scenario C, year 2 week 27, λ = 0.81.</p

    Value of evidence (V) and probability of observing 10 cases during a non-outbreak (Base) and outbreak situation (Out) with different assumptions about the magnitude of an outbreak.

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    <p>The baseline cases are distributed according to NB mu  = 5, theta  = 2.55. The value of evidence, log(V) is calculated as log<sub>10</sub>(p(n|outbreak)/p(n|baseline)). The distribution during an outbreak (Tot) is the sum of baseline cases and outbreak cases. In the examples A to D outbreak related cases are distributed according to (A) NB(mu = 10, theta  = 2), (B) NB(mu = 30, theta  = 2), (C) NB(mu = 10, theta  = 5), (D) NB(mu = 30, theta  = 5).</p

    An Evaluation of Three Different Primary Equine Influenza Vaccination Intervals in Foals

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    In order to evaluate the effect of three different primary vaccination intervals on EI vaccine response, 21 unvaccinated thoroughbred foals were randomly divided into three groups of 7 and vaccinated with three different intervals of primary immunization (i.e., with 1, 2 or 3 months intervals between V1 and V2, respectively). The antibody response was measured for up to 1 year after the third immunization V3 (administered 6 months after V2) by single radial hemolysis (SRH) assay. All weanlings had seroconverted and exceeded the clinical protection threshold 2 weeks after V2 and 1 month after V3 until the end of the study. Significant differences were measured at the peak of immunity after V2 and for the duration of the immunity gap between V2 and V3. The group with one month primary vaccination interval had a lower immunity peak after V2 (158.05 ± 6.63 mm2) and a wider immunity gap between V2 and V3 (18 weeks) when compared with other groups (i.e., 174.72 ± 6.86 mm2 and 16 weeks for a two months interval, 221.45 ± 14.48 mm2 and 12 weeks for a 3-month interval). The advantage observed in the group with 1 month primary vaccination interval, which induces an earlier protective immunity, is counterbalance with a lower peak of immunity and a wider immunity gap after V2, when compared with foals vaccinated with 2- and 3-month intervals

    Equine Herpesvirus 1 Variant and New Marker for Epidemiologic Surveillance, Europe, 2021

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    Equine herpesvirus 1 isolates from a 2021 outbreak of neurologic disease in Europe have a mutation, A713G, in open reading frame 11 not detected in 249 other sequences from equine herpesvirus 1 isolates. This singlenucleotide polymorphism could help identify horses infected with the virus strain linked to this outbreak.</p