490 research outputs found

    NASA new technology identification and evaluation

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    Before disclosure in NASA Tech Briefs, reports of new technology are transmitted to the cognizant NASA Field Center Technology Utilization Office (TUO) where they are evaluated for novelty, technical validity and significance, and nonaerospace utility. If uncertainty exists regarding these criteria, the documentation may be forwarded to SRI International for evaluation before recommending publication. From November 1980 to November 1983, some 3,103 technologies were evaluated by SRI. Activities performed and progress made are summarized

    Technology transfer-transportation

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    Problems in the public transportation industry and refining methods for decreasing the time gap between the development and the marketing of new technology are considered. Eight NASA innovations are either being adapted for use on highways, railways, or rapid transit, or are already entering the marketplace. Chronologies for three of these programs are provided

    Technology transfer: Transportation

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    Standard Research Institute (SRI) has operated a NASA-sponsored team for four years. The SRI Team is concentrating on solving problems in the public transportation area and on developing methods for decreasing the time gap between the development and the marketing of new technology and for aiding the movement of knowledge across industrial, disciplinary, and regional boundaries. The SRI TAT has developed a methodology that includes adaptive engineering of the aerospace technology and commercialization when a market is indicated. The SRI Team has handled highway problems on a regional rather than a state basis, because many states in similar climatic or geologic regions have similar problems. Program exposure has been increased to encompass almost all of the fifty states

    Compressed television transmission: A market survey

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    NASA's compressed television transmission technology is described, and its potential market is considered; a market that encompasses teleconferencing, remote medical diagnosis, patient monitoring, transit station surveillance, as well as traffic management and control. In addition, current and potential television transmission systems and their costs and potential manufacturers are considered

    Technology transfer: Transportation

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    The successful application of aerospace technology to problems related to highways and rail and rapid transit systems is described with emphasis on the use of corrosion resistant paints, fire retardant materials, and law enforcement. Possible areas for the use of spinoff from NASA technology by the California State Department of Corrections are identified. These include drug detection, security and warning systems, and the transportation and storage of food. A communication system for emergency services is also described

    Suggested approach for establishing a rehabilitation engineering information service for the state of California

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    An ever expanding body of rehabilitation engineering technology is developing in this country, but it rarely reaches the people for whom it is intended. The increasing concern of state and federal departments of rehabilitation for this technology lag was the stimulus for a series of problem-solving workshops held in California during 1977. As a result of the workshops, the recommendation emerged that the California Department of Rehabilitation take the lead in the development of a coordinated delivery system that would eventually serve the entire state and be a model for similar systems across the nation

    Determinants of physical activity in adult population vs. existing recommendations

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    praca podwójnie recenzowana, czasopismo indeksowane w Index Copernicus/ double reviewed paper (double-blind review process), journal indexed in Index CopernicusPurpose: The aim of the study is to assess the determinants, level and type of physical activity undertaken by adults in relation to the recommendations on physical activity. Basic procedures: The study group consisted of 225 people aged 18-68 years. Selection of the sample was stratified. As the research technique the Polish version of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) was used, short version. For statistical analysis, Statistica 10 PL was used. In all analyses considered relevant were those effects, for which the level of test probability p was lower than the assumed relevance level a = 0.05 (p <0.05). Main findings: The study shows that women practice less intensively and for shorter time than men. As in the case of gender and physical activity, there is a significant difference (p=0.0170) as far as the type of education, and frequency of undertaking intense and moderate physical activity are concerned. People with a secondary education undertake both intense and moderate physical activity more often and for longer periods of time, in comparison to people with higher and primary education. The research shows that physical activity levels do not increase with the education level. There is not a statistically significant difference between profession and the degree of intensity of exercise. Conclusions: There is a significant correlation between gender and education, and performed physical activity. Age and profession are not factors determining the level of physical activity.Czasopismo (publikacja) współfinansowane przez Ministerstwo Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższeg

    Technology transfer: Transportation

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    The application of NASA derived technology in solving problems related to highways, railroads, and other rapid systems is described. Additional areas/are identified where space technology may be utilized to meet requirements related to waterways, law enforcement agencies, and the trucking and recreational vehicle industries

    An Analysis of Solar Panel Assembly as a Prison Industry

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    An analysis of the effect of manufacturing solar collectors by California prison inmates is presented. It was concluded that the concept is feasible and would have little adverse effect on the private sector's solar industry