5,717 research outputs found

    Co-orbiting mechanics

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    The motions of co-orbiting satellites is examined with reference to a free flying satellite requiring periodic servicing and an orbiting service base. The problems of differential orbit decay and nodal regression are emphasized

    Structural Analysis of the Great Smoky Thrust Sheet Along the Little Tennessee River

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    This study involves a structural analysis of a portion of the Great Smoky thrust sheet in the Great Smoky Mountains of Tennessee. Four groups of folds and related structures have been identified in this area. the earliest folds include second-order mesoscopic F1 folds with a slaty cleavage axial plane foliation (S1). These folds occur on the limbs of first-order macroscopic F1 folds which are discordant to the Great Smoky fault. In several places, the F1 folds are overprinted by mesoscopic F2 folds which are characterized by crenulation cleavage axial plane foliation (S2). F2 folds include tight to isoclinal folds with boudinage on fold limbs oriented subparallel to S2 and small, angular zigzag folds. Evidence indicates that some degree of transportation of foliations was involved in the formation of S2. Macroscopic F3 folds involve the folding of slaty cleavage (S1) and are probably related to the deformation of the Great Smoky fault surface, which resulted in its present undulatory nature. Mesoscopic F4 structures consist of kink bands and related thrust faults. At least two major episodes of deformation can be recognized in the Taconic fold belt of the Blue Ridge province. The first episode involved the formation of similar-type folds with a slaty cleavage axial plane foliation, regional metamorphism, and thrusting on the Greenbrier fault. These structural features are believed to be representative of the Taconic orogeny (430-470 m.y. ago). A second period of deformation involved the formation of folds with a crenulation or slip cleavage axial plane foliation, emplacement of the Great Smoky and Blue Ridge thrust sheets and the creation of the Gatlinburg fault system. These events have been dated as Late Paleozoic (Mississippian or Pennsylvanian). Structural elements in the area of this report can be differentiated into two major episodes of deformation. They can be integrated into the regional deformational history of the Blue Ridge in the following way. F1 folds correlated with the early period of deformation and regional metamorphism of Taconic age. F2 folds probably belong to the second period of deformation and are related to the Late Paleozoic thrust faulting. F3 and F4 postdate the Great Smoky fault

    Effect of Low Temperature on the Germination of Artificially Dried Seed Corn

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    Soil pathogens were primarily responsible for the reduction in emergence of corn seedlings following the cold treatment. The susceptibility of the seedlings to soil pathogens was much greater when the seedlings were exposed to a soil temperature of 5° C for 7 to 14 days than when they were held continuously at 20° C. Seedling emergence was in inverse relation to kernel moisture content at time of harvest. Artificial drying of the seed intensified this effect, particularly in nonsterile soil. Treatment of the seed with Arasan prior to planting completely eliminated the effect of soil pathogens on seedling emergence either with or without the cold treatment

    The Master’s Tools: Critical Pedagogy in Independent Schools as a Means of Battling Educational Determinism

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    The majority of student bodies in U.S. independent schools come from the elite, wealthier members of society, and the goals of institutions called ‘independent schools’ are largely combinations of elite college admissions success and fostering social connections with other cultural elites. Primitively, the goals of critical pedagogy in the classroom-- using critical pedagogical practices to encourage the transforming of oppressive relations of power in a variety of domains—seem inimical to the objectives of most independent schools. Yet, critical educators working at independent schools are as equally mandated as their public school counterparts to embrace and adapt critical pedagogical methodology in our classrooms, requiring the students belonging to the power group to debate and engage with all students in the classroom. This process limits the power of schools to see students as cultural capital, but rather creates a non-stratified community, so that “social mobility” becomes unnecessary, thus resisting the idea of the role of private school education as a means of becoming more social and economically mobile. Critical pedagogy in independent schools allows for a unique type of praxis that removes all students from the cycle of having to exist as cultural capital

    SPS overview: Requirements, alternatives, and reference system

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    Basic requirements for the SPS were established. The SPS is considered to be nondepletable with a large positive energy payback over its useful life, capable of base-load operation with no fundamental constraints on capacity. It is compatible with power grids, economically competitive and environmentally acceptable. It should not make excessive use of critical resources, and should be capable of development with reasonable cost, time, and risk. Several of the power generation options and equipment considered are discussed. The reference set of efficiencies defined to represent goals for each step in the power conversion-transmission-reception chain is also described

    Stewardship of the Body: A Weight Loss Ministry Addressing Gluttony in South Hills Residents

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    This paper outlines the pilot ministry project, Take Care of the Temple, a spiritual formation-based weight loss program addressing the spiritual condition of gluttony by cultivating stewardship of the body—a way of life that values, nurtures, and respects the body as God’s creation, redeemed by Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit for health, holiness, and glorifying God. This ministry’s purpose is to enable participants to develop a lifestyle of bodily stewardship through the integrated practice of healthy living habits and spiritual disciplines leading to weight loss and spiritual growth. This pilot project was administered through the Westminster Recreation and Outreach Center under the auspices of Westminster Presbyterian Church in the South Hills of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Thirteen local residents participated in this forty-day pilot ministry. There were three main components of the pilot program—an opening retreat, six weekly small group meetings, and a closing retreat. The opening retreat laid out the ministry’s theological foundation from 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.” The small group meetings provided support, accountability, and instruction in the practice of key spiritual disciplines. The closing retreat gave participants the opportunity to worship and celebrate their wellness journeys. The pilot was evaluated in the areas of program execution and overall effectiveness. The programmatic elements of the pilot functioned smoothly, and participants reported improvement in the areas of weight loss, lifestyle habits, and spiritual growth. The pilot sample was small and the ministry context limited. However, it was concluded that this pilot project could be effectively utilized in other ministry contexts to promote wellness and spiritual development. Theological Mentor: Kurt Fredrickson, PhD

    Full-body motion-based game interaction for older adults

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    Older adults in nursing homes often lead sedentary lifestyles, which reduces their life expectancy. Full-body motion-control games provide an opportunity for these adults to remain active and engaged; these games are not designed with age-related impairments in mind, which prevents the games from being leveraged to increase the activity levels of older adults. In this paper, we present two studies aimed at developing game design guidelines for full-body motion controls for older adults experiencing age-related changes and impairments. Our studies also demonstrate how full-body motion-control games can accommodate a variety of user abilities, have a positive effect on mood and, by extension, the emotional well-being of older adults. Based on our studies, we present seven guidelines for the design of full-body interaction in games. The guidelines are designed to foster safe physical activity among older adults, thereby increasing their quality of life. Copyright 2012 ACM


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    As applications for thermoplastic composites increase, the understanding of their properties become more important. Fabrication methods for thermoplastic composites continually improve to match designs specifications. These advanced thermoplastics have begun to show an improvement in mechanical properties over those found in thermoset composites commonly used in industry. Polyaryletherketones (PEK) have high service temperatures, good mechanical properties, and improved processing capabilities compared to thermoplastics used in the past making them important to the aerospace industry. The wide range of types of PEK make them suitable for a variety of applications, but selection of specific chemistries, processing parameters, and composite stack-ups determine the mechanical properties produced. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) were used to determine crystallinity and chemical properties of several polyaryletherketones. Tensile, compressive, and Mode I interlaminar fracture toughness tests were conducted to analyze mechanical properties of these advanced thermoplastics. Several fabrication processes were also tested to determine optimal consolidation and aesthetic appearance of structural members. All testing was conducted at The Boeing Company in Seattle, Washington. Because all testing and conclusions are proprietary a general synopsis of the experience will be presented

    Production Practices and Sample Costs for a Diversified Organic Vegetable Operation on the Central Coast of California

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    Organic vegetable farms on the Central Coast region of California are generally intensive operations. That is, two and sometimes three crops may be harvested off the same acreage each year. Many approaches exist for rowing and marketing organic vegetables. This publication describes the range of soil management practices, pest management, crop rotations, cover crops, and harvest and packing methods currently used by organic growers on the Central Coast of California. Marketing options and state and federal regulations governing organic commodities are also discussed. A general sequence of operations, equipment requirements, resource use, costs, yield and return ranges are presented for thirteen vegetable crops and two cover crops. The vegetables included are cabbage, cauliflower, cucumbers, garlic, lettuce (leaf and romaine), onions (red and yellow), snap peas, snow peas, bell peppers (green and red), sweet corn, and winter squash (large and small varieties). Barley and vetch are the two cover crops detailed.Crop Production/Industries,