11 research outputs found

    Economic modeling of the CO2 transportation phase and its application to the Duero Basin, Spain

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    Carbon capture and storage is a viable option to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Although capture and geological storage of CO2 are the major forms of research, CO2 transportation should be also considered in the entire chain. There are still some issues that require a more accurate definition, especially in economic aspects. In this study, we explore concepts such as the uses of a storage structure for a single source with, for instance, an individual transportation line, and the use of a centralized model using a geological structure for several co2 emitters. This model has been applied in a given region of Spain, in order to determine the maximum distance between the sources and the potential areas for storing CO2, using a geographical information system to evaluate the data. Moreover, sensitive analysis was performed in order to provide a better understanding of the economical implications of CO2 transportation

    Gaseous Biofuels to Sustainable Mobility

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    In an energy transition scenario, setting the target date for the year 2050, during which the master lines are established to achieve a 100% renewable energy generation system (both stationary, thermal and mobility and transportation), all studies indicate that this will be based on the so-called renewable energy mix. In relation to energy sources for transport, in this scenario, everything is foreseen the coexistence of fossil energies (natural gas and propane or autogas) to the detriment in favour of other fuels and energies from renewable sources, such as electricity (batteries) and gases of renewable origin (biomethane, hydrogen, and synthesis gas). That renewable gases have, beyond the significant reductions in pollutant emissions, is the complementarity they have with renewable energy sources such as solar and biogas, as will be seen later in the sections dedicated to the generation and production technologies of each of these fuels, where renewable energy sources play a fundamental role

    Analysis using LIDAR and photointerpretation of Las Murias-Los Tallares (Castrocontrigo, León-Spain): one of the biggest roman gold mines to use the "Peines" system

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    A comprehensive study of the Las Murias-Los Tallares Roman gold mine (Castrocontrigo, León-Spain) was conducted using Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) technology and photointerpretation. The analysis of the mine structure show two main phases of ascending mining works and that the gold recovered by the Romans was at least 510 kg. Although LIDAR technology proves to be very valuable and essential to analyzing Roman hydraulic mining structures, there are some aspects that are still hardly decisive given the interpretation difficulties

    Método iCOM: compensación optimizada de masas en obras lineales

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    El movimiento de tierras supone una de las partidas más importantes en el presupuesto de una obra lineal, e influye de forma relevante tanto en el proceso de planificación como en el plazo de la obra. El estudio detallado y la optimización de estas operaciones son aspectos importantes a considerar durante su ejecución. En este artículo se desarrolla el Método iCOM (Método inteligente de Compensación Optimizada de Masas), un nuevo método para la optimización del movimiento de tierras en obras lineales, en el cual se tienen en cuenta, como criterios fundamentales, los exigidos en la normativa vigente con respecto a la calidad de los materiales en función de su composición. El procedimiento permite obtener una compensación de tierras más eficaz en cuanto a la calidad de ejecución, distancias de transporte y plazo de la obra. Finalmente se presentan los resultados de la aplicación a un caso real de una carretera. Earthworks represents one of the most important items in the budget of a corridor, relevantly and influences both the planning process and within the work. The detailed study and optimization of these operations are important aspects to consider during the execution of a linear work. This article describes the iCOM Method (Smart Mass Optimized Compensation), a model for the optimization of earthmoving in linear works, which are considered as fundamental criteria, required by current regulations regarding the quality of the materials developed in depending on its composition. The procedure allows for optimized land compensation regarding the quality of execution, transport distances and timing of the work. Finally, the results of the application are presented to a real case of a road

    Multicriteria methodology and hierarchical innovation in the energy sector

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to state a hierarchy methodology to select the most promising innovative projects, based on the processes defined by the successful Project Management Institute. Design/methodology/approach – Open innovation is a new option for companies to acquire knowledge; however, in a changing and global market, it is necessary to define and select properly the proposals to be financially supported. A proven multicriteria decision methodology (MCDM) is recommended in this case to hierarchize alternatives. Moreover, analytical hierarchy process (AHP) has been considered in this study as a proven and simple MCDM. Findings – AHP has been demonstrated as a suitable option to evaluate innovative project proposals, thanks to its integration with the Project Management Institute methodology. A process example has been included to demonstrate its application. Research limitations/implications – Innovative projects and project proposal selection have always implied subjective criteria. Moreover, some of the processes defined in the methodology were not well defined in the project proposal. Practical implications – The management of a project portfolio in a rational way would help decision makers to fund the most promising projects/alternatives under consideration. In this way, the inherent risk of R&D projects would be minimized. Originality/value – The management of a portfolio of innovative proposals is less often addressed in the literature. This paper focuses on the hybridization of the criteria and processes described in the PMBOK Guide and an MCDM

    Case Study of Innovative Projects - Successful Real Cases

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    In a global world, where the acceleration of technological changes is happening in all industrial sectors, a special focus is forced on innovation and creativity. The book has gathered a small number of sectors where innovation is being the main vector to achieve the competitiveness that companies are craving. The motivation to choose these sectors has been preceded by a careful selection in which we wanted to pick up those in which innovation is a key today. Different aspects push to create and innovate: the environment in general and in particular climate change is forcing to rethink sectors such as energy, infrastructure, water, biotechnology, materials, defense, education, or health. Dear reader, in your hand is a work that reflects the same spirit of the human being: curiosity and eagerness to overcome have allowed humanity to have evolved and still continue today

    Key Issues for Management of Innovative Projects

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    This book gathers pioneering experiences based on the same concept: innovation. According to Schumpeter's research, there would be four types of innovations: product or service innovation (market introduction of a new type of good), process innovation (introduction of a new type of production), market innovation (introduction of a new market in a country or a new market structure), and innovation of matter (introduction of a new raw material). This book contains ten chapters organized in four main sections: (a) ""Strategic Issues,"" (b) ""Risk Management in Innovative Projects,"" (c) ""Economic Issues and Financing Innovation,"" and (d) ""Leadership and Teamwork."

    The contingent valuation method applied to the mining heritage of Extremadura (Spain)

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    In this study, the contingent valuation method is used to appraise the value and market potential of mining heritage, serving as a means to evaluate these heritage assets for the society, for the purposes of entertainment, culture or recreation. The method has been applied to the specific case of the region of Extremadura (Spain), an area with a prevalent mining tradition that dates back to prehistoric times, boasting countless mining-related remains of recognised value. Among those vestiges, 20 enclaves were selected for use in this study following research carried out by the Institute of Geology and Mining in Spain. A survey has been used to estimate the public willingness to pay for the conservation, restoration and protection of mining heritage assets that could be visited by both local people and others. Three payment values (7, 13 and 20 euros) were established to classify respondents’ responses and thus estimate the degree of interest expressed in currency units, which were shown by the mining heritage of Extremadura as a possible destination for a tourist trip. While a high percentage (43%) of respondents did not know what the mining heritage is, after the introduction to the survey included in the surveys, it is concluded that most would be willing to pay an amount to visit it. The results reveal a market potential of more than €130 million without bearing in mind the indirect value generated by these resources, underscoring the high value that society attaches to these mining remains

    Assessing transversal competences as decisive for project management

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    In the process of designing and solving problems related to engineering, the ability to find innovative solutions is becoming more and more relevant. Following this principle, engineers should acquire transversal competences through courses such as Project Evaluation and Risk Management, in which they learn to solve current problems through innovation. The project evaluation supposes an approach to the real world, since an idea is evaluated in the different phases of the logical cycle of a project, culminating with its techno-economic analysis and investment. Following the analogy, engineers develop and evaluate their ideas and present them to a group of professors and professionals posing as investors. The results present a holistic approach to the evaluation of ideas and the capacity of a team to develop engineering projects. The study performs an assessment methodology for an open-innovation concept, and the investor?s exercise may contribute to practical strategies to foster creative engineers

    In situ bioremedation of hidrocarbons contaminated soils: case of an oil pipeline in Malaga

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    La biorremediación es una herramienta muy efectiva en algunos procesos de contaminación medioambiental, el objetivo de esta investigación es ponerla en valor. Su principal ventaja reside en la baja agresividad con el medioambiente y su capacidad de descontaminar in situ. Como resultado de nuestra investigación presentamos la novedad de utilizar nuestros métodos como la manera de evitar actuaciones más costosas económicamente, como la desorción térmica, o mucho más terribles e ineficaces como la identificación del residuo como peligroso, y su posterior almacenamiento y custodia sin darle solución definitiva. El artículo presenta los resultados y cómo se desarrolló el proceso de tratamiento, de unos suelos contaminados con hidrocarburos, en unos terrenos localizados en las obras del tren de alta velocidad entre Córdoba y Málaga. Obteniéndose en seis meses descensos por debajo de las 1500 ppm de TPH. También nos gustaría poner a disposición de la comunidad científica el éxito de la utilización de diversas mezclas, así como de las técnicas y propiedades que se deben realizar y medir. La coexistencia de biosulfatantes, fosfatantes y la novedad de probarlos con hidróxido de magnesio, los resultados de las interacciones de los microrganismos con el contaminante, y qué condiciones son ideales de aireación y de estimulación por mezcla, muestre la capacidad de degradación del hidrocarburo y su sostenibilidad