1,137 research outputs found


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    The basic idea of research is order to answer questions about the number and characteristics of problems with claims collection and risk management of claims collection. Research was done at thirty-two commercial banks in B&H (twenty-three having head office in FB&H and nine in RS). The current economic crisis and recession are affecting most countries and their economies; they wish to overcome it as soon as possible and with the fewest consequences. Problems with uncollected claims arise at the beginnings of a crisis; they announce the crisis and deepen it strongly. From this point of view, it can be said that uncollected claims are, at the same time, the cause and the consequence of economic crisis and stagnation. Uncollected claims issues exist in every country, in all economic systems and at any given time. The only variable is their extent and intensity. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, these problems are more visible than in other countries for many reasons and circumstances because there are no appropriate mechanisms for their removal. Moreover, the government authorities are not making an effort to implement certain measures to change and improve the present situation. The most obvious example of this are companies that exist, function and do business although they have not paid notes payable for months (or years); they are illiquid and because of them creditors cannot collect their claims. In this way, banking is also threatened. In some cases even instruments for ensuring collection of claims are of no use, and what is more, the legal system does not function properly so uncollected claims cannot even be collected by court proceedings. The reasons why banks in B&H cannot collect past due receivables are not only the consequence of economic crisis but are also caused by other reasons and different circumstances. The basic problem is that uncollected claims are not managed efficiently, that the legal state does not function, that the laws are not enforced, that legal regulations are not appropriate and that there are illiquid companies on the market as well as those which otherwise would not operate in a developed economy


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    The main question the paper wants to answer is can EU funds help in developing B&H economy, and how to make them available to business entities. Bosnia and Herzegovina is one of the least developed countries in Europe, and it is a country that has not progressed when it comes to transition process and the EU accession. The conducted research on management in companies (corporate management), on officials in government bodies and parliamentary parties (state management), and also on students, point to possible solutions; how to stop the negative trends in business, employment and poverty, as well as how to speed up the process of the Euro Atlantic integration of B&H. One of the basic results of this research concludes that B&H presence in Europe is not a problem, but the fact that Europe (its value, social and economic systems) is not present in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Structural reforms and faster transition can create conditions for a faster economic development, and using EU funds for those purposes and (especially) for economic development can simultaneously be a motivation for a faster social and economic transition and the accession of B&H to the EU. Management in private companies are undoubtedly oriented in that direction, they expect the right preconditions and environment in order to be able to apply for EU funds. Those possibilities will mostly depend on the capability and efficiency of the state management . Therefore, there must be a persistent program for increasing the efficiency of the state management in B&H and for speeding up the EU accession process

    Role of nitric oxide in plants

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    Poput svih organizama, tako i biljke moraju biti sposobne odgovoriti na Å”iroki raspon okoliÅ”nih čimbenika. Sukladno tome, pojedinačne biljne stanice trebaju mehanizme primanja podražaja i odgovora na veliki broj unutarnjih i vanjskih signala. DuÅ”ikov monoksid jedna je od signalnih molekula koje biljka aktivno koristi za vrijeme rasta, razvoja i prevladavanja stresnih uvjeta. DosadaÅ”nji eksperimentalni podaci pokazali su da je NO uključen u reproduktivne procese, kontrolu pojedinih etapa životnog ciklusa, te regulaciju fizioloÅ”kih odgovora poput zatvaranja puči. Iako su signalizacijski procesi i sama sinteza duÅ”ikova monoksida dobro proučeni u animalnim sustavima, u biljaka preostaju brojna nerijeÅ”ena fundamentalna pitanja na koja znanost tek treba dati odgovore. NO je relativno reaktivna molekula, te stoga nije uvijek jednostavna za istraživanje. Također, njenu bioloÅ”ku aktivnost treba promatrati u kontekstu interakcije s drugim aktivnim spojevima poput reaktivnih oblika kisika (ROS), koji snažno utječu na akumulaciju i funkciju spojeva na koje djeluju. Postoji znatan interes za daljnjim istraživanjima uloge NO na području biljne fiziologije iz razloga Å”to jedino odgovori koji nedostaju mogu u potpunosti objasniti Å”irok spektar korisnih i Å”tetnih učinaka koje ova molekula izaziva u biljaka.Like all organisms, plants have to be able to respond to a wide range of environmental factors. Accordingly, single plant cells require perception and responsiveness mechanisms for a variety of inner and outer signals. Nitric oxide is one of the signal molecules actively used by plants during growth, development and survival of stressful conditions. Recent experimental data has revealed that NO is involved in reproductive processes, control of certain life cycle periods and regulation of physiological responses such as stomatal closure. Although signalization pathways and mechanisms of nitric oxide synthesis are well studied in animal systems, there still remain many fundamental questions regarding plants that need to be resolved. NO is a relatively reactive molecule, and thus not always easy to study. Additionally, its biological activity needs to be observed in regard to interaction with other volatile compounds such as reactive oxygen species (ROS), which have the ability to strongly modulate accumulation and function of affected substances. A great deal of interest remains regarding further explorations of NO role in the domain of plant physiology since only the missing answers can help explain the complex network of reactions leading to adverse or beneficial effects in plants
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