17 research outputs found

    Some species of the Genus Hemicytheria Pokorny (Ostracoda, Crustacea) from the Upper Miocene of Serbia

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    The ostracod genus Hemicytheria is very important for biostratigraphy of the caspibrackish deposits of the Pannonian basin. More than twenty species are known from regions of central Serbia and adjacent provinces. Most of them being found in the Pannonian and Pontian sediments (Sokač, 1972; Krstić, 1985; Rundić, 1992, 1993, 1997). Herein, three new species are reported for the first time: Hemicytheria setosa n. sp., Hemicytheria carinata n. sp., Hemicytheria portaferrica n. sp

    Late miocene ostracodes of Serbia: Morphologic and palaeoenvironmental considerations

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    About 11.5 million years ago, a tectonic uplift of the Eastern and Western Carpathians separated the Pannonian Basin from the rest of the Paratethys. This orogenesis event caused an unconformity between the Sarmatian brackish sediments and the Pannonian lake-sea deposits. More than 6 Ma later, in these parts of the Paratethys, changes in the geographic framework, hydrological conditions and brackish - caspibrackish water chemistry led to the disappearance of restricted marine forms of life. A few euryhaline and marginal marine species survived this environmental change. Among the ostracodes, some originally freshwater taxa, such as Candoninae, entered the lake-sea. Many lineages show gradual morphological changes. The older, low diversity ostracode fauna from the Lower Pannonian dispersed to the endemic species and genera during the Upper Pannonian. This interval is assigned as the "bloom time" for many ostracodes, both qualitatively and quantitatively. This time sequence is the last appearances of genera such as Aurila Cytheridea, Propontoniella, etc. and simultaneously, the first appearances for many new genera, such as Zalanyiella, Serbiella, Camptocypria Sinegubiella etc. During the Pontian, migration processes were present. Therefore, it can be supposed that many eastern Paratethyan forms have Pannonian origin

    New data on the geology of the archaeological site at Vinča (Belgrade, Serbia)

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    Landslides threaten Vinča, a world famous archaeological site of Neolithic culture. For this reason, a field investigation and geologic-geotechnical research of the cores of seven exploration boreholes were carried out. Avery interesting structural setting was identified. The oldest stratigraphic unit consists of Middle Miocene Sarmatian sediments, which were discovered along the right bank of Danube River and within its riverbed about 300 m upstream from the archaeological site. These Sarmatian strata give evidence that the Danube River eroded the right bank. In addition, within its recent valley, there is a fault zone along which a block on the right bank was uplifted while a block on the left bank of the river that was subsided. All the boreholes passed through sediments of a previously unknown geological formation. It lies unconformably over Sarmatian strip marls and makes the base for Pleistocene loessoid sediments (approx. 10 m under the surface). These sediments were formed in a marsh-lake environment with a strong river influence. According to its superposition, the supposed age of this formation is the Plio-Pleistocene. Above the right bank of the Danube River, there are steep sections where Pleistocene swamp loessoid sediments were found. True loess deposits are not present here, but are in the hinterland of the right bank of the Danube River. The loess delluvium was deposited over the Pleistocene sediments. On the right bank of the Danube River, below the archaeological site, there are the anthropogenic water compacted sands that were previously incorrectly shown on geological maps as alluvial fans. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 176015

    A Few Remarks on Hydrocarbon Resource Assessment Within the Dinaric Thrust and Fold Belt

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    Područje Dinarida (zapadni Balkan) karakteristično je po kompresionim paketima bora i navlaka mezozojske i neogenske starosti s različitim iznosima smicanja, kao i različitim vremenima deformacija. Osim veoma kompliciranih strukturno-tektonskih odnosa, istraživana regija karakteristična je i po bušenjem potvrđenom naftno-plinskom sustavu koji je još potpuno nedovoljno proučen. Suvremeno istraživanje ugljikovodika se temelji na interpretaciji seizmičkih podataka, podacima iz bušotina, podacima organske geokemije, kao i izučavanju povijesti toplinskog toka. Osim toga metode strukturnog modeliranja nužne su za interpretaciju, rekonstrukciju i potvrdu ovih istraživanja. Modeliranje naftno-plinskih sustava koristi se za integraciju svih raspoloživih geofizičkih i geoloških podataka u modelu naftno-plinskih sustava, za simulaciju generiranja ugljikovodika i njihovu migraciju, kao bi se unaprijedila predviđanja nepoznatih lokacija nafte i plina, svojstva fluida, uključujući prostiranje zona s povišenim tlakom. Ova metoda daje poboljšane rezultate kod potpune procjene resursa, kao pojedinačnog bazena tako i cijele naftno-plinske provincije.The area of the Dinarides or Dinaric Alps (Western Balkans) can be characterized by a cluster of compressional thrusts displacing the Mesozoic and Neogene blocks with different slip rates and age of horizontal movements. Setting aside the structural complexity, the investigated area can be characterized by a proven petroleum system that is, however still underexplored. Modern exploration of hydrocarbons is based on the 2D/3D seismic data, well or borehole data, occasionally organic geochemistry, probabilistic risk assessment. Moreover, structural modelling techniques are needed to interpret, reconstruct, and validate these histories. A relatively new method, petroleum system modelling simulates hydrocarbon generation and migration to improve predictions of unknown hydrocarbon locations, fluid properties, including distribution of overpressure zones. A method provides the best results in full-scale resource assessment, as in basin scale or for the entire prolific province

    New data concerning the early middle miocene on the southern slopes of Fruška Gora (Northern Serbia): A case study from the Mutalj quarry

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    During the last few years, geological research at the southern slopes of Fruška Gora Mt. enabled the discovery of different Miocene units (undivided the Lower Miocene and Middle Miocene Badenian, predominantly). This is primarily thinking of the so-called Leitha limestone (Middle Miocene, Badenian), which is an important component in cement production (La Farge Co., Beočin). The high carbonate content (more than 98 %) allows it to be a very important raw material that is mixed with Pannonian marl in the process of cement manufacture. Continuous exploitation of this rock at the Mutalj Quarry enabled an insight into its structural, stratigraphic, sedimentological and hydrogeological features, as well as its relation to the other underlying/overlying units. Numerous fossils (i.e., red algae, mollusks, corals, bryozoans, and foraminifers) and their biostratigraphic range indicate to Middle Miocene Badenian age. Based on data from different boreholes, structural and sedimentological characteristics, spatial distribution, etc., a relatively large rock body was discovered (approx. 0.3 km2). Within these Leitha limestones, there are frequent cracks and caverns infilled with fine lateritic clays and alevrites. These clays were sampled for a paleomagnetic study. The carrier of the primary remanent magnetization (RM) is magnetite that has a primary origin. Lateritic clays are characterized by significant value of magnetic susceptibility. The degree of anisotropy of the magnetic susceptibility (AMS) is low with the dominant magnetic foliation

    Sexual dimorphism and left-right asymmetry of carapace ornamentation in Hemicytheria setosa RUNDIĆ 2002

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    In biostratigraphic research of the Upper Miocene of the Pannonian Basin System, one of the frequently detected and important ostracod genera is Hemicytheria. Among more than 20 species of this genus, Hemicytheria setosa is present in sandy facies of the Lake Pannon sediments in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The aims of this study were to describe sexual dimorphism and differences between left and right valve morphology in Hemicytheria setosa. Landmark based geometric morphometrics is applied on the grounds of existence of the homologue pattern of the fossae and pore conuli on the valve surface of this group of ostracods. Significant differences between the sexes and between the left and right valves are detected in the present study. The obtained results indicate that applied methods and chosen landmarks could be useful in the studies of valve ornamentation-variation in fossil and recent Ostracoda.</p

    Application of the geodiversity index for the assessment of geodiversity in urban areas: an example of the Belgrade city area, Serbia

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    Considering the fact that urbanization is one of the most serious threats to geodiversity, it is important that this issue is taken into account in spatial development plans and georesource management strategies in urban areas. This paper presents the application of a geodiversity evaluation method by using the geodiversity index, based on the quantity of abiotic elements and relief roughness within a spatial unit. Geodiversity assessment, usually used for remote, protected and sparsely populated natural areas, is now carried out in an urban environment – the city of Belgrade, capital of Serbia, with a population of about 1.7 million inhabitants and very strong urbanization in the last few decades. The area of 3227 km2 is processed with the spatial resolution of 1 x 1 km. The acquired results from the geodiversity index are analyzed in the context of sustainable use of georesources and the threats to which geodiversity is exposed due to the territorial expansion of the city. The mapping of specific categories of geodiversity on the basis of quantitative assessment with the use of Geographic Information Systems can help decision makers and managers to take further steps that would reduce threats and protect the natural value of Belgrade.</p

    Synrift and postrift miocene sediments of Northern Banat, Serbia

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    A large number of high-quality data obtained during many years of oil and gas exploration on the territory of Vojvodina has enabled the creation of a subsurface model of northern Banat. Special emphasis is placed on the Miocene sediments which are the most important part of sedimentary cover due to its geological and economic potential. The rifting phase varies through time and space across the Serbian part of Pannonian Basin. The Lower Miocene, Badenian and Sarmatian sediments belong to synrift in broader sense, while Pannonian and Pontian sediments are assigned as postrift sediments. The depositional environment determination of postrift sediments were enabled with use of lithostratigraphy method