214 research outputs found

    Accretion Disks Around Young Objects. II. Tests of Well-Mixed Models with Ism Dust

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    We construct detailed vertical structure models of irradiated accretion disks around T Tauri stars with interstellar medium dust uniformly mixed with gas. The dependence of the structure and emission properties on mass accretion rate, viscosity parameter, and disk radius is explored using these models. The theoretical spectral energy distributions (SEDs) and images for all inclinations are compared with observations of the entire population of Classical T Tauri stars (CTTS) and Class I objects in Taurus. In particular, we find that the median near-infrared fluxes can be explained within the errors with the most recent values for the median accretion rates for CTTS. We further show that the majority of the Class I sources in Taurus cannot be Class II sources viewed edge-on because they are too luminous and their colors would be consistent with disks seen only in a narrow range of inclinations. Our models appear to be too geometrically thick at large radii, as suggested by: (a) larger far-infrared disk emission than in the typical SEDs of T Tauri stars; (b) wider dark dust lanes in the model images than in the images of HH30 and HK Tau/c; and (c) larger predicted number of stars extincted by edge-on disks than consistent with current surveys. The large thickness of the model is a consequence of the assumption that dust and gas are well-mixed, suggesting that some degree of dust settling may be required to explain the observations.Comment: 41 pages, 13 figures, accepted in Ap

    Deep-down ionization of protoplanetary discs

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    The possible occurrence of dead zones in protoplanetary discs subject to the magneto-rotational instability highlights the importance of disc ionization. We present a closed-form theory for the deep-down ionization by X-rays at depths below the disc surface dominated by far-ultraviolet radiation. Simple analytic solutions are given for the major ion classes, electrons, atomic ions, molecular ions and negatively charged grains. In addition to the formation of molecular ions by X-ray ionization of H2 and their destruction by dissociative recombination, several key processes that operate in this region are included, e.g. charge exchange of molecular ions and neutral atoms and destruction of ions by grains. Over much of the inner disc, the vertical decrease in ionization with depth into the disc is described by simple power laws, which can easily be included in more detailed modelling of magnetized discs. The new ionization theory is used to illustrate the non-ideal magnetohydrodynamic effects of Ohmic, Hall and Ambipolar diffusion for a magnetic model of a T Tauri star disc using the appropriate Elsasser numbers

    Does Turbulent Pressure Behave as a Logatrope?

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    We present numerical simulations of an isothermal turbulent gas undergoing gravitational collapse, aimed at testing for ``logatropic'' behavior of the form PtlogρP_t \sim \log \rho, where PtP_t is the ``turbulent pressure'' and ρ\rho is the density. To this end, we monitor the evolution of the turbulent velocity dispersion σ\sigma as the density increases during the collapse. A logatropic behavior would require that σρ1/2\sigma \propto \rho^{-1/2}, a result which, however, is not verified in the simulations. Instead, the velocity dispersion increases with density, implying a polytropic behavior of PtP_t. This behavior is found both in purely hydrodynamic as well as hydromagnetic runs. For purely hydrodynamic and rapidly-collapsing magnetic cases, the velocity dispersion increases roughly as σρ1/2\sigma \propto \rho^{1/2}, implying Ptρ2P_t\sim \rho^2, where PtP_t is the turbulent pressure. For slowly-collapsing magnetic cases the behavior is close to σρ1/4\sigma \propto \rho^{1/4}, which implies Ptρ3/2P_t \sim \rho^{3/2}. We thus suggest that the logatropic ``equation of state'' may represent only the statistically most probable state of an ensemble of clouds in equilibrium between self-gravity and kinetic support, but does not adequately represent the behavior of the ``turbulent pressure'' within a cloud undergoing a dynamic compression due to gravitational collapse. Finally, we discuss the importance of the underlying physical model for the clouds (in equilibrium vs. dynamic) on the results obtained.Comment: Accepted in ApJ. 10 pages, 3 postscript figure