375 research outputs found

    Un exemple de romanisation en Bétique: les temples dans l’urbanisme des cités

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    C’est le rapport entre romanisation et constructions religieuses dans les cités de la province romaine de Bétique qui est analysé ici. L’archéologie, l’épigraphie et les oeuvres littéraires sont nos principales sources dans ce travail. Elles permettent de dégager une typologie des temples de la conquête romaine à la chute de l’empire. A partir de cette typologie, deux catégories de constructions apparaissent lorsque que l’on associe romanisation et édifices religieux : les temples sont à la fois un moyen d’ancrer la romanisation sur un territoire nouvellement conquis et un résultat de ce phénomène dans l’ancienne province romaine de Bétique.Este artículo analiza la relación entre romanización y edificios religiosos en las ciudades de la provincia romana de la Bética. Arqueología, epigrafía y obras literarias son las tres fuentes que nos permiten hacer este trabajo. Gracias a estas fuentes podemos establecer una clasificación de templos que van desde el comienzo de la conquista romana hasta la desaparición del imperio. Dos categorías de construcciones aparecen cuando romanización y edificios religiosos se encuentran: los templos son, a la vez, un medio de asegurar la romanización de un territorio recientemente conquistado y el resultado de este fenómeno en las antiguas provincias romanas de la Bétic

    Déclassement des jeunes et politiques de l'emploi. Exploration de l'enquête "Génération 98" du Céreq

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    URL des Cahiers : https://halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr/CAHIERS-MSECahiers de la MSE 2005.17 - Série rouge - ISSN : 1624-0340This research takes an interest to the gap between employment and education of young people in the survey "Generation 98" of Cereq. This research compares the positions of young people who are recruited on jobs with "classic" status and "subsidised" jobs. A lot of people are downgrading because their level of education are superior to the level of job's qualification. A statistical method (match between qualifications and socio-economic group) is confronted with a subjective approach (the person interviewed feels downgraded or not). These different approaches suggest that downgrading is an important phenomenon, it is more strong in "classic" labour market than in the "subsidised" jobs. This fact testifies to the strong selection of the employers. The hypothesis is that relegate position is a queueing problem in the labour market and the "subsidised" jobs influence the competition for job.Cette étude s'intéresse aux décalages entre l'emploi et la formation des jeunes présents dans l'enquête "Génération 98" du Céreq et compare les situations des jeunes qui bénéficient d'un emploi aidé ou "normal". Afin de percevoir plusieurs visages du déclassement, une approche statistique, fixant des normes, est confrontée à une approche subjective, telle qu'elle est ressentie par les salariés. L'étude des décalages entre la catégorie socioprofessionnelle de l'emploi et le niveau de diplôme des jeunes montre que, jusqu'au niveau bac+2, les emplois aidés préservent du déclassement. Pour autant, les bénéficiaires des mesures pour l'emploi se sentent plus souvent que les autres employés en dessous de leur niveau de compétence. L'hypothèse est que le déclassement peut s'analyser comme un problème de file d'attente et que les emplois aidés agissent sur les phénomènes de concurrence pour l'emploi

    Typology of early professional careers and perceived discrimination for young people of foreign origin

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    This research focuses on individuals who consider they have been victims of discrimination. The aim is to look at the feeling of discrimination and to assess its effects on career paths seven years after leaving school. Taking data from the Class of 98 (Génération 98) survey by the Céreq, we used the method for grouping self-organising maps (Kohonen's algorithm), supplemented by an econometric analysis to distinguish eight major classes of career paths. In parallel, an interview survey was conducted. The results show a segmentation of career paths at two levels. On the one hand, young people of foreign origin who experienced discrimination are over-represented in certain paths, characterised by unemployment, temping or precarious work (inter- class segmentation). On the other hand, strong inequalities exist within those paths which provide rapid access to stabe employment, as persons obtain lower-quality jobs (intra-class segmentation).Labor economics, segmentation, discrimination, youth, France.

    Evolution des salaires dans la crise : quels sont les liens avec l'externalisation de la production et la financiarisation du capital ?

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    URL des Documents de travail : http://ces.univ-paris1.fr/cesdp/cesdp2015.htmlDocuments de travail du Centre d'Economie de la Sorbonne 2015.70 - ISSN : 1955-611XOur analysis related to the transformation of the relationship between wages and qualification in the context of the financialization of business and employment development in services. Our inquiry is focused on the transformation of labor management forms by firms in France. Segmentation theory of the labor market renders this goal by differentiating workforce management forms. Our main objective here is to look for the very structural causes of the segmentation shift for specific jobs, especially causes related to business environment change (international competition, financialization and emerging needs, in particular).Notre problématique est centrée sur les transformations des modes de mobilisation de la main d'œuvre par les entreprises. La théorie de la segmentation du marché du travail en rend compte, en différenciant les modes de gestion de la main d'œuvre à l'intérieur des grandes entreprises. Depuis, la crise du fordisme, le mode d'accumulation a évolué et avec lui, les modes de gestion de la main d'œuvre. Ces transformations se réalisent dans le contexte de financiarisation des grandes entreprises et de leur globalisation. Ce contexte conduit à une déconcentration productive, avec le développement de la sous-traitance notamment, et une concentration financière qui passe par le développement des groupes. Ces évolutions redistribuent les différents emplois et qualifications, et donc ensuite, la main d'œuvre, entre les entreprises de taille différente et les secteurs. Nous questionnons ici les effets de ces groupes d'entreprises différenciés selon leur secteur/taille sur les salaires. Pour ce faire, nous calculons des ratios de salaire, soit le rapport entre le salaire individuel et sa moyenne pour la catégorie socioprofessionnelle de l'individu. Certains effets structurels sur la période 2008-2011 sont ainsi mis en évidence

    Effets de la crise sur les conditions de retour Ă  l'emploi

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    International audienceThis paper focuses on jobs found by formerly unemployed in 2007 and in 2009 (i.e. before and during the crisis). A coincident indicator of the " quality " of these jobs has been set; it is based on variables such as: length of occupation, full- or part-time status, working time, and wage. Risks of short-term and badly paid jobs have also been explored. It appears that economic crisis involves a worsening of back to employment situation.L'étude est centrée sur les caractéristiques des emplois retrouvés à la sortie du chômage en 2007 (avant la crise) et 2009 (pendant la crise). Afin de tester la qualité des emplois acceptés par les anciens chômeurs, nous avons construit un indicateur synthétique qui prend en compte à la fois la durée du contrat, le temps de travail, les horaires de travail et la rémunération. Le risque d'occuper un emploi à bas salaire et de courte durée a ensuite été testé. Au regard de ces critères, nos résultats montrent l'ampleur de la sortie du chômage sur un emploi de " mauvaise qualité "

    Quel métier à la sortie du chômage

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    International audienceCet article est centrée sur la nature des métiers sur lesquels les chômeurs ont été embauchés que nous comparons à la population en emploi en 2009. Ce segment du marché du travail présente des caractéristiques contrastées : certaines sorties du chômage se réalisent dans des conditions favorables (CDI à temps plein, bien rémunérés, où les personnes se déclarent satisfaites) et d'autres s'effectuent dans un contexte de précarité que nous proposons ici de mieux cerner. Hormis les contrats courts très fréquents, cette précarité concerne aussi une part non négligeable de CDI

    Le risque d'occuper un emploi de mauvaise qualité à la sortie du chômage

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    URL des Documents de travail : http://centredeconomiesorbonne.univ-paris1.fr/bandeau-haut/documents-de-travail/Documents de travail du Centre d'Economie de la Sorbonne 2012.73 - ISSN : 1955-611XThis paper focuses on jobs found by formerly unemployed people ; it is based on the 2007 and 2009 " leaving unemployment " surveys. A review of recent studies about job quality shows the importance of multi-dimensional approaches. Yet few research works are concerned with job quality of formerly unemployed people. A coincident indicator of this " quality " has therefore been set ; it is based on variables such as : term of contract, full- or part-time status, working time, and wages. Risks of short-term and badly paid jobs have also been explored. It appears that leaving unemployment leads massively to low quality jobs.L'étude porte sur les caractéristiques des emplois retrouvés après le chômage, en exploitant l'enquête " Sortants des listes des demandeurs d'emploi " en 2007 et 2009. Un passage en revue des travaux récents centrés sur la qualité de l'emploi montre l'intérêt d'une approche multidimensionnelle et aussi l'actualité des débats sur cette question en termes de politiques publiques. Dans ce contexte, peu de travaux s'intéressent à la qualité des emplois acceptés par les anciens chômeurs. Afin d'apprécier leur qualité, nous avons construit un indicateur synthétique qui prend en compte à la fois la rémunération, la durée du contrat, le temps de travail et les horaires de travail. Le risque d'occuper un emploi de " mauvaise qualité " a ensuite été testé au regard de ces critères. Nos résultats montrent l'ampleur des emplois de " mauvaise qualité " pour les personnes qui sortent du chômage et permettent d'identifier les facteurs d'exposition à ce risque

    Mobilité professionnelle : une approche en termes de segmentation

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    International audienceThe article analyses how the changes in firm's human resources practices shaped the dynamics of labour market segmentation in France. The survey FQP 2003 is rich information to describe jobs. It offers classic information as the sector or the size of the company and also more original information on the concrete conditions of job as the use of the information technology, the rate of work, the contact with the public, the type of hierarchical control... We exploiting this information to analyze the link between characteristics of job and security of the careers. The work references of persons in salaried employment in 1998, notably on the nature and content of the post, made it possible to better characterize their trajectories over a five-year period. These movements of mobility could have reflected a transformation of internal labor markets rather than their decline.Cet article s'intéresse à la configuration de la segmentation du marché du travail français en cherchant à caractériser les types de mobilité professionnelle. L'analyse est menée sur la période 1998-2003 au moyen de l'enquête sur la formation et la qualification professionnelle (FQP) de 2003. Cette enquête de l'Insee offre des informations classiques telles que le secteur ou la taille de l'entreprise mais aussi des informations plus originales sur les conditions concrètes de l'emploi comme l'utilisation des TIC, les cadences de travail, le type de contrôle hiérarchique.... Nos résultats font apparaître des espaces de mobilité fortement différenciés : depuis les carrières internes à l'entreprise conjuguant sécurité de l'emploi et du revenu aux parcours externes ascendants, en passant par des mobilités risquées car exposées au chômage durable ou à la baisse du revenu. La mobilité choisie s'oppose ici clairement à la mobilité subie

    Green composites from castor oil and renewable reinforcing materials: maleated castor oil-polystyrene matrix reinforced with greige fibre

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    The need to find biodegradable alternatives for common polymer materials has risen due to the increase in pollution (soil and water) and the effects that it has on the ocean and wildlife. Alternatives can be found by turning to plant-based oils, for example castor oil, to be used in the synthesis of a variety of monomers. Castor oil is suitable as it is non-edible; thus its use does not deplete food sources and it has high chemical reactivity. In this study, medical grade castor oil was maleated by the addition of maleic anhydride to form maleated castor oil (MACO). This reaction was performed at 98 ˚C for five hours. The completion of the reaction was monitored using acid value. The maleated castor oil was reacted with styrene monomer (at 60 ˚C) and thermally cured to form a tough but flexible polymer (MACOPS). Curing took place for two hours at 90 ˚C, two hours at 120 ˚C and 1 hour at 160 ˚C. Additionally, the synthesized polymer matrix was reinforced with alkalized greige fibres (consisting of a hemp and cotton mix) using a hand lay-up process. Mechanical tests - tensile, flexural and impact strength - were performed on the neat and reinforced polymer. Comparison tests (to determine mechanical properties) were also conducted on commercial general purpose polystyrene (GPPS) and high impact polystyrene (HIPS). Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was performed on the tensile fracture surfaces of the reinforced matrix. The crosslink density, contact angles and density of the synthesized polymer were determined. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) was used to determine the glass transition temperature(s) of the synthesized and commercial polymers. Thermogravimetry was performed on the synthesized matrix as well as the commercial polymers to determine operating temperatures. Raman spectroscopy was used to obtain structural information on the synthesized polymer as well as confirm the successful completion of the maleation reaction. To test for the compostability of the maleated castor oil-polystyrene polymer matrix, biodegradability tests were conducted for a period of ten weeks. The degraded samples underwent tensile testing and the contact angles were determined. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) was used to see the distribution of polystyrene throughout HIPS and the MACOPS matrix. The acid value at the start of the reaction was 80.1/100 mgNaOH and at the end of the reaction the acid value decreased to 74.7/100 mgNaOH. A decrease in acid value indicated that the maleic anhydride stopped reacting at the end of the reaction. An increase in viscosity of the mixture served as an indication that the maleation reaction did take place. ASTM D6110 was used for the Charpy impact test. HIPS performed as expected with the highest impact strength of 58.4 kJ/m2 . The addition of MACO to styrene monomer led to an increase in the toughness of the end product. An increase was observed for both the MACOPS and reinforced MACOPS compared to GPPS. MACOPS and reinforced MACOPS had impact strengths of 41.5 kJ/m2 and 45.0 kJ/m2 respectively. The addition of the reinforcing greige fibres did not significantly improve the impact strength. GPPS had the lowest impact strength of 33.9 kJ/m2 . Tensile tests were conducted according to ASTM D638. For MACOPS an ultimate tensile strength (UTS) of 23.0 MPa and a Young's modulus of 983 MPa were found. GPPS on the other hand had a much higher UTS and Young's modulus of 44.8 MPa and 3.3 GPa respectively. Once again the MACOPS had tensile properties closer to those of HIPS. The UTS and Young's modulus of HIPS was 13.5 MPa and 1.5 GPa respectively. The reinforced MACOPS did not perform very well under tension with a UTS of 13.1 MPa and a Young's modulus of only 283 MPa. The theoretical modulus of the composite was calculated using the Rule of Mixtures and the Halpin-Tsai model to determine the efficiency of the greige fibres as reinforcement. The efficiency was determined to be less than 30%. Flexural tests were conducted according to ASTM D7264. A significant difference in the flexibility of the synthesized polymer was found when compared to GPPS. MACOPS had a maximum flexural strength of 22.1 MPa whereas GPPS had a flexural strength of 74.4 MPa. The MACOPS had flexural properties closer to that of HIPS which had a flexural strength of 27.2 MPa. The reinforced MACOPS had a flexural strength of 12.2 MPa. This was ascribed to the presence of significant delamination. GPPS and HIPS have no crosslinks between the polymer chains. A crosslink density of 2.1 x 10-3 mol/cm3 was determined for the MACOPS matrix. This could point to co-polymer formation between MACO and polystyrene. Raman spectroscopy was used to determine if the maleation of castor oil took place successfully. Maleic anhydride has signature absorption bands at 1850 cm-1 and 1790 cm-1 . These peaks were absent in the MACO spectrum, which suggests complete reaction. Signature peaks of both the MACO and GPPS were present in the spectrum of MACOPS. This also may point to co-polymer formation. A Raman map of MACOPS showed uniform distribution of polystyrene throughout the sample whereas HIPS had numerous gaps where polystyrene was of low intensity. This points to the presence of sections containing polybutadiene. Therefore MACOPS can be characterized as either a co-polymer or an interpenetrating polymer network. MACOPS displayed two glass transition temperatures (Tg) when analyzed with DSC. A small (low intensity) glass transition temperature peak was observed at 93.2 °C and a second of higher intensity at 54.9 ˚C. Two glass transition temperature can point to an interpenetrating polymer network. The Tg of 54.9 ˚C was assigned to a co-polymer. The Tg of 93.2 ˚C is possibly due to a small amount of homo-polymerized polystyrene. Due to the fact that the glass transition temperature is relatively close to ambient temperature, the matrix is relatively flexible but not elastomeric; hard and tough but not very brittle. Thermogravimetry indicated a thermal degradation onset temperature of 336 °C for the MACOPS matrix. The onset temperature for thermal degradation of MACOPS is lower than those of HIPS and GPPS. After biodegradability testing, no significant loss in mechanical properties was observed for the MACOPS matrix and reinforced composite. MACOPS showed the most mass loss (10.4%) in comparison with the other materials. A significant decrease was seen in the contact angle measurements of the degraded reinforced MACOPS. The contact angle decreased from 88˚ (original) to 54.2˚ (degraded). This points to surface changes as a result of degradation that decreases the hydrophobicity of the material. It can be seen that the addition of MACO to styrene monomer most likely results in an IPN with a degree of crosslinking. The properties of this matrix is closer to those of HIPS than GPPS. The matrix is hard, tough and more flexible than GPPS. At room temperature the MACOPS matrix is used just above its glass transition temperature. Reinforcing the matrix with greige fibres led to a decrease in mechanical properties. Thus the fibres acted only as a filler. The synthesized MACOPS matrix is hydrophilic and shows no significant degradation when placed in compost after a period of 10 weeks

    Quelles sont les contraintes qui pèsent sur les mobilités professionnelles ?

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    URL des Documents de travail : http://centredeconomiesorbonne.univ-paris1.fr/bandeau-haut/document-de-travail/Documents de travail du Centre d'Economie de la Sorbonne 2010.99 - ISSN : 1955-611XThe article analyses how the changes in firm's human resources practices shaped the dynamics of labour market segmentation in France. The survey FQP 2003 contains a rich information to describe jobs. It offers standard information as the sector or the size of the company and also more original information on the concrete conditions of job as the use of the TIC, the rate of work, the contact with the public, the type of hierarchical control... Our approach focused on the permanent contracts. We exploit this information to analyze the link between job characteristics and security of the careers. This work refers to people in salaried employment in 1998, notably on the nature and content of the workstation, enabling to better characterize their trajectories over a five-year period. These movements of mobility could have reflected a transformation of internal labor markets rather than their decline.Cet article s'intéresse à la configuration de la segmentation du marché du travail français en cherchant à caractériser les types de mobilité professionnelle. L'analyse est menée sur la période 1998-2003 au moyen de l'enquête sur la formation et la qualification professionnelle (FQP, Insee) de 2003. Cette exploitation porte spécifiquement sur les mobilités professionnelles des personnes en contrat à durée indéterminée (CDI). Nos résultats font apparaître des espaces de mobilité fortement différenciés : depuis les carrières internes à l'entreprise conjuguant sécurité de l'emploi et du revenu aux parcours externes ascendants, en passant par des mobilités risquées car exposées au chômage durable ou à une baisse du revenu. La mobilité choisie s'oppose ici clairement à la mobilité subie
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