1 research outputs found

    Insatisfacci贸n corporal en adolescentes del Colegio de Bachillerato Ciudad de Cuenca en Azuay, en el periodo 2022-2023

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    La insatisfacci贸n corporal en la adolescencia es un tema de mucho inter茅s en nuestro contexto, ya que, en este periodo una serie de cambios biopsicosociales afectan de manera significativa al individuo, determinando el grado de conformidad con el propio cuerpo. Esta investigaci贸n tuvo como objetivo determinar los niveles de insatisfacci贸n corporal en adolescentes seg煤n variables sociodemogr谩ficas y los factores de insatisfacci贸n que predominan. El estudio tuvo un enfoque cuantitativo, no experimental, descriptivo y transversal, se trabaj贸 con una muestra probabil铆stica aleatoria de 170 estudiantes. Se aplic贸 el Body Shape Questionnaire. Entre los resultados m谩s relevantes se obtuvo una predominancia de insatisfacci贸n corporal en mujeres; de la misma manera, se pudo observar que los adolescentes de 14 a帽os fueron los que m谩s insatisfacci贸n presentaron con un 87.5%, frente a las edades restantes que presentaron menor insatisfacci贸n, tambi茅n se evidenci贸 que los adolescentes que m谩s insatisfacci贸n presentan son los de primero de bachillerato, ya que el 80.86% presentan alg煤n nivel de insatisfacci贸n corporal. En conclusi贸n, la adolescencia es un estad铆o vital en el que existe predominancia de sentimientos de insatisfacci贸n con respecto al propio cuerpo.Body dissatisfaction in adolescence plays a very important role, since here occurs a period with a series of biopsychosocial changes that significantly affect the individual; in this regard, one of the changes occurs at the body level, which can lead to developing levels of body dissatisfaction. This research aimed to determine the levels of body dissatisfaction in adolescents according to sociodemographic variables and the predominant factors of dissatisfaction. The study had a quantitative, non-experimental, descriptive and crosssectional approach, working with a random probabilistic sample of 170 students. The Body Shape Questionnaire was applied. Among the most relevant results, a predominance of body dissatisfaction in women was obtained; In the same way, it was possible to observe that 14- year-old adolescents were the ones who presented the most dissatisfaction with 87.5%, compared to the remaining ages that presented less dissatisfaction, it was also evidenced that the adolescents who presented the most dissatisfaction are those of first year of high school, since 80.86% present some level of body dissatisfaction. For this reason, the adolescent stage can be considered as a vital stage in which feelings of dissatisfaction with their body appear0000-0001-6353-743