83 research outputs found


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    Objective: To identify the life quality and personal and job satisfaction of geriatrics assistants, caregivers of the institutionalized elderly. Methodology: Descriptive study made from quantitative and qualitative data. The sample size was 12 geriatrics assistants that work in the center Sociosanitario Ricardo Fortuny and in Sant Francesc de Vilafranca del Penedès Residence. Results: Most of them are satisfied with their personal life and have good life quality. They like their job and are motivated. However, they stated being little appreciated and badly paid. They think training is important to deliver quality care. Conclusion and discussion: Specialized training is needed to deliver quality care to the institutionalized elderly, as it does not only affect the job satisfaction of geriatrics assistants but also their personal satisfaction and quality of life.Objetivo: Identificar la calidad de vida, satisfacción personal y laboral de las Auxiliares de Geriatría cuidadoras de personas mayores institucionalizadas. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo realizado a partir de datos cuantitativos y datos cualitativos. El tamaño de la muestra fue de 12 Auxiliares de Geriatría que trabajan en el Centro Sociosanitario Ricard Fortuny y en la Residencia Sant Francesc de Vilafranca del Penedès. Resultados: La mayoría está satisfecha con su vida personal y tienen una buena calidad de vida. Les gusta su trabajo y están motivadas, sin embargo, manifiestan estar poco valoradas y remuneradas, piensan que la formación es importante para ofrecer unos cuidados de calidad. Conclusiones y discusión: Se necesita una formación especializada para ofrecer unos cuidados de calidad a los mayores institucionalizados, ello no sólo influye en la satisfacción laboral de las Auxiliares de Geriatría, sino también en su satisfacción personal y calidad de vida

    mHealth to improve experience, adherence to pharmacological treatment, and positive mental health in patients diagnosed with femur fractures: protocol for a quasi-experimental study

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    Background: Considering the prognosis of femur fractures worldwide, the ageing of our society, and the problems in adherence to treatment found in these patients, it is believed that mobile health can have a positive impact on the process and quality of care. Objective: We aim to evaluate the effectiveness of a pharmacological educational nurse intervention with Myplan app with regard to knowledge, adherence to pharmacological treatment, and positive mental health of patients with femur fractures. Methods: A nonrandomized, quasi-experimental study will be carried out with a pretest-posttest control group. It will include 278 older patients diagnosed with femur fractures, with a Glasgow Coma Scale of 15 and access to mobile devices. Patients with psychological pathologies and cognitive impairment or patients treated in isolation will be excluded. Study variables are as follows: sociodemographic variables (AdHoc Form), patient experience (Patient Experience Questionnaire-15), adherence to pharmacological treatment (Morisky-Green questionnaire), and positive mental health (Positive Mental Health questionnaire). The measurements will be taken 24 hours after admission, upon discharge, and 25 days after discharge. Results: Enrollment commenced in October 2022. Data collection will be completed in April 2023. Conclusions: The results of this study will offer evidence of the effectiveness of a pharmacological educational nurse intervention by means of a free smartphone app. If its efficacy is demonstrated and the results are acceptable, it could mean an improvement in the care of patients with femur fractures, and this technology could be used to guide other training interventions in patients with other pathologies

    Ethical conflict in critical care nursing: correlation between exposure and types

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    Background: Ethical conflicts in nursing have generally been studied in terms of temporal frequency and the degree of conflict. This study presents a new perspective for examining ethical conflict in terms of the degree of exposure to conflict and its typology. Objectives: The aim was to examine the level of exposure to ethical conflict for professional nurses in critical care units and to analyze the relation between this level and the types of ethical conflict and moral states. Research design: This was a descriptive correlational study. Central and dispersion, normality tests, and analysis of variance were carried out. Participants and research context: A total of 203 nurses were from two third-level teaching hospitals in Spain. Both centers are part of the University of Barcelona Health Network. Participants filled out the Ethical Conflict in Nursing Questionnaire. Critical Care Version. Ethical considerations: This investigation received the approval of the ethical committees for clinical investigation of the two participating hospitals. Participants were informed of the authorship and aims of the study. Findings: The index of exposure to ethical conflict was x ¼ 182:35. The situations involving analgesic treatment and end-of-life care were shown to be frequent sources of conflict. The types of ethical conflict and moral states generally arranged themselves from lesser to greater levels of index of exposure to ethical conflict. Discussion: The moderate level of exposure to ethical conflict was consistent with other international studies. However, the situations related with family are infrequent, and this presents differences with previous research. The results suggest that there is a logical relationship between types of conflict and levels of exposure to ethical conflict. Conclusion: The types of ethical conflict and moral states were related with the levels of exposure to ethical conflict. The new perspective was shown to be useful for analyzing the phenomenon of ethical conflict in the nurse

    Critical thinking in nursing: scoping review of the literature

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    This article seeks to analyse the current state of scientific knowledge concerning critical thinking in nursing. The methodology used consisted of a scoping review of the main scientific databases using an applied search strategy. A total of 1518 studies published from January 1999 to June 2013 were identified, of which 90 met the inclusion criteria. The main conclusion drawn is that critical thinking in nursing is experiencing a growing interest in the study of both its concepts and its dimensions, as well as in the development of training strategies to further its development among both students and professionals. Furthermore, the analysis reveals that critical thinking has been investigated principally in the university setting, independent of conceptual models, with a variety of instruments used for its measurement. We recommend (i) the investigation of critical thinking among working professionals, (ii) the designing of evaluative instruments linked to conceptual models and (iii) the identifi- cation of strategies to promote critical thinking in the context of providing nursing car

    Development and psychometric properties of the nursing critical thinking in clinical practice questionnaire

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    Background and aim: A complex healthcare environment, with greater need for care based on the patient and evidence-based practice, are factors that have contributed to the increased need for critical thinking in professional competence. At the theoretical level, Alfaro-LeFevre () put forward a model of critical thinking made up of four components. And although these explain the construct, instruments for their empirical measurement are lacking. The purpose of the study was to develop and validate the psychometric properties of an instrument, the Nursing Critical Thinking in Clinical Practice Questionnaire (N-CT-4 Practice), designed to evaluate the critical thinking abilities of nurses in the clinical setting. Methods: A cross-sectional survey design was used. A pool of items was generated for evaluation by a panel of experts who considered their validity for the new instrument, which was finally made up of 109 items. Following this, validation was carried out using a sample of 339 nurses at a hospital in Barcelona, Spain. Reliability was determined by means of internal consistency and test-retest stability over time, although the validity of the construct was assessed by means of confirmatory factor analysis. Results: The content validity index of the N-CT-4 Practice was .85. Cronbach's alpha coefficient for the whole instrument was .96. The intraclass correlation coefficient was .77. Confirmatory factor analysis showed that the instrument was in line with the four-dimensional model proposed by Alfaro-LeFevre (2016). Linking evidence to action: The psychometric properties of theN-CT-4 Practice uphold its potential for use in measuring critical thinking and in future research related with the examination of critical thinking

    Programa de terapia asistida con animales para la promoción de la salud mental positiva

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    El programa de Terapia Asistida con Animales AcompdogSMP+ nace de la cohesión del marco teórico del Modelo Multifactorial de la Salud Mental Positiva (MMSMP) de la Dra. Lluch (1999)1, la Terapia Asistida con Animales (TAA)2 y la Intervención Enfermera “Tera-pia Asistida con Animales” clasificada en el Nursing Intervention Classification (NIC: 4320

    Utilidad diferencial de dos métodos de aprendizaje experiencial en el entrenamiento de habilidades psicoterapéuticas. Desarrollo de competencias clínicas a través de la experiencia

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    Se compara la utilidad percibida de dos métodos de entrenamiento en habilidades terapéuticas (HHTT) en psicólogos (n=149): el Peer-Counselling (PC) y el Role-playing (RP). También, se evalúa el grado de incomodidad experimentada, y la relación entre personalidad y la utilidad percibida. El PC fue considerado más útil que el RP, y las personas con mayor 'responsabilidad' y 'estabilidad emocional' lo consideraron más útil. La incomodidad experimentada fue significativamente menor de la anticipada

    La percepción del riesgo biológico en las prácticas clínicoasistenciales en los estudiantes de Grado de Enfermería de la Universidad de Barcelona

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    Podeu consultar la Vuitena trobada de professorat de Ciències de la Salut completa a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/66524Objetivo: Analizar la percepción del riesgo biológico de los estudiantes de Grado de Enfermería de la Universidad de Barcelona (UB) antes de iniciar sus prácticas clínicoasistenciales. Método: Estudio descriptivo transversal realizado en la Escuela de Enfermería de la UB en estudiantes de Grado de Enfermería matriculados en las asignaturas prácticas de segundo curso (Estancias Clínicas I) y de tercer curso (Estancias Clínicas II) durante el 2013-2014 (N=78). Variables: sociodemográficas, laborales, de formación, clínicas y referidas a la evaluación del riesgo biológico percibido. Se utilizó un instrumento de elaboración propia y la escala EDRP-T. Análisis estadístico: descriptivo y univariante para detectar si habían diferencias entre la percepción de riesgo biológico de los ítems de la escala EDRP-T y las variables sociodemográficas. Resultados: Los estudiantes sin formación práctica previa (Estancias Clínicas I) tenían menor percepción de conocimiento y menor percepción de daño derivado del riesgo biológico con respecto a los estudiantes con formación práctica previa (Estancias Clínicas II), (p=0.05 y p=0.04 respectivamente). Se detectó menor percepción del riesgo biológico en los estudiantes con experiencia laboral previa. Conclusión: La formación práctica y la experiencia laboral influyen en la percepción del riesgo biológico de los estudiantes de enfermería. Faltan estudios que relacionen la percepción de riesgo con el uso de las medidas de prevención durante su formación práctica y los accidentes de tipo biológicos sufridos

    Del entorno universitario al entorno profesional: conocimiento del riesgo biológico antes de iniciar las prácticas en los estudiantes de grado de enfermería

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    Podeu consultar la Vuitena trobada de professorat de Ciències de la Salut completa a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/66524Objetivo: Analizar el nivel de conocimientos frente al riesgo biológico de los estudiantes de Grado de Enfermería de la Universidad de Barcelona (UB) antes de iniciar sus prácticas asistenciales. Método: Estudio descriptivo transversal realizado en la Escuela Universitaria de Enfermería de la UB en estudiantes matriculados en las asignaturas de Estancias Clínicas I y Estancias Clínicas II durante el curso académico 2013-2014 (N=78). Variables: sociodemográficas, laborales, formativas, estado vacunal del estudiante y referente a los conocimientos sobre las normas de bioseguridad. Se utilizó un cuestionario de elaboración propia. En el análisis descriptivo se obtuvieron frecuencias y porcentajes y se realizó tabulación y tablas de contingencia para las variables cualitativas. Resultados: El 65,3% (n=51) de los estudiantes tenían un nivel de conocimientos medio- bajo respecto a la prevención del riesgo biológico antes de realizar las asignaturas prácticas. El 76,9% (n = 60) y el 88,5% (n=69) desconocían cuál era el porcentaje de seroconversión después de pincharse con una aguja contaminada con VIH..

    Nursing intervention to improve positive mental health and self-care skills in people with chronic physical health conditions

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    The exponential increase in the number of people suffering chronic illness has become a problem for which healthcare services need a response. The inclusion of self-care and positive mental health as part of a strategy to promote health offers an opportunity for a reorganization oriented towards community spaces and group interventions. This study undertook the assessment of an intervention designed to optimize the agency of and capacity for self-care and positive mental health by utilizing activities drawn from the Nursing Intervention Classification (NIC), specifically from Field 3 (Behavioral), and organized as a program called PIPsE. A quasi-experimental design was prepared with an intervention group (n = 22) and a control group (n = 22), in a primary care center in the Barcelona metropolitan area. The instruments used were two ad hoc questionnaires to collect sociodemographic and satisfaction information and two scales: the Appraisal of Self-care Agency Scale (ASA) and the Positive Mental Health Questionnaire (PMHQ). The results obtained showed a significant increase in self-care capacity and both overall positive mental health and mental health by factors in the intervention group