15 research outputs found

    8th International symposium on delivery of functionality in complex food systems (DOF 2019)

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    [Excerpt] The timeless statement “tell me what you eat and I will tell you what you are”, written by Brillat-Savarin in 1825 in one of the most important early books on digestion, The Physiology of Taste, these days addresses new and exciting perspectives. Accumulating research makes us realize that in order to be healthy, we must ensure our food delivers health-promoting nutrients and bioactive components that are ideally tailored to our individual needs. Functional foods, recognized now for several decades, are those that deliver health benefits beyond our basic nutritional needs. The numerous challenges facing food scientists and technologists include identifying effective nutraceuticals, extracting them, protecting them against damage during processing, shelf life and digestion, and enhancing their bioavailability and bioefficacy, without adversely affecting the food product’s safety and sensory properties. [...]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Novel Selectively Targeted Multifunctional Nanostructured Lipid Carriers for Prostate Cancer Treatment

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    Prostate cancer (PC) is the most common cancer in men over 50 and the 4th most prevalent human malignancy. PC treatment may include surgery, androgen deprivation therapy, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. However, the therapeutic efficacy of systemic chemotherapy is limited due to low drug solubility and insufficient tumor specificity, inflicting toxic side effects and frequently provoking the emergence of drug resistance. Towards the efficacious treatment of PC, we herein developed novel selectively PC-targeted nanoparticles (NPs) harboring a cytotoxic drug cargo. This delivery system is based upon PEGylated nanostructured lipid carriers (NLCs), decorated with a selective ligand, targeted to prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA). NPs loaded with cabazitaxel (CTX) displayed a remarkable loading capacity of 168 ± 3 mg drug/g SA-PEG, encapsulation efficiency of 67 ± 1%, and an average diameter of 159 ± 3 nm. The time-course of in vitro drug release from NPs revealed a substantial drug retention profile compared to the unencapsulated drug. These NPs were selectively internalized into target PC cells overexpressing PSMA, and displayed a dose-dependent growth inhibition compared to cells devoid of the PSMA receptor. Remarkably, these targeted NPs exhibited growth-inhibitory activity at pM CTX concentrations, being markedly more potent than the free drug. This selectively targeted nano-delivery platform bears the promise of enhanced efficacy and minimal untoward toxicity

    Targeted Nanoparticles Harboring Jasmine-Oil-Entrapped Paclitaxel for Elimination of Lung Cancer Cells

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    Selectively targeted drug delivery systems are preferable chemotherapeutic platforms, as they specifically deliver the drug cargo into tumor cells, while minimizing untoward toxic effects. However, these delivery systems suffer from insufficient encapsulation efficiency (EE), encapsulation capacity (EC), and premature drug release. Herein, we coencapsulated paclitaxel (PTX) and Jasmine oil (JO) within PEG-PCL nanoparticles (NPs), with an average diameter < 50 nm, selectively targeted to non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) cells, via S15-aptamer (APT) decoration. JO was selected as an “adhesive” oily core to enhance PTX entrapment, as JO and PTX share similar hydrophobicity and terpenoid structure. JO markedly enhanced EE of PTX from 23% to 87.8% and EC from 35 ± 6 to 74 ± 8 µg PTX/mg PEG-PCL. JO also markedly increased the residual amount of PTX after 69 h, from 18.3% to 65%. Moreover, PTX cytotoxicity against human NSCLC A549 cells was significantly enhanced due to the co-encapsulation with JO; the IC50 value for PTX encapsulated within JO-containing APT-NPs was 20-fold lower than that for APT-NPs lacking JO. Remarkably, JO-containing APT-NPs displayed a 6-fold more potent cell-killing, relatively to the free-drug. Collectively, these findings reveal a marked synergistic contribution of JO to the cytotoxic activity of APT-NP-based systems, for targeted PTX delivery against NSCLC, which may be readily applied to various hydrophobic chemotherapeutics

    Re-assembled casein micelles improve in vitro bioavailability of vitamin D in a Caco-2 cell model

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    The pandemic of vitamin D (VD) deficiency, and the global rise in obesity stimulate a need for staple low-fat foods and beverages enriched with VD. In light of consumer demand for a clean label, the use of natural endogenous food ingredients as delivery vehicles is of great interest. To this end, re-assembled casein micelles (rCM) have been shown to help retain VD during processing and shelf life and provide high bioavailability in low-fat milk and non-fat yoghurt. This follow-up study focused on the performance of VD-loaded rCM after drying and reconstitution, considering VD retention during simulated digestion, and the subsequent in vitro bioavailability of the vitamin. rCM conferred great protection to VD3 during simulated digestion with a significant increase in vitamin retention for 1 h under gastric conditions. This observation is believed to arise from the vitamin-casein binding and the system's natural gelation (curd formation) near the casein isoelectric point that seclude the vitamin from environmental stressors and couple its release with digestive proteolysis of the rCM matrix. Vitamin absorption by Caco-2 cells from digested rCM was not significantly different from the absorption of the digested free VD. However, thanks to the highly protective effect of the rCM, against VD gastric degradation, the overall effect of the rCM was a 4-fold higher bioavailability, compared to the free VD

    Cancer cell-selective, clathrin-mediated endocytosis of aptamer decorated nanoparticles

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    Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer mortality worldwide, resulting in 88% deaths of all diagnosed patients. Hence, novel therapeutic modalities are urgently needed. Single-stranded oligonucleotide-based aptamers (APTs) are excellent ligands for tumor cell targeting. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying their internalization into living cells have been poorly studied. Towards the application of APTs for active drug targeting to cancer cells, we herein studied the mechanism underlying S15-APT internalization into human non-small cell lung cancer A549 cells. We thus delineated the mode of entry of a model nanomedical system based on quantum dots (QDs) decorated with S15-APTs as a selective targeting moiety for uptake by A549 cells. These APT-decorated QDs displayed selective binding to, and internalization by target A549 cells, but not by normal human bronchial epithelial BEAS2B, cervical carcinoma (HeLa) and colon adenocarcinoma CaCo-2 cells, hence demonstrating high specificity. Flow cytometric analysis revealed a remarkably low dissociation constant of S15-APTs-decorated QDs to A549 cells (Kd = 13.1 ± 1.6 nM). Through the systematic application of a series of established inhibitors of known mechanisms of endocytosis, we show that the uptake of S15-APTs proceeds via a classical clathrin-dependent receptor-mediated endocytosis. This cancer cell-selective mode of entry could possibly be used in the future to evade plasma membranelocalized multidrug resistance efflux pumps, thereby overcoming an important mechanism of cancer multidrug resistance. © Engelberg et al

    Albumin and hyaluronic acid-coated superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles loaded with paclitaxel for biomedical applications

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    Super paramagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPION) were augmented by both hyaluronic acid (HA) and bovine serum albumin (BSA), each covalently conjugated to dopamine (DA) enabling their anchoring to the SPION. HA and BSA were found to simultaneously serve as stabilizing polymers of Fe3O4·DA-BSA/HA in water. Fe3O4·DA-BSA/HA efficiently entrapped and released the hydrophobic cytotoxic drug paclitaxel (PTX). The relative amount of HA and BSA modulates not only the total solubility but also the paramagnetic relaxation properties of the preparation. The entrapping of PTX did not influence the paramagnetic relaxation properties of Fe3O4·DA-BSA. Thus, by tuning the surface structure and loading, we can tune the theranostic properties of the system