219 research outputs found

    Serum high-sensitivity C-reactive protein levels in comorbid patients with type-2 diabetes mellitus and periodontal disease

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    Purpose: To investigate the relationship between serum levels of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) and the severity of periodontal disease in diabetics with periodontitis.Methods: Ninety patients were recruited for this study. They were divided into three groups, namely, group 1 (30 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and periodontal disease), group II (30 patients with T2DM only) and control (30 healthy individuals). Serum levels of hs-CRP and glycosylated hemoglobin (HbAc) were determined. Moreover, blood glucose (BG) and insulin (FNS) levels were determined in the fasted state, and their values used to compute insulin resistance index (Homa-IR).Results: Serum levels of FNS, FPG, HbAc and Homa-IR in group I patients were significantly higher (p < 0.05) than those of control group. While the levels of BG and Homa-IR in the serum of patients in groups I and II were significantly higher (p < 0.05) than those of control, marked reductions were seen in their values in group II, relative to group I. The serum levels of hs-CRP in group I and II were significantly increased (p < 0.05) relative to control, but were lower in group II than in group I (p < 0.05). Homa-IR was positively correlated with serum hs-CRP, FNS, BG, HbAc, and Homa-IR in groups I and II. Results from multiple regression analysis revealed significant effects of hs-CRP and HbAc on Homa-IR.Conclusion: Serum levels of hs-CRP in patients with T2DM and periodontitis are closely related to disease severity, insulin resistance and blood glucose level.Keywords: Type-2 diabetes mellitus, Periodontal disease, High-sensitivity C-reactive protein, Blood glucose, Insulin resistance, Correlatio

    A novel and simple method for construction of recombinant adenoviruses

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    Recombinant adenoviruses have been widely used for various applications, including protein expression and gene therapy. We herein report a new and simple cloning approach to an efficient and robust construction of recombinant adenoviral genomes based on the mating-assisted genetically integrated cloning (MAGIC) strategy. The production of recombinant adenovirus serotype 5-based vectors was greatly facilitated by the use of the MAGIC procedure and the development of the Adeasyâ„¢ adenoviral vector system. The recombinant adenoviral plasmid can be generated by a direct and seamless substitution, which replaces the stuff fragment in a full-length adenoviral genome with the gene of interest in a small plasmid in Escherichia coli. Recombinant adenoviral plasmids can be rapidly constructed in vivo by using the new method, without manipulations of the large adenoviral genome. In contrast to other traditional systems, it reduces the need for multiple in vitro manipulations, such as endonuclease cleavage, ligation and transformation, thus achieving a higher efficiency with negligible background. This strategy has been proven to be suitable for constructing an adenoviral cDNA expression library. In summary, the new method is highly efficient, technically less demanding and less labor-intensive for constructing recombinant adenoviruses, which will be beneficial for functional genomic and proteomic researches in mammalian cells

    Psychometric properties of the FACT-G quality of life scale for family caregivers of cancer patients

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    Purpose This study aimed to examine psychometric properties of a caregiver version of the well-established Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-General Scale (FACT-G) after conducting focus groups and obtaining expert input. Methods We made minor wording modifications to the Patient FACT-G to enable caregivers to report how the illness affected their overall quality of life (QOL) and well-being on four subscales (physical, social, emotional, functional). We tested the acceptability, precision, factor structure, reliability and validity of the Caregiver FACT-G among partners of prostate cancer patients (N = 263) and caregivers (spouses, siblings, adult children) of patients with advanced cancer (breast, lung, colorectal, prostate) (N = 484) using data from two Randomized Clinical Trials (RCTs). Results With a factor structure similar to the Patient FACT-G, Caregiver FACT-G was acceptable and precise in measuring caregiver QOL, with high inter-factor correlations and internal consistency reliability (Cronbach’s alphas 0.81–0.91). The Caregiver FACT-G had strong convergent validity demonstrated by significant positive correlations with caregiver self-efficacy (0.25–0.63), dyadic communication (0.18–0.51), and social support (0.18–0.54) in both samples. It also had strong discriminant validity evidenced by significant inverse correlations with negative appraisal of caregiving (− 0.37 to − 0.69), uncertainty (− 0.28 to − 0.53), hopelessness (− 0.25 to − 0.60), and avoidant coping (− 0.26 to − 0.58) in both samples. Caregivers’ baseline FACT-G scores were significantly associated with their physical (0.23) and mental well-being (0.54; 4-month follow-up) and their depression (− 0.69; 3-month follow-up), indicating strong predictive validity. Conclusion This is the first study evaluating the psychometric properties of the Caregiver FACT-G. More psychometric testing is warranted, especially among caregivers of diverse sociocultural backgrounds

    Water and nitrogen availability co-control ecosystem CO2 exchange in a semiarid temperate steppe

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    Both water and nitrogen (N) availability have significant effects on ecosystem CO2 exchange (ECE), which includes net ecosystem productivity (NEP), ecosystem respiration (ER) and gross ecosystem photosynthesis (GEP). How water and N availability influence ECE in arid and semiarid grasslands is still uncertain. A manipulative experiment with additions of rainfall, snow and N was conducted to test their effects on ECE in a semiarid temperate steppe of northern China for three consecutive years with contrasting natural precipitation. ECE increased with annual precipitation but approached peak values at different precipitation amount. Water addition, especially summer water addition, had significantly positive effects on ECE in years when the natural precipitation was normal or below normal, but showed trivial effect on GEP when the natural precipitation was above normal as effects on ER and NEP offset one another. Nitrogen addition exerted non-significant or negative effects on ECE when precipitation was low but switched to a positive effect when precipitation was high, indicating N effect triggered by water availability. Our results indicate that both water and N availability control ECE and the effects of future precipitation changes and increasing N deposition will depend on how they can change collaboratively in this semiarid steppe ecosystem

    The impacts of precipitation increase and nitrogen addition on soil respiration in a semiarid temperate steppe

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    Soil respiration, Rs, is strongly controlled by water availability in semiarid grasslands. However, how Rs is affected by precipitation change (either as rainfall or as snowfall) especially under increasing nitrogen (N) deposition has been uncertain. A manipulative experiment to investigate the responses of growing season Rs to changes in spring snowfall or summer rainfall with or without N addition was conducted in the semiarid temperate steppe of China during three hydrologically contrasting years. Our results showed that both spring snow addition and summer water addition significantly increased Rs by increasing soil moisture. The effect of spring snow addition only occurred in years with both relatively lower natural snowfall and later snowmelt time. Summer water addition showed a much stronger effect on Rs by increasing plant root growth and microbial activities, but the magnitude also largely depended on the possible legacy effect of previous year precipitation. Our results indicated that precipitation increase in the form of snowfall had weaker effects than that in the form of rainfall as the former only accounted for less than 30% of total precipitation. Compared with other ecosystem processes, Rs was less responsible for increase in N deposition as it did not increase root productivity and microbial activities in the soils. Our results provided field data constraints for modeling the ecosystem carbon balance under the future global change scenarios in semiarid grasslands

    Pilot randomized trial of an electronic symptom monitoring and reporting intervention for hospitalized adults undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation

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    Purpose: Patients undergoing a hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HCT) have varied symptoms during their hospitalization. This study examined whether daily symptom reporting (with electronic patient-reported outcomes [PROs]) in an inpatient bone marrow transplant clinic reduced symptom burden on post-transplant days +7, +10, and +14. Methods: A prospective, single-institution1:1 pilot randomized, two-arm study recruited HCT patients. HCT inpatients (N=76) reported daily on 16 common symptoms using the PRO version of the Common Terminology for Adverse Events (PRO-CTCAE). Fisher’s exact test was used to examine differences in the proportion of patients reporting individual symptoms. Multivariable linear regression modeling was used to examine group differences in peak symptom burden, while controlling for symptom burden at baseline, age, comorbidity, and transplantation type (autologous or allogeneic). Results: HCT patients receiving the PRO intervention also experienced lower peak symptom burden (average of 16 symptoms) at days +7, +10, and +14 (10.4 vs 14.5, p =0.03). Conclusions: Daily use of electronic symptom reporting to nurses in an inpatient bone marrow transplant clinic reduced peak symptom burden and improved individual symptoms during the two weeks post-transplant. A multi-site site trial is warranted to demonstrate the generalizability, efficacy, and value of this intervention

    Acupuncture Modulates the Functional Connectivity of the Default Mode Network in Stroke Patients

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    Abundant evidence from previous fMRI studies on acupuncture has revealed significant modulatory effects at widespread brain regions. However, few reports on the modulation to the default mode network (DMN) of stroke patients have been investigated in the field of acupuncture. To study the modulatory effects of acupuncture on the DMN of stroke patients, eight right hemispheric infarction and stable ischemic stroke patients and ten healthy subjects were recruited to undergo resting state fMRI scanning before and after acupuncture stimulation. Functional connectivity analysis was applied with the bilateral posterior cingulate cortices chosen as the seed regions. The main finding demonstrated that the interregional interactions between the ACC and PCC especially enhanced after acupuncture at GB34 in stroke patients, compared with healthy controls. The results indicated that the possible mechanisms of the modulatory effects of acupuncture on the DMN of stroke patients could be interpreted in terms of cognitive ability and motor function recovery

    CdSe Quantum Dot (QD)-Induced Morphological and Functional Impairments to Liver in Mice

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    Quantum dots (QDs), as unique nanoparticle probes, have been used in in vivo fluorescence imaging such as cancers. Due to the novel characteristics in fluorescence, QDs represent a family of promising substances to be used in experimental and clinical imaging. Thus far, the toxicity and harmful health effects from exposure (including environmental exposure) to QDs are not recognized, but are largely concerned by the public. To assess the biological effects of QDs, we established a mouse model of acute and chronic exposure to QDs. Results from the present study suggested that QD particles could readily spread into various organs, and liver was the major organ for QD accumulation in mice from both the acute and chronic exposure. QDs caused significant impairments to livers from mice with both acute and chronic QD exposure as reflected by morphological alternation to the hepatic lobules and increased oxidative stress. Moreover, QDs remarkably induced the production of intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) along with cytotoxicity, as characterized by a significant increase of the malondialdehyde (MDA) level within hepatocytes. However, the increase of the MDA level in response to QD treatment could be partially blunted by the pre-treatment of cells with beta-mercaptoethanol (β-ME). These data suggested ROS played a crucial role in causing oxidative stress-associated cellular damage from QD exposure; nevertheless other unidentified mediators might also be involved in QD-mediated cellular impairments. Importantly, we demonstrated that the hepatoxicity caused by QDs in vivo and in vitro was much greater than that induced by cadmium ions at a similar or even a higher dose. Taken together, the mechanism underlying QD-mediated biological influences might derive from the toxicity of QD particles themselves, and from free cadmium ions liberated from QDs as well
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