56 research outputs found

    Nota sobre una discordancia en el Eoceno medio del Prepirineo oriental

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    The Eocene stratigraphic characteristics of the South Pyrenees betwen Berga and Sant Lorenc de Morunys (Province of Barcelona, Spain) are described. An important Upper Eocene unconformity divides the Eocene in two tectonic phases. A Lutetian phase with NE-SW folds and another Upper Priabonian-Lower Oligocene phase with E-W folds and southward upthrusts

    Nota sobre el límite inferior de derrubios estratificados de vertiente (grèzes litées) en el sector de St. Llorenç de Morunys (Prepirineo oriental, prov. de Lérida)

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    Some outcrops af stratified slope wastes are described in the Eastern F'repyrenees (Prov. of Lérida) in the Cardene~ valley. Their loww limit was at $00 m during the Wurm age. Stratified slope wastes or "grEnes litées" of French geologists, are graded bedding deposits, built out of frost- broken debris washed by snow-melt water. They dip bet- ween 30 and '10 degrees. The dip increases going up the slope. Cryoturbation structures are noted in this stratified wastes at an altitude of about 1.100 meter in Port de Comte massif

    Algunos aspectos de la tectónica del Prepirineo Oriental entre los ríos Segre y Llobregat

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    Some features on Alpine tectonic o£ the Spanish Eastern Pyrenees are described. The formation o£ three tectonic nap- pes of Paleozoic and Mesozoic rocks, gliding to South, is the most important feature of the Spanish Pyrenees tectonic. There are three main tectonic phases. The first one is a Cui- sian age phase which made the hfontsec nappe. The Second one is a Lutetian age phase bvhich made the Pedraforca nappe with NIZ-SW concentric folds. Pedraforca nappe is at the East side o£ híontsec nappe and it is separated from this by a right strilte slip fault. The third one is an Oligocen age phase; it built a E-W fold system, with sume upthrusts towards the South, and fracture cleavage in the Eocen and Garumnian marls. Some folds of this system upthrust the upper Eocen Conglomerates

    Nota sobre algunos aspectos de la tectónica del Carbonífero de las sierras de Prades (Prov. de Tarragona)

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    Some features of the stratigraphy and hercynian tectonic of the Paleozoic rocks-in the Sierra de Prades (prav. of Tarragona) are described. There is a first tectonic phase with development of fracture cleavage in the pelitic rocks; also a system of parallel folds is developed during a second tectonic phase. Afterwards an intrusive mass of Upper Carba- niferous or Permian granite and diorite metamorphosed the Siluric and Carboniferous rocks causing about 1.W m thick- nese hornfels facies racks

    Nota sobre la geomorfología de la cuenca del alto Aragón

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    The possibility of the capture between the rivers of the Pyrenees Aragón and Gállego is discuted and some precedent observations are rectificated

    Sobre las formaciones Ager y Bagà, del Eoceno del Cadí (Prepirineo oriental) y de unos pretendidos olistolitos del mismo

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    Se define, en el Eoceno del Prepirineo oriental, entre los ríos Segre y Freser, la Formación Baga y dos miembros de la Formación Ager: calizas con Alveolinas y margas del Clot del Moro. Además, se discute el origen y significación de dos afloramientos de yesos triásicos y otro de calizas conForaminíferos incluidos en la formación Bagi y que habían sido interpretados como olistólitos. Se llega a la conclusión de que el de las calizas con Foraminíferos se trata de un bloque gravitacional subaéreo posteocénico y que los otros dos están relacionados con accidentes tectónicos

    Nota sobre la escama de corrimento del Montsec de Tost en el Prepirineo español (pro. de Lérida)

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    En esta nota se estudian las reacciones tectónicas entre diversas unidades del Prepirineo español (prov. de Lérida), junto a la zona axial pirenaica. El estudio tectónico permite evidenciar el carácter alóctono de la Unidad Montsec de Tost (terminación oriental de la denominada Zona de losNogueras) y la existencia de dos fases tectónicas perfectamentediferenciadas

    Nota sobre la edad y posición tectónica de los conglomerados eocenos de Queralt (Prepirineo oriental, Prov. de Barcelona)

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    The Eocene section of Queralt in the Spanish East Pyrenees (Prov. of Barcelona) is described. The Queralt conglomerates are defined as a marine slope deposit with interstratified mud flow beds. Their age is midle or uper Cuisian at the boton and Lutecian at the top. The tectonic phase of Pedraforca nappe was in the Lower Lutecian to Lower Biarritzian, and the nappe is covered by unconfortning beds of Biarritzian age

    Image processing of cylinder wake generation

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    In the present study, image processing techniques are applied to the chronophotographic visualizations of a cylinder wake generation. The flow patterns obtained by means of tracer particles are digitalized and processed in order to characterize the flow. This characterization is carried out by determining the evolution of the geometric parameters governing the wake, together with the streamfunction, vorticity, and pressure distributions. The present study reaches the moment of shedding of the first pair of vortices