7 research outputs found

    Applying computer analysis to detect and predict violent crime during night time economy hours

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    The Night-Time Economy is characterised by increased levels of drunkenness, disorderly behaviour and assault-related injury. The annual cost associated with violent incidents is approximately £14 billion, with the cost of violence with injury costing approximately 6.6 times more than violence without injury. The severity of an injury can be reduced by intervening in the incident as soon as possible. Both understanding where violence occurs and detecting incidents can result in quicker intervention through effective police resource deployment. Current systems of detection use human operators whose detection ability is poor in typical surveillance environments. This is used as motivation for the development of computer vision-based detection systems. Alternatively, a predictive model can estimate where violence is likely to occur to help law enforcement with the tactical deployment of resources. Many studies have simulated pedestrian movement through an environment to inform environmental design to minimise negative outcomes. For the main contributions of this thesis, computer vision analysis and agent-based modelling are utilised to develop methods for the detection and prediction of violent behaviour respectively. Two methods of violent behaviour detection from video data are presented. Treating violence detection as a classification task, each method reports state-of-the-art classification performance and real-time performance. The first method targets crowd violence by encoding crowd motion using temporal summaries of Grey Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) derived features. The second method, aimed at detecting one-on-one violence, operates by locating and subsequently describing regions of interest based on motion characteristics associated with violent behaviour. Justified using existing literature, the characteristics are high acceleration, non-linear movement and convergent motion. Each violence detection method is used to evaluate the intrinsic properties of violent behaviour. We demonstrate issues associated with violent behaviour datasets by showing that state-of-the-art classification is achievable by exploiting data bias, highlighting potential failure points for feature representation learning schemes. Using agent-based modelling techniques and regression analysis, we discovered that including the effects of alcohol when simulating behaviour within city centre environments produces a more accurate model for predicting violent behaviour

    Detecting violent and abnormal crowd activity using temporal analysis of grey level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM)-based texture measures

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    The severity of sustained injury resulting from assault-related violence can be minimized by reducing detection time. However, it has been shown that human operators perform poorly at detecting events found in video footage when presented with simultaneous feeds. We utilize computer vision techniques to develop an automated method of violence detection that can aid a human operator. We observed that violence in city centre environments often occur in crowded areas, resulting in individual actions being occluded by other crowd members. Measures of visual texture have shown to be effective at encoding crowd appearance. Therefore, we propose modelling crowd dynamics using changes in crowd texture. We refer to this approach as Violent Crowd Texture (VCT). Real-world surveillance footage of night time environments and the violent flows dataset were tested using a random forest classifier to evaluate the ability of the VCT method at discriminating between violent and non-violent behaviour. Our method achieves ROC values of 0.98 and 0.91 on our own real world CCTV dataset and the violent flows dataset respectively

    Violent behaviour detection using local trajectory response

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    Surveillance systems in the United Kingdom are prominent, and the number of installed cameras is estimated to be around 1.8 million. It is common for a single person to watch multiple live video feeds when conducting active surveillance, and past research has shown that a person’s effectiveness at successfully identifying an event of interest diminishes the more monitors they must observe. We propose using computer vision techniques to produce a system that can accurately identify scenes of violent behaviour. In this paper we outline three measures of motion trajectory that when combined produce a response map that highlights regions within frames that contain behaviour typical of violence based on local information. Our proposed method demonstrates state-of-the-art classification ability when given the task of distinguishing between violent and non-violent behaviour across a wide variety of violent data, including real-world surveillance footage obtained from local police organisations

    Bane or boon: measuring the effect of evasive malware on system call classifiers

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    Malware refers to software that is designed to achieve a malicious purpose usually to benefit its creator. To accomplish this, malware hides its true purpose from its target and malware analysts until it has established a foothold on the victim's machine. Malware analysts, therefore, have to find increasingly sophisticated methods to detect malware prompting malware authors to increase the number of evasive techniques employed by their malware. Dynamic malware analysis has been framed as a potential solution as it runs malware in its preferred environment to ensure that it observes its true behaviour. However, it is usually a restricted form of the preferred environment and malware may only be run for two minutes or less. This means that if malware does not demonstrate its malicious intent within that time frame and environment, the behaviour observed and subsequently learned may not be the behaviour that needs to be prevented. There is a risk that classifiers trained using the standard dynamic malware analysis process will only recognise malware by its evasive behaviour rather than a mix of behaviours. In this paper, we study the extent to which classifiers are dependent on evasive behaviour when identifying malware. We achieve this by training them on real ransomware and benignware and then testing their ability to detect carefully crafted simulated ransomware. The simulated ransomware gives us the freedom to create samples with different levels of evasive and malicious behaviour. The simulated samples, like the real samples, are run in a sandboxed environment where data is collected at a user- and Kernel-level. The results of our experiments indicated that, in general, the classifiers were more likely to label the simulated samples as malicious once the amount of evasive behaviour present in a sample went beyond a threshold. Generally, this threshold was crossed when the simulated ransomware waited 2 seconds or more between each file it encrypted. Additionally, the classifiers trained on the user-level data were not as robust against small changes in system calls made. Whereas, when trained on system calls gathered at a Kernel, system-wide level, the classifiers' results were less variable. Finally, in attempting to simulate malware for our experiments, we discovered that the field of malware simulation is relatively unstudied despite its potential and therefore provide recommendations for simulating malware for system-call analysis

    Getting to the root of the problem: A detailed comparison of kernel and user level data for dynamic malware analysis

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    Dynamic malware analysis is fast gaining popularity over static analysis since it is not easily defeated by evasion tactics such as obfuscation and polymorphism. During dynamic analysis it is common practice to capture the system calls that are made to better understand the behaviour of malware. There are several techniques to capture system calls, the most popular of which is a user-level hook. To study the effects of collecting system calls at different privilege levels and viewpoints, we collected data at a process-specific user-level using a virtualised sandbox environment and a system-wide kernel-level using a custom-built kernel driver. We then tested the performance of several state-of-the-art machine learning classifiers on the data. Random Forest was the best performing classifier with an accuracy of 95.2% for the kernel driver and 94.0% at a user-level. The combination of user and kernel level data gave the best classification results with an accuracy of 96.0% for Random Forest. This may seem intuitive but was hitherto not empirically demonstrated. Additionally, we observed that machine learning algorithms trained on data from the user-level tended to use the anti-debug/anti-vm features in malware to distinguish it from benignware. Whereas, when trained on data from our kernel driver, machine learning algorithms seemed to use the differences in the general behaviour of the system to make their prediction, which explains why they complement each other so well. Our results show that capturing data at different privilege levels will affect the classifier's ability to detect malware, with kernel-level providing more utility than user-level for malware classification. Despite this, there exist more established user-level tools than kernel-level tools, suggesting more research effort should be directed at kernel-level. In short, this paper provides the first objective, evidence-based comparison of user and kernel level data for the purposes of malware classification