91 research outputs found


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    Fungal pathogens and resultant disease are credited with the decline of many species across all branches of the tree of life. Fungal diseases such as Snake Fungal Disease (SFD), primarily caused by the fungus Ophidiomyces ophiodiicola (Oo), have been strongly associated with the cause of the decrease/disappearance of many snake populations in North America. To date SFD in the wild has been described as far southwest as central Louisiana. Due to similar conditions and the proximity of East Texas to central Louisiana, a survey of local snake populations provided crucial information about the spread and presence of this emerging pathogen. In total (54) snakes were sampled between July 2019 through September 2020, and four putative positives for Ophidiomyces ophiodiicola infections were identified

    Incidents of Snake Fungal Disease caused by the Fungal Pathogen Ophidiomyces ophidiicola in Texas

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    The pathogen Ophidiomyces ophidiicola, widely known as the primary cause of snake fungal disease (SFD), has been detected in Texas’s naïve snakes. Our team set out to characterize O. ophidiicola’s spread in eastern Texas. From December 2018 until November 2021, we sampled and screened with ultraviolet (UV) light 176 snakes across eastern Texas and detected 27. O. ophidiicola’s positive snakes using qPCR and one snake in which SFD was confirmed via additional histological examination. Upon finding the ribbon snake with a clear clinical display, we isolated and cultured what we believe to be the first culture from Texas. This cultured O. ophidiicola TX displays a ring halo formation when grown on a solid medium and cellular autofluorescence as expected. Imaging reveals that individual cells within the septated hyphae branches have a distinct nucleus separation from neighboring cells. Overall, we have found over 1/10 snakes that may be infected in East Texas, which gives credence to the onset of SFD in Texas. These results add to the progress of the disease across the continental United States


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    Limpu es un modelo de negocio que ofrece una solución integral para el lavado de ropa sucia. Este servicio de lavandería consta con un sistema de recojo y entrega programado a domicilio y está dirigido a personas de un nivel socioeconómico B que viven en edificios departamentales en los distritos de Magdalena, Jesús María, Pueblo Libre, San Miguel y Lince. Contará con el soporte de una plataforma adaptable a cualquier computador o smartphone con el cual se hará el seguimiento de la etapa de lavado de las prendas. Adicionalmente el pago del servicio estará incluido en el pago de mantenimiento del edificio. El local de la lavandería se ubicará estratégicamente en una zona de fácil acceso y conexión con los distritos mencionados para el recojo y entrega de la ropa. Las máquinas industriales permiten el ahorro de agua y energía, así como optimizar el tiempo en el proceso de lavado. Esto se complementa con el uso de una línea de insumos biodegradables y productos reutilizables que favorecen el cuidado del medio ambiente. Limpu es una marca con compromiso social, es por ello que se desarrollarán alianzas con instituciones que atiendan a poblaciones vulnerables para contratar personas que serán capacitadas para ofrecer el mejor servicio. El modelo de negocio es altamente rentable, lo que permite recuperar la inversión inicial y reinvertirla a finales del segundo año en la apertura de un nuevo local. Se proyecta tener al término del tercer año un VAN de S/818,623 y una TIR de 81%.Trabajo de investigació

    UEFA expert group statement on nutrition in elite football. Current evidence to inform practical recommendations and guide future research

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    Football is a global game which is constantly evolving, showing substantial increases in physical and technical demands. Nutrition plays a valuable integrated role in optimising performance of elite players during training and match-play, and maintaining their overall health throughout the season. An evidence-based approach to nutrition emphasising, a ‘food first’ philosophy (ie, food over supplements), is fundamental to ensure effective player support. This requires relevant scientific evidence to be applied according to the constraints of what is practical and feasible in the football setting. The science underpinning sports nutrition is evolving fast, and practitioners must be alert to new developments. In response to these developments, the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) has gathered experts in applied sports nutrition research as well as practitioners working with elite football clubs and national associations/federations to issue an expert statement on a range of topics relevant to elite football nutrition: (1) match day nutrition, (2) training day nutrition, (3) body composition, (4) stressful environments and travel, (5) cultural diversity and dietary considerations, (6) dietary supplements, (7) rehabilitation, (8) referees and (9) junior high-level players. The expert group provide a narrative synthesis of the scientific background relating to these topics based on their knowledge and experience of the scientific research literature, as well as practical experience of applying knowledge within an elite sports setting. Our intention is to provide readers with content to help drive their own practical recommendations. In addition, to provide guidance to applied researchers where to focus future efforts
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