9 research outputs found

    UWB and WiFi characterization for localization in construction sites

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    High-precision location is becoming a necessity in the future Industry 4.0 applications that will come up in the near future. However, the construction sector remains particularly obsolete in the adoption of Industry 4.0 applications. In this work we study the accuracy and penetration capacity of two technologies that are expected to deal with future high-precision location services such as Ultra Wide Band (UWB) and WiFi Fine Time Measurement (FTM).For this, a measurement campaign has been done in a construction environment, where UWB and WiFi-FTM setups have been deployed. The performance of UWB and WiFi-FTM have been compared with a prior set of indoors measurements. Moreover, the impact of fusion of location technologies has been assesed to measure the potential improvements in the construction scenario.This work has been carried out through the I plan Propio de Investigación y Transferencia y Divulgación Científica by University of Malaga and the Junta de Andalucía under the UMA-CEIATECH-12 TEDES-5G grant agreement. Moreover, this work has been performed in the framework of the Horizon 2020 project LOCUS (grant agreement number 871249), receiving funds from the European Comission. In addition, we would like to thank the company ACR for providing us access to a real construction environment. Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Caracterización de UWB y WiFi FTM en obras

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    The construction industry is one of the largest sectors not having a major movement towards digitalisation. For this reason, in recent years, there is an effort for stimulating innovation in the construction site mainly to improve the safety of workers. Thanks to precise, real-time location, workers can be monitored to minimise risks and avoid disasters. For this reason, in this paper ultra-wideband (UWB) and WiFi Fine Time Measurement (FTM) localisation technologies are characterised for this type of environment.Este trabajo se ha realizado a través del I plan Propio de Investigación y Transferencia y a través de la Junta de Andalucía bajo el acuerdo de subvención UMA-CEIATECH-12 TEDES-5G

    Estudio de la correlación confluencia-contagios del Covid-19

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    In recent years, the main problem to be solved by the whole world has been the Covid-19 pandemic. Most countries have taken measures aimed at reducing mobility as the main tool in the fight against the spread of the virus. This article presents of a case study of the impact of mobility in contagions for the municipality of Málaga, Spain. Preliminary results are presented. Aggregated point of sale purchase registers are used as mobility data within the area of study. The obtained results hint that commercial activity is not the main vector of contagion on the available data on Málaga, although the data volume is insufficient to draw a sharp conclusion.Esta investigación ha sido parcialmente financiada por el Instituto de Salud Carlos III (FONDO–COVID19 para la ejecución de proyectos de investigación SARS-COV-2 y la enfermedad COVID19 en el marco del Real Decreto-ley8/2020) y cofinanciado con fondos FEDER (“Una manera de hacer Europa”) en el marco del Proyecto I+D COV20/00587(Elaboración de cartografías de peligrosidad de transmisión del COVID19 en espacios urbanos orientadas a la aplicación de medidas anti-propagación a escala de detalle). Por otra parte este trabajo ha sido financiado parcialmente por la Universidad a través del I Plan Propio de Investigación y Transferencia de la Universidad de Málaga. Finalmente agradecemos la colaboración de la entidad bancaria Cajamar. Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech